FOMC Preview: Goldilocks Sets The Stage For Rate HIkes… Or Cuts

Tomorrow, at 2pm, the FOMC will leave its rates unchanged. As RanSquawk notes, the Fed will not publish new economic projections at this meeting (the next SEP is released in June), although the market will be closely watching whether the Fed outlines conditions that might compel the Committee to discuss lowering rates. There are some risks that the Fed might tweak its statement to reflect stronger growth and softer inflation since the last meeting, although the market has already priced in a “goldilocks” environment. There is also a small possibility the Fed could lower its IOER rate, which has been trading 4 basis points below the Effective Fed Funds rate and is in need of adjustment. Overall, the Committee’s tone is likely to remain one of patience and data dependence.

FEDERAL FUNDS RATE: Money markets have assigned a 97.5% probability that the FOMC will keep rates at 2.25-2.50% this week; there is no chance of a hike, and a very small (but not negligible) probability of a rate cut. Recently, remarks made my Charles Evans (voter, dove) have received attention, after he floated the possibility of cutting rates if inflation and inflation expectations decline further. Accordingly, Powell may be quizzed about the conditions the FOMC would need to see that would compel it to begin discussing rate cuts. Looking ahead, there is an approximately 60% chance of a rate cut this year, according to money markets pricing. Analysts at Citi stress that, as before, it does not think the Fed is planning to cut the FFR in the near-term, but instead, it is building optionality to cut rates should it need to in the future, and the hurdle for such cuts remains very low. “The Fed would mostly aim to ratify recent market pricing, but given the most recent moves there is also hawkish risk if Powell pushes  away the possibility of rate cuts this year.”

GROWTH: In its last statement (20 March) the FOMC stated that “growth of economic activity has slowed from its solid rate in the fourth quarter,” and that “recent indicators point to slower growth of household spending and business fixed investment in the first quarter.” But looking ahead, “the Committee continues to view sustained expansion of economic activity… as its most likely outcome.” Last week’s Q1 GDP report saw headline growth surprising to the upside at 3.2% Q/Q at a seasonally adjusted annualised rate (the Fed sees growth at 2.1% for 2019 as a whole), however, it was a result of large contributions from the inventory and trade components, which tend to be volatile; there is also an argument that the build-up of inventories could be seen as a negative. That said, Q1 data has historically tended to be underreported, Pantheon Macroeconomics points out (also noting recent research out of the Cleveland Fed, which suggests it is underreported by around 0.6ppts), and it would still be difficult to argue against the underlying economic momentum, at present, and there are some risks therefore that the FOMC might revise its language to reflect this. “The problem for the Fed,” Pantheon says, “is that if growth continues at anything like this pace, the labour market will tighten much further this year, and the question of rate hikes will be back on the agenda.”

INFLATION: PCE data – the Fed’s preferred measure of inflation – this week fell to 1.6% Y/Y in March (exp. 1.7%); Pantheon says this will not have gone unnoticed at the Fed; the consultancy thinks it is most likely noise than it is a signal, “but the Y/Y rate is unlikely to rise much before late summer and could easily dip further in the meantime,” and “if the Fed hikes this year, it will be because of accelerating wages, not the inflation rate at the time.” The FOMC might acknowledge the recent inflation underperformance, with possible tweaks within the statement. (The Committee’s current view: “On a 12-month basis, overall inflation has declined, largely as a result of lower energy prices; inflation for items other than food and energy remains near 2 percent. On balance, marketbased measures of inflation compensation have remained low in recent months, and survey-based measures of longer-term inflation expectations are little changed.”). “Financial markets will focus on whether Fed officials are becoming more concerned about inflation undershooting its 2% target despite economic activity rebounding from the start of the year,” NatWest Markets says, “the Fed isn’t likely to react to one month’s low print. But if core PCE inflation continues to undershoot the central bank’s 2% target over the next few months, FOMC officials may consider the need for fine-tuning interest rate cuts to push inflation higher again.” Charles Evans, a dove who votes on policy this year, recently remarked that if PCE inflation fell to the threshold of 1.5%, it should prompt discussions on the Committee about cutting interest rates. Given Evans’ policy stance, it is unlikely to be reflective of the FOMC consensus view, though Chair Powell will be asked about the extent to which this view – as well as other conditions that could compel the Fed to discuss cutting rates – is prevalent on the Committee.

IOER: Analysts note that the premium of the Effective Federal Funds Rate (EFFR) over the Interest On Excess Reserves (IOER) has widened to a record 4bps recently. Goldman Sachs observes that volume in Fed Funds trading has slipped by as much as USD 20bln over the last fortnight, with the bank suggesting it is likely a result of Federal Home Loan Banks shifting some of its lending into repo markets (banks can currently earn higher rates by lending in repo markets rather parking its cash at the Fed and earning a lower IOER rate), and the elevated repo rates have spilled over into the Fed Funds market. There are also other suggestions that it could be indicative of tight dollar liquidity in Asian markets. GS expects some of the fall-off in Fed Funds volumes to reverse, with the EFFR stabilising around 2.42-2.43% before a further erosion in reserves causes a gradual resumption in its drift higher. Goldman therefore assigns a one-in-three chance that the Fed could cut the IOER rate from the current 2.40% if the EFFR remains at 2.44%, with the bank stating that the probability might increase if the rate remained elevated into the FOMC meeting.

