If You’re Going To The Rio Olympics, Here’s How To Make A 56% Return ‘Legally’

Despite warnings that “your life is at risk,” the threat of Zika, a collapsing government, and rising social unrest, many will still visit Brazil this summer for the Rio Olympics. As a public service announcement, we believe that making the trip should be worthwhile for those strong-willed travelers treking to South America; and, courtesy of Deutsche Bank, we have found a ‘foolproof’ way to turn a 56% return… should you wish to.


Simple – Buy an iPhone 6 (or two) in United States (we are sure TSA will be too busy to check bags for anything less than a dozen), and then Sell them when get to Rio


While the above suggestion is not meant to be taken literally (on advice of Zero hedge counsel), it is quite shocking how expensive the most ubiquitous electronic device in America is in nations with a fraction of the living standards there… and where Tim Cook’s growth is going to be coming from.

And if you can’t sell them, then we hear the view alone is worth the price of admission…

via http://ift.tt/1TwbOmZ Tyler Durden

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