Obama Warns of Growing Anti-Semitism Around the World, Last Pre-Iowa Caucus GOP Debate Tonight, Ammon Bundy Tells Refuge Occupiers to Go Home: A.M. Links

  • President Obama warned of rising anti-Semitism in the United States and around the world in remarks he made yesterday at the Israeli Embassy on the occassion of Holocaust Remembrance Day.
  • The last Republican presidential primary debate before the Iowa caucus will be held on Fox News tonight. Something something Donald Trump, something something Ted Cruz.
  • The Pentagon is considering “military options” to deal with the rise of the Islamic State in Libya.
  • Militia leader Ammon Bundy has asked protesters who were still occupying a wildlife refuge center in Oregon to go home, as the FBI made at least three more arrests.
  • Police in Chicago deliberately sabotage their recording devices.
  • The widow of an Illinois police officer who commited suicide in a way that made it look like a homicide after he defrauded charities has been charged.
  • The president of a marketing and communications agency is upset her 30 mile UberSUV ride from Virginia to the Reagan National Airport cost her a lot more than what her neighbors told her an UberX ride would’ve cost.

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