FINANCIAL CONDITIONS: Most regional Fed surveys have surprised to the downside in April, UBS points out, and its own model is also expecting a slower growth momentum in April. And on a broad trade-weighted dollar basis, USD is near its all-time highs. UBS says this 1) it highlights that this cycle is different than 2008, 2001; 2) the USD strength has a domestic effect, as it offsets the lower rates guidance for 2019; and if this is becoming an increasing discussion within the Fed, it would most likely appear in the press conference, and buzzword would be any focus on financial conditions

ON THE HORIZON. It is worth noting that following the rate decision, there are five 2019 policy voters scheduled to speak later in the week — Vice Chair Richard Clarida, Governor Michelle Bowman, NY Fed’s John Williams, James Bullard and Charles Evans – as well as other Fed Presidents. Looking slightly further ahead, the Fed will in June hold its ‘Conference on Monetary Policy Strategy, Tools, and Communication Practices’, a so-called ‘Fed Listens Event’); analysts will be looking for clues on the central bank’s future policy framework, which may see adjustments to the way it targets inflation, a review on the merits of the FOMC’s (infamous) ‘dot-plot’, Fed communications, and perhaps the pros and cons of price level targeting. BofAML think the Fed will soon indicate that it is comfortable with core PCE inflation in the 1.5-2.5% range. “This would allow a late-cycle overshoot, which is necessary for inflation to average 2% in the long run. We think the Fed is also being patient in order to assess downside risks to global growth and determine how last year’s confidence shock and financial tightening will impact growth.”

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

Why Are Clapper And Brennan Not In Jail?

Authored by Angelo Codevilla via American Greatness blog,

The clearest of all the laws concerning U.S. intelligence is Section 798, 18 U.S. Code – widely known in the Intelligence Community as “the Comint Statute,” or “the 10 and 10.” Unlike other laws, this is a “simple liability” law. Motivation, context, identity, matter not at all. You violate it, you are guilty and are punished accordingly.

Here it is:

(a) Whoever knowingly and willfully communicates, furnishes, transmits, or otherwise makes available to an unauthorized person, . . . any classified information—

(1) concerning the nature, preparation, or use of any code, cipher, or cryptographic system of the United States or any foreign government; or

(2) concerning the design, construction, use, maintenance, or repair of any device, apparatus, or appliance used or prepared or planned for use by the United States …or

(3) concerning the communication intelligence activities of the United States or any foreign government; or

(4) obtained by the processes of communication intelligence . . .

Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both.

On December 9 and 10, 2016, the New York Times and the Washington Post independently reported that anonymous senior intelligence officials had told them that, based on intercepted communications, the intelligence agencies agreed that Russia had hacked the Democratic National Committee to help Donald Trump win the election. Their evidence was the fact of their access to U.S communications intelligence. A flood of subsequent stories also cited allegations by “senior intelligence officials” that “intercepted communications” and “intercepted calls” showed that “members of Donald J. Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign and other Trump associates had repeated contacts with senior Russian intelligence officials in the year before the election.”

Incontrovertibly, the officials who gave these stories to the Times and Post violated the Comint Statute, and are subject to the “10 and 10” for each count. There is no clearer instance of what the governing law is, of how it was violated, and of the punishment that this incurs.

Consequently, there is no clearer indictment of our legal system than the fact that no one has been prosecuted for these violations, much less punished.

Nor is there any doubt as to who at least two of these “senior intelligence officials” are: Former CIA director John Brennan and former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper.

Beginning in January 2017, Brennan and Clapper made essentially the same statements on national television. The only possible excuse—that their allegations were lies—is irrelevant because the essence of the violation is the revelation that U.S intelligence was monitoring the communications of the Russians in America, and those of the Trump campaign as well. This is true, and that revelation is a textbook violation of the Comint Statute.

The reasons no prosecutions have followed should be plain enough. The offenders are big people, in the permanent government and in the Democratic Party. They have a great many friends in the U.S Justice Department. From the top down, the Trump Administration has been filled by much smaller people. Loud words aside, the president has kowtowed to the intelligence agencies in every way imaginable. No prominent Republican has chosen to challenge the de facto privileged relationship between Democrats in the intelligence agencies and the media.

And so, Brennan and Clapper continue as living proof that the United States has a dual system of justice. The example of their impunity speaks louder than any speech, and reassures their leftist successors in the intelligence agencies that their channel to the Times and Post is as safe as ever.

Politics is not responsible for the non-application of Section 798 to Brendan and Clapper. It is difficult to imagine that the public would not approve massively the straightforward application to prominent men of a law that is so unambiguous, which is the foundation of arguably the main part of U.S intelligence, and which has been applied countless times to ordinary people.

Rather, the absence of real politics—of real competition between opposing sides in American life—is the culprit. What we see is that those in the upper echelons of American life, whether they call themselves Republicans or Democrats, have greater loyalty to the ruling class to which they belong than to any law or institution. The refusal to apply Section 798 to Brennan and Clapper —the fact that they are free men —is simply the most obvious manifestation of the fact that we have a ruling class, that it is coherent, and that it has yet to be challenged in any serious way.

