Reporter Sharyl Attkisson Believes She’s on an Obama ‘Enemies List’

Former CBS investigative
reporter Sharyl Attkisson, who just released her book
Stonewalled: My Fight for Truth Against the Forces of
Obstruction, Intimidation, and Harassment in Obama
, has been
spilling the beans
on unsavory anti-media practices by the
Obama administration. In an interview yesterday Attkisson stated
her belief that the White House has put her “on a list” of
journalists that it targets.

The Hollywood Reporter

And why do you think they would target you as opposed to
more partisan voices, like Rush Limbaugh or Glenn

The question carries the assumption that they haven’t targeted
others. I kind of assume I’m on a list. I don’t think I’m the only
one, along with James Rosen and the Associated Press, that garnered
special attention. There’s probably a list of people.

So an enemies list, like in the Nixon

I’ve been told there is such a list, yes.

And who do you suspect is on that list?

Well, there’s an internal email that indicated reporters who
were working with leakers in government agencies or perceived as
enemies of the White House are being targeted. So I think that’s
probably accurate — anybody that they perceive as harmful to their
agenda or working with leakers and whistle-blowers, which I did a
lot of.

Do you have sources who told you the names on that list?
Is Rush Limbaugh on that list, for example?

Another reporter told me — I can’t remember who — that they
thought he was on some sort of target list, but I don’t know that
to be the case. I have someone who told me the existence of a list
but not the names on it.

The Most Transparent Administration in History has repeatedly
shown that it doesn’t live up to that self-declared title.
Reporters get shut out of meetings without reason, at least one guy
has the job title “Freedom
of Information Request Act Denial Officer
,” the Columbia
Journalism Review

that “the Obama administration has prosecuted more
people as whistleblowers under the 1917 Espionage Act than all
former presidents combined,” and in recent significant news, it was
revealed that the administration
regularly demands changes
to reports by the White House press

Nevertheless, each of Attkisson’s individual claims must be
greeted with skepticism. One of her most scandalous accusations is
that the White House bugged her computer. On Friday she released a
video that she suggests shows a hacker deleting text from a
document on her computer in real time. Computer security firm
Interhack Corp. questions Attkisson’s account and says it looks
nothing like a real hacking but more like a
stuck backspace key

Watch Reason TV’s interview with her on Benghazi, Fast and
Furious, and the decline of investigative journalism in

from Hit & Run

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