Gawker Being Shut Down, Lochte Accused of Lying (and Then Things Get Dumb), Chicago Wants to Fire Officers over Shooting: P.M. Links

  • Ryan LochteAfter purchasing the Gawker empire for $135 million, Univision has decided to shutter itself, but will keep its other sites like Deadspin and Kotaku operating.
  • So it turns out Ryan Lochte and two other Olympic swimmers made up the story about being robbed at gunpoint to hide an altercation at a gas station in Rio when they broke a bathroom door. This is what Brazilian police are saying.
  • The Justice Department says it’s going to end its contracts or reduce its use of private prisons for federal criminals. Maybe they’ll let a bunch of people go, then?
  • Yes, the U.S. withheld a $400 million payment to Iran until it released some American prisoners. Why do people keep thinking it was a ransom payment? Such a mystery.
  • Chicago Police are attempting to fire seven police officers for giving false information in the fatal 2014 shooting of Laquan McDonald.
  • “President Barack Obama is unlikely to break from a New England vacation to survey Louisiana flood damage, despite calls for him to visit.” Your move, Kanye.
  • Twitter has shut down 360,000 accounts for threatening or promoting terrorist attacks.
  • Here’s an explainer over why some American flags were ordered removed from some fire trucks in upstate New York. (Spoiler: “liability”)

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