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

“Organized Crime Scheme” Ad-Click Fraud Is Costing Companies $50 Billion A Year

Advertising fraud online is being called the second largest organized crime scheme globally, according to Digital News Daily. About 3/4 of US fraudulent advertising traffic is now considered “sophisticated” invalid traffic, according to recently released data. 

Looking over IP addresses and blacklists no longer helps companies combat this fraud, according to Guy Tytunovich, CHEQ founder-CEO, and a former Israeli military intelligence officer. He started CHEQ to advocate for free internet. “If we can’t help sustain digital advertising by blocking these fraudsters, then we can’t help sustain the beautiful concept called the free internet,” he said. 

He continued: “The industry needs to understand that for the last 10 years, vendors have been talking about different methods for detecting fraud through probabilistic and simplistic approaches. At the end of the day, which I learned working for the defense intelligence in Israel, it’s a cat-and-mouse game. These methods no longer work.”

Source: IAS Insider

Tytunovich’s company, CHEQ, continues to build out a military grade ad verification service. Their service has analyzed 4.1 billion ad requests made in the United States across 1.2 million websites between October 2018 and February 2019. This number was up about 20% YOY and about 18% of the online traffic to advertisements was found to be fraudulent.

Of this fraudulent traffic, 77% of it was classified as “sophisticated invalid traffic” (SIVT), which relies on far more advanced malicious methods to defraud the advertising system than “general invalid traffic” (GIVT). While GIVT can be detected by IP and user agent blacklists, SIVT requires sophisticated capabilities, such as operating system and device fingerprinting, bot traps and network behavior analysis.

In its evaluation, CHEQ found “570 million SIVT attacks, each using a triple-lock of interwoven frauds that combines sophisticated domain-masking, invalid-referrals and viewability fraud in a coordinated attempt to evade detection.”

Other techniques that were used included domain spoofing, where scammers create hidden iframes and webpages to run that consumers never see. There have also been various means used to falsify location data. CHEQ found and blocked 743 million instances of combined GIVT and SIVT ad requests. 

According to Tytunovich, brands are now losing between $20 billion and $50 billion per year, as a result of ad fraud.

And the fraud isn’t just with ads, he said: “Now there’s a thing called ‘fake news,’ and I’m not even talking about fact-checking Trump. I’m talking about Russian or Chinese hackers trying to influence elections in Democratic countries using cyber-security hacking methods to distribute fake or false news. This didn’t exist 20 years ago before the information highway made it available for rouge countries to behave that way.”

Ad fraud and cyber threats will need to be taken more seriously, Tytunovich said. As we head into a reality where autonomous vehicles become more prominent, cyber threats will become far more pronounced than they have been in the past.

The concern for Tytunovich has turned from groups like Al Qaeda getting their hands on nuclear devices or chemical weapons 15 years ago, to now getting their hands on a keyboard and an internet connection.

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

US Offers $4.5m Grant To “Investigate” Civilian Casualties In Syria And Iraq


The US Department of State (DOS) offered a grant opportunity for “Promoting Accountability in Iraq and Syria For Genocide, Crimes Against Humanity, and War Crimes,” on April 16th. The grant has a funding floor of $500,000 and an upper limit of $4,500,000. It expects to award the grant to 3 companies or organizations.

US and Foreign non-profit organizations, as well as for-profit organizations can take part. Private and state institutions of higher education, and public international organizations are also allowed to take part. Meaning that, for example, the British Institute for Statecraft or the Integrity Initiative are eligible for funding, if they decide to take part. The Atlantic Council is also eligible (which is funded heavily by NATO and gulf states like the UAE).

Image source: US Air Force

The grant opportunity was released by the DOS’ Office of Global Criminal Justice (J/GCJ) and he Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs, Office of Assistance Coordination (NEA/AC).

“J/GCJ promotes criminal accountability for abuses and violations in Iraq and Syria, including war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide.”

The aim is to track such criminal acts and establish a framework, under which such “pervasive abuses” will face justice.

“The investigation and prosecution of atrocity crimes is a crucial part of holistic transitional justice strategies in which countries must address legacies of pervasive abuses. Criminal trials – whether they occur in the context of an international or regional tribunal, or domestic systems that have jurisdiction – can build adherence to the rule of law, reinforce the unacceptability of the crimes committed, demonstrate that impunity will not be tolerated, and deter future harm by punishing perpetrators. Trials can also help transitional societies come to terms with their own histories and rebuild stable, democratic institutions. Evidence presented in court can help to establish a historical record of atrocities, give victims an opportunity to be heard, and rebut denials by victimizers and their political allies that such atrocities ever occurred. Finally, criminal trials can also help to restore the dignity of victims and their families by providing a public acknowledgment of the gravity of the wrongs done to them.”

Those eligible for funding will have to do on-site investigations and present the facts, so that the justice part of the program can be carried out.

“The Department of State will consider funding programs that include components to develop local investigative and judicial skills; to collect and preserve evidence and maintain the chain of custody of evidence; provide information to national authorities with jurisdiction over crimes, and to conduct other activities that directly support investigations and prosecutions of perpetrators of atrocities in Iraq and Syria. Applicants should be able to demonstrate an awareness of existing work in the field.”

But especially interesting is that the side in both the conflicts in Syria and Iraq recently blamed for high civilian casualties is the US; there is also evidence to substantiate it.

Regardless, Washington has maintained that it does everything necessary to protect innocent lives.

“Since the beginning of the conflict in Syria, more than 500 thousand people have been killed. Despite the fact that the Assad regime is responsible for the overwhelming majority of deaths and destruction, many other participants in the conflict committed murder, torture, sexual and gender-based violence and other offenses,” the State Department noted.

Thus, the funding will primarily be used to blame the civilian casualties on other parties in an attempt to build a narrative in which Washington is not only the “innocent side”, but is also sanctioning others for its forces’ misconduct.

Recently, in February, Syrian state news outlet SANA reported that a coalition led by the United States had committed a crime against humanity by inflicting air strikes on the Al-Baghouz settlement. As a result of the bombing, 16 civilians were killed, another 70 people were injured. Reports of the sort are the norm.

On April 24th, Syrian Defense Minister Mahmoud Shawa called on the dissolution of the US-led coalition in Syria and their departure from the country.

“We demand to stop the illegal presence in our land of foreign troops of the United States, France, Britain, Turkey and disband the so-called international alliance,” the official was cited as saying.

A separate grant offers between $3 and $4 million to public International Organizations; overseas non-governmental non-profit organizations, who would take part in the Iraq-Syria Land Border Security Program.

“The overall aim is to build the capacity of civilian security forces belonging to the Government of Iraq, including the Kurdish Regional Government, and conduct border security management, including enhanced border screening and interagency coordination, in compliance with UN Security Council Resolution 2396. This funding opportunity seeks to address the porous and weakened state of the Iraq-Syria border in order to deny ISIS remnants cross-border freedom of movement and detect and interdict terrorists, terrorist networks and illicit trade.”

This is further evidence that the US plans on perpetuating its presence in both Syria and Iraq, whether by actual US troops remaining there or through their Kurdish proxies in the region.

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

Trump Admin Adapts To ‘Deep State Enemies’ While Crafting New Environmental Policies

In an effort to accomplish President Trump’s environmental goals, his appointees at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Department of the Interior – Andrew Wheeler and David Bernhardt – have been focusing on avoiding conflict with enemies in the so-called “deep state,” as Bloomberg Environment puts it. Of note, Bernhardt is a former lobbyists who represented oil and gas companies, fossil fuel trade groups and mining companies, while Wheeler was a coal lobbyist. 

According to “attorneys, lawmakers, and even executive branch staffers” who spoke with Bloomberg, Wheeler and Bernhardt “are much more comfortable with the intricacies of crafting policy than their headline-grabbing predecessors were.” 

“It was not a modest swing,” said Trump’s former top infrastructure official, DJ Gribbin. “These are quite different leaders.” 

One of the main differences between these two and their predecessors—Scott Pruitt and Ryan Zinke—is that both have long backgrounds as attorneys, said Gribbin, who now runs his own consulting firm.

These legal skills could help the administration improve its abysmal record in court defenses of its deregulatory environmental policies.

During the tenures of Pruitt and Zinke, procedural errors with their agencies’ regulatory rollbacks caused them to lose no fewer than 13 lawsuits in federal court, according to data compiled by the New York University School of Law. –Bloomberg

In short – lawyers are now crafting bulletproofed policies instead of sabre rattling. Put another way; swampy guys are good at navigating the swamp. 

According to Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), Wheeler and Bernhardt “are workhorses,” adding “Both of the other secretaries were more essentially big picture. These guys are down in the weeds.”

Attempts were made

Many of the Trump admin’s stumbling blocks were due to simple steps required in administrative law – for example, not giving the public enough time to comment on delaying the implementation of an Obama-era rule cracking down on natural gas leaks – which courts struck down twice due to the oversight. 

In another example, the EPA and Army Corps of Engineers were unable to halt the enforcement of an Obama-era rule which broadened the types of water bodies protected by anti-pollution regulation because the process by which new policies are formulated were “short-circuited.” 

“A new realization may have set in that spending more time, building strong records, focusing on the kinds of evidence that needs to be in there,” said former George W. Bush administration environmental attorney Jane Luxton with firm Lewis Brisbois. 

Environmentalists are worried at the Trump administration’s new, meticulous approach to crafting new policies with greater attention to administrative detail. 

That is especially the case for the rewrite of the Obama administration’s waters policy, also known as Waters of the United States, or WOTUS.

The latest Wheeler-helmed proposal to rewrite the WOTUS rule is much more fleshed out than anything Pruitt produced, according to Blan Holman, an attorney with the Southern Environmental Law Center.

But, he told Bloomberg Environment, “even though it’s lengthy and there’s a lot of words in there, I still think it comes up looking very strange.” –Bloomberg

Jo-Ellen Darcy, who worked side-by-side with Wheeler on the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, praised Wheeler’s intelligence and said he would likely adhere closely to the law. Darcy is intimately familiar with WOTUS, as she was the top civilian official in charge of the Army Corps throughout the Obama era.

“That doesn’t mean I agree with what they’re trying to do. They’re trying to undo a lot of environmental protections,” said Darcy, who added that “now they’re taking a more measured approach that’s more likely to stand up in court.”

Doing it right takes time

One drawback for the Trump administration’s new detail-oriented approach is that doing it right simply takes more time. 

As an example, an executive order signed by President Trump just weeks after he took office which directed the EPA and the Corps to rewrite the WOTUS policy is still stuck in limbo, after an initial attempt to pause its enforcement failed to hold up in court. A broader effort to appeal it, meanwhile, is still in the works. 

“The fact that it has taken more than two years doesn’t surprise me,” said Darcy. “Along the way, they listened to counsel. You can’t be the bull in the china shop.”

Last month, meanwhile, Bernhardt told the Senate that the Interior Department was probably far away from finalizing a plan which could open up waters in the Pacific and Atlantic coasts to new offshore oil and gas drilling. A draft of the plan was released early this year. 

Working with the “deep state” 

According to Bloomberg, even working with career staffers within the agencies is another big change – particularly at the EPA, according to litigator Thomas Cmar, who has sued the Trump administration over its attempts to roll back the WOTUS rule. 

“Pruitt seemed inclined to go around his own staff,” Cmar, who is with the nonprofit Earthjustice. “Wheeler seems like he wants to consult with his staff.” 

This impulse seems to have improved morale at the EPA. Several career staffers at the agency who spoke to Bloomberg Environment declined to criticize Wheeler, even when granted anonymity to speak freely.

Gribbin defended the administration’s secrecy during its chaotic early months, describing it as a natural part of the evolution of any new presidency.

“The new leadership tends to keep information very close to the vest,” he said. “This dynamic changes once relationships are developed.” –Bloomberg

Bush administration veteran, Susan Dudley – a former senior official in the Office of Management and Budget, also noted that Wheeler, Bernhardt and other recent Trump appointees have been vastly different than their predecessors. 

Trump “makes big promises as to how he’s going to get rid of regulations without realizing that the steps to do that take time,” according to Dudley. 

“They were announcing big policies without doing the hard work of ensuring they had a public record.” 

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

Trump Admin Adapts To ‘Deep State Enemies’ While Crafting New Environmental Policies

In an effort to accomplish President Trump’s environmental goals, his appointees at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Department of the Interior – Andrew Wheeler and David Bernhardt – have been focusing on avoiding conflict with enemies in the so-called “deep state,” as Bloomberg Environment puts it. Of note, Bernhardt is a former lobbyists who represented oil and gas companies, fossil fuel trade groups and mining companies, while Wheeler was a coal lobbyist. 

According to “attorneys, lawmakers, and even executive branch staffers” who spoke with Bloomberg, Wheeler and Bernhardt “are much more comfortable with the intricacies of crafting policy than their headline-grabbing predecessors were.” 

“It was not a modest swing,” said Trump’s former top infrastructure official, DJ Gribbin. “These are quite different leaders.” 

One of the main differences between these two and their predecessors—Scott Pruitt and Ryan Zinke—is that both have long backgrounds as attorneys, said Gribbin, who now runs his own consulting firm.

These legal skills could help the administration improve its abysmal record in court defenses of its deregulatory environmental policies.

During the tenures of Pruitt and Zinke, procedural errors with their agencies’ regulatory rollbacks caused them to lose no fewer than 13 lawsuits in federal court, according to data compiled by the New York University School of Law. –Bloomberg

In short – lawyers are now crafting bulletproofed policies instead of sabre rattling. Put another way; swampy guys are good at navigating the swamp. 

According to Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), Wheeler and Bernhardt “are workhorses,” adding “Both of the other secretaries were more essentially big picture. These guys are down in the weeds.”

Attempts were made

Many of the Trump admin’s stumbling blocks were due to simple steps required in administrative law – for example, not giving the public enough time to comment on delaying the implementation of an Obama-era rule cracking down on natural gas leaks – which courts struck down twice due to the oversight. 

In another example, the EPA and Army Corps of Engineers were unable to halt the enforcement of an Obama-era rule which broadened the types of water bodies protected by anti-pollution regulation because the process by which new policies are formulated were “short-circuited.” 

“A new realization may have set in that spending more time, building strong records, focusing on the kinds of evidence that needs to be in there,” said former George W. Bush administration environmental attorney Jane Luxton with firm Lewis Brisbois. 

Environmentalists are worried at the Trump administration’s new, meticulous approach to crafting new policies with greater attention to administrative detail. 

That is especially the case for the rewrite of the Obama administration’s waters policy, also known as Waters of the United States, or WOTUS.

The latest Wheeler-helmed proposal to rewrite the WOTUS rule is much more fleshed out than anything Pruitt produced, according to Blan Holman, an attorney with the Southern Environmental Law Center.

But, he told Bloomberg Environment, “even though it’s lengthy and there’s a lot of words in there, I still think it comes up looking very strange.” –Bloomberg

Jo-Ellen Darcy, who worked side-by-side with Wheeler on the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, praised Wheeler’s intelligence and said he would likely adhere closely to the law. Darcy is intimately familiar with WOTUS, as she was the top civilian official in charge of the Army Corps throughout the Obama era.

“That doesn’t mean I agree with what they’re trying to do. They’re trying to undo a lot of environmental protections,” said Darcy, who added that “now they’re taking a more measured approach that’s more likely to stand up in court.”

Doing it right takes time

One drawback for the Trump administration’s new detail-oriented approach is that doing it right simply takes more time. 

As an example, an executive order signed by President Trump just weeks after he took office which directed the EPA and the Corps to rewrite the WOTUS policy is still stuck in limbo, after an initial attempt to pause its enforcement failed to hold up in court. A broader effort to appeal it, meanwhile, is still in the works. 

“The fact that it has taken more than two years doesn’t surprise me,” said Darcy. “Along the way, they listened to counsel. You can’t be the bull in the china shop.”

Last month, meanwhile, Bernhardt told the Senate that the Interior Department was probably far away from finalizing a plan which could open up waters in the Pacific and Atlantic coasts to new offshore oil and gas drilling. A draft of the plan was released early this year. 

Working with the “deep state” 

According to Bloomberg, even working with career staffers within the agencies is another big change – particularly at the EPA, according to litigator Thomas Cmar, who has sued the Trump administration over its attempts to roll back the WOTUS rule. 

“Pruitt seemed inclined to go around his own staff,” Cmar, who is with the nonprofit Earthjustice. “Wheeler seems like he wants to consult with his staff.” 

This impulse seems to have improved morale at the EPA. Several career staffers at the agency who spoke to Bloomberg Environment declined to criticize Wheeler, even when granted anonymity to speak freely.

Gribbin defended the administration’s secrecy during its chaotic early months, describing it as a natural part of the evolution of any new presidency.

“The new leadership tends to keep information very close to the vest,” he said. “This dynamic changes once relationships are developed.” –Bloomberg

Bush administration veteran, Susan Dudley – a former senior official in the Office of Management and Budget, also noted that Wheeler, Bernhardt and other recent Trump appointees have been vastly different than their predecessors. 

Trump “makes big promises as to how he’s going to get rid of regulations without realizing that the steps to do that take time,” according to Dudley. 

“They were announcing big policies without doing the hard work of ensuring they had a public record.” 

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

To Prevent A Robot Apocalypse, We Must Study “Machine Behavior”

Authored Dagny Taggart via The Organic Prepper blog,

Experts have been warning us about potential dangers associated with artificial intelligence for quite some time. But is it too late to do anything about the impending rise of the machines?

Once the stuff of far-fetched dystopian science fiction, the idea of robot overlords taking over the world at some point now seems inevitable.

The late Dr. Stephen Hawking issued some harsh and terrifying words of caution back in 2014:

The development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race. It would take off on its own, and re-design itself at an ever-increasing rate. Humans, who are limited by slow biological evolution, couldn’t compete, and would be superseded. (source)

Elon Musk, the founder of SpaceX and Tesla Motors, warned that we could see some terrifying issues within the next few years:

The risk of something seriously dangerous happening is in the five year timeframe. 10 years at most. Please note that I am normally super pro technology and have never raised this issue until recent months. This is not a case of crying wolf about something I don’t understand.

The pace of progress in artificial intelligence (I’m not referring to narrow AI) is incredibly fast. Unless you have direct exposure to groups like Deepmind, you have no idea how fast — it is growing at a pace close to exponential.

I am not alone in thinking we should be worried.

The leading AI companies have taken great steps to ensure safety. They recognize the danger, but believe that they can shape and control the digital superintelligences and prevent bad ones from escaping into the Internet. That remains to be seen… (source)

Experts say it is time to study “machine behavior.”

Last week, a team of researchers made a case for a wide-ranging scientific research agenda aimed at understanding the behavior of artificial intelligence systems. The group, led by researchers at the MIT Media Lab, published a paper in Nature in which they called for a new field of research called “machine behavior.” The new field would take the study of artificial intelligence “well beyond computer science and engineering into biology, economics, psychology, and other behavioral and social sciences,” according to an MIT Media Lab press release.

Scientists have studied human behavior for decades, and now it is time to apply that kind of research to intelligent machines, the group explained. Because artificial intelligence is doing more collective ‘thinking,’ the same interdisciplinary approach needs to be applied to understanding machine behavior, the authors say.

“We need more open, trustworthy, reliable investigation into the impact intelligent machines are having on society, and so research needs to incorporate expertise and knowledge from beyond the fields that have traditionally studied it,” said Iyad Rahwan, who leads the Scalable Cooperation group at the Media Lab.

Machines are making decisions and taking action without human input.

Rahwan explains:

“We’re seeing the rise of machines with agency, machines that are actors making decisions and taking actions autonomously. This calls for a new field of scientific study that looks at them not solely as products of engineering and computer science but additionally as a new class of actors with their own behavioral patterns and ecology.” (source)

This is particularly concerning, especially considering we already know that AI can hate without human input and that robots have no sense of humor and might kill us over a joke.

“We’re seeing an emergence of machines as agents in human society; these are social machines that are making decisions that have real value implications in society,” says David Lazer, who is one of the authors of the paper, as well as University Distinguished Professor of Political Science and Computer and Information Sciences at Northeastern.

We interact numerous times each day with thinking machines, as the press release explains:

We may ask Siri to find the dry cleaner nearest to our home, tell Alexa to order dish soap, or get a medical diagnosis generated by an algorithm. Many such tools that make life easier are in fact “thinking” on their own, acquiring knowledge and building on it and even communicating with other thinking machines to make ever more complex judgments and decisions—and in ways that not even the programmers who wrote their code can fully explain.

Imagine, for instance, a news feed run by a deep neural net recommends an article to you from a gardening magazine, even though you’re not a gardener. “If I asked the engineer who designed the algorithm, that engineer would not be able to state in a comprehensive and causal way why that algorithm decided to recommend that article to you,” said Nick Obradovich, a research scientist in the Scalable Cooperation group and one of the lead authors of the Nature paper.

Parents often think of their children’s interaction with the family personal assistant as charming or funny. But what happens when the assistant, rich with cutting-edge AI, responds to a child’s fourth or fifth question about T. Rex by suggesting, “Wouldn’t it be nice if you had this dinosaur as a toy?”

“What’s driving that recommendation?” Rahwan said. “Is the device trying to do something to enrich the child’s experience—or to enrich the company selling the toy dinosaur? It’s very hard to answer that question.” (source)

There is still a lot we don’t know about how machines make decisions.

What hasn’t been examined as closely is how these algorithms work. How do they evolve with use? How do machines develop a specific behavior? How do algorithms function within a specific social or cultural environment? These issues need to be studied, the group says.

There is a significant barrier to the type of research the group is proposing, however:

But even if big tech companies decided to share information about their algorithms and otherwise allow researchers more access to them, there is an even bigger barrier to research and investigation, which is that AI agents can acquire novel behaviors as they interact with the world around them and with other agents. The behaviors learned from such interactions are virtually impossible to predict, and even when solutions can be described mathematically, they can be “so lengthy and complex as to be indecipherable,” according to the paper. (source)

And, there are ethical concerns surrounding how AI makes decisions:

Say, for instance, a hypothetical self-driving car is sold as being the safest on the market. One of the factors that makes it safer is that it “knows” when a big truck pulls up along its left side and automatically moves itself three inches to the right while still remaining in its own lane. But what if a cyclist or motorcycle happens to be pulling up on the right at the same time and is thus killed because of this safety feature?

“If you were able to look at the statistics and look at the behavior of the car in the aggregate, it might be killing three times the number of cyclists over a million rides than another model,” Rahwan said. “As a computer scientist, how are you going to program the choice between the safety of the occupants of the car and the safety of those outside the car? You can’t just engineer the car to be ‘safe’—safe for whom?“ (source)

The researchers explain that it will take experts from a host of scientific disciplines to study the way machines behave in the real world, as a press release from Northeastern University states. “The process of understanding how online dating algorithms are changing the societal institution of marriage, or determining whether our interaction with artificial intelligence affects our human development, will require more than just the mathematicians and engineers who built those algorithms.”

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

Trump May Designate Muslim Brotherhood A Terrorist Group

The Trump administration is gearing up to issue an order that would designate the Muslim Brotherhood a foreign terrorist organization after Egypt’s president encouraged President Trump to do so while visiting the White House earlier this month, according to the New York Times, citing loose-lipped officials familiar with the matter. According to the report, National Security Adviser John Bolton and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo are supportive of the idea – which has been under consideration since 2017. 

The designation would bring the weight of American sanctions on the influential Islamist political movement which counts millions of members in its ranks, as well as those who interact with or support the organization (such as Turkey’s President Erdogan). 

The White House directed national security and diplomatic officials to find a way to place sanctions on the group after a White House visit on April 9 by President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi of Egypt, for whom the Brotherhood represents a source of political opposition. In a private meeting without reporters and photographers, Mr. el-Sisi urged Mr. Trump to take that step and join Egypt in branding the movement a terrorist organization. –New York Times

The Muslim Brotherhood is already listed as a terrorist organization by Russia, Syria, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, the UAE and the post-Soviet CSTO states. 

The motion has sparked an internal debate within the administration, according to the report, “including at a senior-level meeting of policymakers from various departments convened last week by the White House’s National Security Council,” according to the leaky officials. 

“…the Pentagon, career national security staff, government lawyers and diplomatic officials have voiced legal and policy objections, and have been scrambling to find a more limited step that would satisfy the White House,” reports the Times

Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders acknowledged the push to designate the Muslim Brotherhood as terrorists, saying “The president has consulted with his national security team and leaders in the region who share his concern, and this designation is working its way through the internal process.” 

President Trump with President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi of Egypt on April 9 at the White House. Photo: Tom Brenner for The New York Times

Officials opposed to the designation have argued that the criteria for designating a terrorist organization don’t apply to the Muslim Brotherhood, “which is less a coherent body than a loose-knit movement with chapters in different countries that either use that moniker or have strong historical ties to it.” Meanwhile, various political parties in places such as Jordan and Tunisia identify as being part of the Muslim Brotherhood, or acknowledge ties to it, while stating they oppose violent extremism. 

As a matter of policy, such a designation could have rippling consequences, including further stressing relations with Turkey, whose president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, is a staunch Brotherhood supporter. It is also unclear what the consequences would be for Americans and American humanitarian organizations with links to the group, and human rights officials have worried that Mr. el-Sisi might use it to justify an even harsher crackdown against his opponents.

Among the alternative ideas raised at the meeting last week were trying to identify and target a terrorist-linked group with ties to the Brotherhood that has not yet been designated or limiting any designation’s scope to the Egyptian branch, officials said. –New York Times

If you recall from 2013, el-Sisi is a former Egyptian general who helped lead a coup to overthrow Mohamed Morsi – Egypt’s first democratically elected president and a former leader within the Muslim Brotherhood. Morsi and other senior figures from the then-ruling Muslim Brotherhood was sentenced to 20 years in prison in connection with the killings of protesters during 2012 demonstrations.

The men were convicted in April 2015 on charges including kidnapping, torture and the killings of protesters during unrest in 2012. The Muslim Brotherhood denies responsibility and says that most of those killed were from its own ranks. –SMH

The Trump administration had weighed whether to designate both the Muslim Brotherhood and an arm of Iran’s military, the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, as terrorist organizations during its chaotic first weeks in 2017. But the ideas lapsed amid objections from career professionals and the fallout from other capricious early steps, like Mr. Trump’s ban on visitors from several predominantly Muslim countries.

But this spring, the administration abruptly pushed through the terrorist designation for the Revolutionary Guards. Mr. Pompeo, who has the most important voice in the debate besides Mr. Trump’s because the secretary of state controls the list of designated terrorist organizations, announced sanctions on the Iranian military arm on April 8, the day before Mr. el-Sisi visited the White House. –New York Times

The Muslim Brotherhood was founded in Egypt in 1928, and amassed a secret armed wing to fight against British colonial rule. It grew to 200,000 members by 1936, and over 2 million by 1948. After the Egyptian government arrested 32 leaders of the Brotherhood’s “secret apparatus” in 1948, banning the organization – its ranks fell to around 500,000 members or sympathizers across 2,000 branches. 

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

Venezuela Pulls CNN, BBC Off Air After Military Vehicles Plow Into Protesters

CNN and the BBC were quickly taken off the air in Venezuela on Tuesday by the government amid an apparent coup by forces loyal to National Assembly Leader Juan Guaidó.

As reported by CNN, “DirecTV, Net Uno, Intercable, and Telefónica all received orders from Venezuela’s government regulator Conatel to block CNN. (DirecTV and CNN are both owned by AT&T.)” while a spokesperson from the BBC told CNN that BBS Global News had been similarly taken off air by the South American country. 

Earlier Tuesday, CNN broadcast footage of military vehicles running over protesters in the capital city of Caracas. 

Meanwhile US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo claims that Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro was willing to leave the country for Cuba, only to be talked out of it by Russia

“We’ve watched throughout the day, it’s been a long time since anyone’s seen Maduro,” said Pompeo in an interview with CNN‘s Wolf Blitzer. 

“He had an airplane on the tarmac, he was ready to leave this morning as we understand it and the Russians indicated he should stay,” he added, noting “He was headed for Havana.” 

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

“Major Public Health Crisis:” Tween Suicides Spike After Netflix’s ’13 Reasons Why’

A new study revealed how youth suicides spiked to a two-decade high following the release of an online streaming television series on Netflix that depicted a young girl ending her life, read a press release.

The study, led by Nationwide Children’s Hospital, published the shocking report Monday, demonstrated how the first episode which aired on March 29, 2017, led to a massive increase in the suicide rate for 10- to 17-year-olds in the following month [April 2017].

“Youth may be particularly susceptible to suicide contagion, which can be fostered by stories that sensationalize or promote simplistic explanations of suicidal behavior, glorify or romanticize the decedent, present suicide as a means of accomplishing a goal, or offer potential prescriptions of how-to die by suicide,” said Jeff Bridge, PhD, director of the Center for Suicide Prevention and the lead author of the study.

More than 190 American tweens in April 2017 took their own lives. That resulted in a suicide rate of .57 per 100,000 people, more than 30% higher than in the preceding five years for the month. An additional investigation determined that the April 2017 suicide rate tagged 19-year highs.

“Portrayals of suicide in entertainment media should avoid graphic detail of the suicide – which the series did not – and adhere to best practice guidelines to reduce risk of subsequent suicide,” Bridge said.

Researchers used “interrupted time series and forecasting models” to examine monthly rates of youth suicides between 1Q13 through 4Q17 — the period of time before the release of “13 Reasons Why.”

“The researchers examined immediate effects and subsequent trends and adjusted for potential effects of seasonality and underlying trends on suicide rates. Data were obtained for cases in which suicide was listed as the underlying cause of death from the Web-based Injury Statistics Query and Reporting System (WISQARSTM) of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,” read the press release.

Months after the “13 Reasons Why” airing date, Netflix increased the graphic content advisories and added a warning before the initial episode. Stating:

“13 Reasons Why is a fictional series that tackles tough, real-world issues, taking a look at sexual assault, substance abuse, suicide, and more. By shedding a light on these difficult topics, we hope our show can helps viewers start a conversation. But if you are struggling with these issues yourself, this series may not be right for you or you may want to watch it with a trusted adult. And if you ever feel you need someone to talk with, reach out to a parent, a friend, a school counselor, or an adult you trust, call a local helpline, or go to Because the minute you start talking about it, it gets easier,” read the series’ warning.

Dr. John Ackerman, a co-author on the study and suicide prevention coordinator at CSPR, said this “study demonstrates parents should be cautious about exposing youth to this series. With a third season of the series expected to air soon, continued surveillance is needed to monitor potential consequences on suicide rates in association with viewing the series.”

Lisa Horowitz, a co-author and researcher at the National Institute of Mental Health, said suicide is one of the top causes of deaths for tweens and called it a “major public health crisis.”

It’s clear that young Americans are highly influenced by media. With a third season expected to return this year, parents have to be extra vigilant when allowing their children to watch such a graphic show.

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden