China's Liquidity Crisis Worsens As Fed Vs PBOC "Taper" Wars Escalate

While global currency wars have esclataed over the last 4 years (as we noted here), the potential return to fund outflows triggered by the Fed taper, combined with higher demand for funds ahead of Chinese New Year, means there will be continued pressure for China’s money market rates to stay high heading into January. With China’s reform and rate liberalization plans, it seems 2014 may be the year of the Taper Wars.

None of this should come as a big surprise (given we covered the debt problem is great detail here)… but bringing us up to date on the impact of the Fed’s tapering and liquidity flows, WSJ reports,

Analysts said the short-term cash injection didn’t help the underlying problem of banks struggling with funding, in part because the injections go to bigger banks and the funding problems are mostly at midsize and smaller lenders. “It’s mostly meant to prevent financial institutions from suffering an exhaustion of their cash supply, but it doesn’t represent an easing in funding conditions,” said Wu Sijie, senior analyst at Guangfa Bank.



During the squeeze in June, there were rumors that a bank had defaulted on a loan to another bank, but no bank admitted it. However, ahead of its initial public offering in Hong Kong last week, China Everbright Bank disclosed in its prospectus that two of its branches failed to pay 6.5 billion yuan of interbank loans due on June 5. Everbright Bank said it had the cash on hand to repay the loans, but a failure by its branches to tell headquarters that they were short meant the bank was unable to cover the loans before the end of the day.

and Bloomberg’s Tom Orlik,

The beginning of the end of QE3, marked by the U.S. Federal Reserve’s decision to taper its purchases of bonds, could trigger a reversal in China’s capital flows and compound the year-end cash crunch. China’s money market rates pushed above 7 percent Thursday. That conjured flashbacks of June’s liquidity squeeze and forced the People’s Bank of China to wade into the market with a liquidity injection. As of Friday early afternoon, conditions remained tight.

The year-end cash crunch is unexpected because December typically sees massive inflows of cash from the spend-down of fiscal deposits, which approached a trillion yuan in previous years. Capital inflows from September through November, tracked by Bloomberg’s new China Estimated Capital Flow index {CNNMHTMY Index <GO>}, should also have improved liquidity conditions.

Against that backdrop, the current squeeze is a reminder of stressed conditions in China’s financial sector. Chinese banks now rely more on the interbank market for funding because of increased competition for deposits — the result of bottom-up interest rate liberalization and pressure from rolling over non-performing loans.

The central bank retains enormous resources to prevent a liquidity squeeze from turning into something more severe. The PBOC sits on about twenty trillion yuan of reserve deposits, which could be released into the system.

At the same time, the PBOC also wants to tamp down credit growth, and teach banks to manage liquidity without relying on the central bank’s eleventh-hour interventions. A complex market in which big banks attempt to manipulate the system to get higher returns on their excess deposits adds to the difficulty and increases the chance of missteps.

Cross-border capital flow is a key factor affecting China’s interbank market. Inflows add to liquidity and push rates down. Outflows can add stress as funds exit the market.

To track those flows, Bloomberg has created the China Estimated Capital Flow index. The monthly series takes the sum of FX purchases by banks and change in FX deposits as total flows into the country. Netting out the monthly trade and direct investment balances provides an estimate of portfolio flows.

With a current account surplus and controlled capital account, China does not suffer from the volatility introduced into other emerging markets by international capital flows. Still, over the course of 2013, the index illustrates the impact the Fed’s policies have on China’s capital flows and on the mainland’s money markets.

In May and June, the suggestion of a taper in the Fed’s asset purchases saw rates in the U.S. rise. That triggered a sharp reversal for China’s cross border flows, with an exodus of capital contributing to the spike in money market rates. Since September, the delay in U.S. tightening seems to have stimulated a return of capital inflows.

A potential return to fund outflows triggered by the Fed taper, combined with higher demand for funds ahead of Chinese New Year, means there will be continued pressure for China’s money market rates to stay high heading into January.

A far-reaching commitment to reform by China’s leaders has buoyed confidence in the outlook for 2014 and beyond. December’s surge in rates is a reminder that there’s no easy fix for an over-extended financial system. Necessary shifts such as interest rate liberalization can add to the pressure. With rates high, credit growth is likely to decelerate, and equities may extend their lackluster run into the New Year.


via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

China’s Liquidity Crisis Worsens As Fed Vs PBOC “Taper” Wars Escalate

While global currency wars have esclataed over the last 4 years (as we noted here), the potential return to fund outflows triggered by the Fed taper, combined with higher demand for funds ahead of Chinese New Year, means there will be continued pressure for China’s money market rates to stay high heading into January. With China’s reform and rate liberalization plans, it seems 2014 may be the year of the Taper Wars.

None of this should come as a big surprise (given we covered the debt problem is great detail here)… but bringing us up to date on the impact of the Fed’s tapering and liquidity flows, WSJ reports,

Analysts said the short-term cash injection didn’t help the underlying problem of banks struggling with funding, in part because the injections go to bigger banks and the funding problems are mostly at midsize and smaller lenders. “It’s mostly meant to prevent financial institutions from suffering an exhaustion of their cash supply, but it doesn’t represent an easing in funding conditions,” said Wu Sijie, senior analyst at Guangfa Bank.



During the squeeze in June, there were rumors that a bank had defaulted on a loan to another bank, but no bank admitted it. However, ahead of its initial public offering in Hong Kong last week, China Everbright Bank disclosed in its prospectus that two of its branches failed to pay 6.5 billion yuan of interbank loans due on June 5. Everbright Bank said it had the cash on hand to repay the loans, but a failure by its branches to tell headquarters that they were short meant the bank was unable to cover the loans before the end of the day.

and Bloomberg’s Tom Orlik,

The beginning of the end of QE3, marked by the U.S. Federal Reserve’s decision to taper its purchases of bonds, could trigger a reversal in China’s capital flows and compound the year-end cash crunch. China’s money market rates pushed above 7 percent Thursday. That conjured flashbacks of June’s liquidity squeeze and forced the People’s Bank of China to wade into the market with a liquidity injection. As of Friday early afternoon, conditions remained tight.

The year-end cash crunch is unexpected because December typically sees massive inflows of cash from the spend-down of fiscal deposits, which approached a trillion yuan in previous years. Capital inflows from September through November, tracked by Bloomberg’s new China Estimated Capital Flow index {CNNMHTMY Index <GO>}, should also have improved liquidity conditions.

Against that backdrop, the current squeeze is a reminder of stressed conditions in China’s financial sector. Chinese banks now rely more on the interbank market for funding because of increased competition for deposits — the result of bottom-up interest rate liberalization and pressure from rolling over non-performing loans.

The central bank retains enormous resources to prevent a liquidity squeeze from turning into something more severe. The PBOC sits on about twenty trillion yuan of reserve deposits, which could be released into the system.

At the same time, the PBOC also wants to tamp down credit growth, and teach banks to manage liquidity without relying on the central bank’s eleventh-hour interventions. A complex market in which big banks attempt to manipulate the system to get higher returns on their excess deposits adds to the difficulty and increases the chance of missteps.

Cross-border capital flow is a key factor affecting China’s interbank market. Inflows add to liquidity and push rates down. Outflows can add stress as funds exit the market.

To track those flows, Bloomberg has created the China Estimated Capital Flow index. The monthly series takes the sum of FX purchases by banks and change in FX deposits as total flows into the country. Netting out the monthly trade and direct investment balances provides an estimate of portfolio flows.

With a current account surplus and controlled capital account, China does not suffer from the volatility introduced into other emerging markets by international capital flows. Still, over the course of 2013, the index illustrates the impact the Fed’s policies have on China’s capital flows and on the mainland’s money markets.

In May and June, the suggestion of a taper in the Fed’s asset purchases saw rates in the U.S. rise. That triggered a sharp reversal for China’s cross border flows, with an exodus of capital contributing to the spike in money market rates. Since September, the delay in U.S. tightening seems to have stimulated a return of capital inflows.

A potential return to fund outflows triggered by the Fed taper, combined with higher demand for funds ahead of Chinese New Year, means there will be continued pressure for China’s money market rates to stay high heading into January.

A far-reaching commitment to reform by China’s leaders has buoyed confidence in the outlook for 2014 and beyond. December’s surge in rates is a reminder that there’s no easy fix for an over-extended financial system. Necessary shifts such as interest rate liberalization can add to the pressure. With rates high, credit growth is likely to decelerate, and equities may extend their lackluster run into the New Year.


via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

Today's 11-Sigma Bond Market "Fat Finger" In 3-D Animation

This morning's incredible 6-month-range busting, 11-sigma, so-called "fat finger" in Treasury futures markets was brushed under the carpet by most of the mainstream media since it had no effect on what is important – US equities. However, as the following detailed charts from Nanex show, it looks like anything but an 'accidental' fat finger and merely highlights just how fragile the world's largest (and supposedly most liquid) markets have become. Still, with Virtu's CEO doing so well, how will it ever stop?


The 11-sigma spike in all its glory… (via Nanex)

(3-month front-month 30Y Futs intraday range mean is ~0.9 points and standard-deviation is ~0.5 points)


And the still showing the bid-ask dissolves…


and the full break-down as multiple contracts were affected

On December 23, 2013 at 2:37:51, Treasury Futures skyrocketed on heavy volume! Specifically, the March 2014 contract for the 30-Year (ZB), the 30-Year Ultra (UB), the 10-Year (ZN) and spread between the two (NOB). In 10 seconds, the 30-Year T-Bond moved 5 handles – the equivalent of the high-low range of the last 3 months.

1. March 2014 30YR T-Bond (ZB) Futures

2. March 2014 30YR T-Bond (ZB) Futures. Zooming in on 18 minutes of time.

3. March 2014 30YR T-Bond (ZB) Futures – showing quotes.

4. March 2014 10YR T-Note (ZN) Futures.

5. March 2014 10YR T-Note – 30YR T-Bond (NOB) Futures.

6. March 2014 30YR Ultra T-Bond (UB) Futures.

7. March 2014 30YR Ultra T-Bond (UB) Futures. Zooming to 27 seconds of time.

8. March 2014 30YR T-Bond (ZB) Futures. Zooming to 27 seconds of time.

9. March 2014 10YR T-Note (ZN) Futures during same time period as charts 7-8 above.

10. March 2014 10YR T-Note – 30YR T-Bond (NOB) Futures during same time period as charts 7-9 above.


Source: Nanex


via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

Today’s 11-Sigma Bond Market “Fat Finger” In 3-D Animation

This morning's incredible 6-month-range busting, 11-sigma, so-called "fat finger" in Treasury futures markets was brushed under the carpet by most of the mainstream media since it had no effect on what is important – US equities. However, as the following detailed charts from Nanex show, it looks like anything but an 'accidental' fat finger and merely highlights just how fragile the world's largest (and supposedly most liquid) markets have become. Still, with Virtu's CEO doing so well, how will it ever stop?


The 11-sigma spike in all its glory… (via Nanex)

(3-month front-month 30Y Futs intraday range mean is ~0.9 points and standard-deviation is ~0.5 points)


And the still showing the bid-ask dissolves…


and the full break-down as multiple contracts were affected

On December 23, 2013 at 2:37:51, Treasury Futures skyrocketed on heavy volume! Specifically, the March 2014 contract for the 30-Year (ZB), the 30-Year Ultra (UB), the 10-Year (ZN) and spread between the two (NOB). In 10 seconds, the 30-Year T-Bond moved 5 handles – the equivalent of the high-low range of the last 3 months.

1. March 2014 30YR T-Bond (ZB) Futures

2. March 2014 30YR T-Bond (ZB) Futures. Zooming in on 18 minutes of time.

3. March 2014 30YR T-Bond (ZB) Futures – showing quotes.

4. March 2014 10YR T-Note (ZN) Futures.

5. March 2014 10YR T-Note – 30YR T-Bond (NOB) Futures.

6. March 2014 30YR Ultra T-Bond (UB) Futures.

7. March 2014 30YR Ultra T-Bond (UB) Futures. Zooming to 27 seconds of time.

8. March 2014 30YR T-Bond (ZB) Futures. Zooming to 27 seconds of time.

9. March 2014 10YR T-Note (ZN) Futures during same time period as charts 7-8 above.

10. March 2014 10YR T-Note – 30YR T-Bond (NOB) Futures during same time period as charts 7-9 above.


Source: Nanex


via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

HFT Pays: CEO Of Firm That Accounts For 5% Of US Equity Volume Selling His NY Mansion For $114 Million

Everyone knows that the most parasitic form of trading, that would be high frequency trading for those who may not have followed this website since 2009, is very profitable. Well, it is certainly profitable for those who operate the momentum-igniting, quote churning, HFT firms in control of what’s left of the “market”, if not so much for anyone else. Just how profitable is it? Judging by the house that Vincent Viola, head of Virtu Financial, one of the largest high frequency electronic trading and market making firms, which according to Cifu accounts for more than 5% of US equities volume and over 10% of the of the average daily volume of MSFT, and which tried to expand even more aggressively with a failed bid for Knight Capital last year, has just put on the block.

According to the NY Daily News, the house that the HFT behemoth is trying to offload, is a “40-foot-wide mansion, one of the largest homes in the city, is on the market for a whopping $114 million — or half the price its owner, Wall Street investor Vincent Viola, spent to buy the Florida Panthers hockey team earlier this year.”

The asking price for this seven-bedroom, nine-bath house would not only break the current record, but rip out its heart and step on it. The most expensive home in city history was The Harkness Mansion at 4 E. 75th St., a 36-footer that sold for $53 million in 2006.

And while it may not have been a high frequency flip, if purchased at the asking price, Viola is set to make nearly 5 times his money in just 8 years: Viola and his designer wife, Theresa, bought the house for $20 million in 2005. At the time the 16,000-foot spread was broken up into four large apartments and doctor’s offices, however it has since been redesigned into a mine-Versailles mansion with the help of Theresa Viola’s firm Maida Vale Design.

If the offer is lifted, we will finally have validation that the housing bubble has taken out all previous highs. “Since the real estate bubble burst, no townhouse has broken the $50 million mark, though a few have tried, including the $90 million Woolworth mansion that most recently belonged to Lucille Roberts, the exercise queen. It has been taken off the market.” It will also confirm that HFT does indeed pay well. Although, in all fairness to Viola, he did serve as former Chairman of the NY Merc.

That said, we expect Viola’s next house to be even bigger: after all it is only a matter of time before the HFT powerhouse goes public as it has been trying since May. A quick reminder on just what Virtu does via Bloomberg:

Virtu, which provides bids and offers on 205 venues around the world in products from U.S. equities to silver and copper futures, says its fastest growth is currently in currency trading and providing liquidity to stocks in Asian markets including Japan and Australia. It expects rapid growth in new products that will become available when over-the-counter derivatives start trading electronically under rules mandated by the Dodd-Frank Act, Cifu and Concannon said.


Concannon and Cifu run the firm’s daily operations with Vincent Viola, Virtu’s controlling shareholder, chairman and chief executive officer. Viola, who was chairman of the New York Mercantile Exchange from 2001 to 2004, cofounded the company in 2008 with Cifu and Graham Free, its global head trader. Cifu, who is also chief operating officer, previously was a partner and co-head of the private-equity group at law firm Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP.


Concannon, a former executive vice president at exchange operator Nasdaq OMX Group Inc., met with the SEC’s new chairman about running the agency’s division that regulates exchanges and sets policies for markets on April 10, White’s first day on the job, according to people briefed on the discussions who spoke on condition of anonymity because the meeting was private.


The lawyer and former exchange executive said he plans to stay at Virtu. He worked at the SEC in the mid-1990s and later held several positions at Island ECN and Instinet Group Inc. before joining Nasdaq Stock Market in 2003 when it bought a business owned by Instinet.


Private-equity firm Silver Lake Partners LLC invested in Virtu in 2011 in connection with the market maker’s acquisition of Madison Tyler Holdings LLC, which Viola and David Salomon, a former arbitrage trader at Goldman Sachs Group Inc., cofounded in 2002. Virtu is profitable every day, according to Cifu.


“As a market-making firm that does not take a directional view of the market, we historically have not had trading days where we lose money across the firm,” he said.

So for just under $120 million one can buy either Steve Cohen’s Bloomberg building duplex, or the following:

The owners of 12 E. 69th St. have put a bow around their $114 million townhouse … the perfect Christmas present?

The screening room was modeled on Theresa Viola’s favorite movie palace in Queens, where she grew up.

The basement was expanded to accommodate a pool, sauna, game room, gym and a two-story screening room.

The master bathroom features a soaking tub made from a giant geode.

The coffered ceiling the grand living room features 14-karat gold leaf, and the floors are walnut and mahogany.

The massive kitchen features a pizza oven and huge TV among its features. The penguins are just for decoration.

intricate grand staircase connects the first three floors of the home.


via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

'It's Not What You Know, It's Who You Know' As Frat Boys Dominate Wall Street

As students vie for 2014 internships, Bloomberg finds a fraternity-based network whose Wall Street alumni guide resumes to the tops of stacks, reveal interview questions with recommended answers, offer applicants secret mottoes and support chapters facing crackdowns. Despite apparent crackdowns on cronyism, nepotism, and fraternism; it seems nothing has changed as “secret handshakes” and the fraternity pipeline helps undergraduates beat odds three times steeper than Princeton University’s record-low acceptance rate… “People like people who are like themselves,” notes one recruiter, seemingly proven by the fact that JPMorgan employs 140 Sigma Phi Epsilon members with BofA and Wells Fargo even more.


Via Bloomberg,

Conor Hails, head of the University of Pennsylvania’s Sigma Chi chapter, was in a Philadelphia hotel ballroom last month for a Barclays Plc (BARC) recruiting reception. A friend pointed out a banker from their fraternity. Hails, 20, approached with a secret handshake.


“We exchanged a grip, and he said, ‘Every Sigma Chi gets a business card,’” Hails recalled. “We’re trying to create Sigma Chi on Wall Street, a little fraternity on Wall Street.”


As students vie for 2014 internships in an industry where 22-year-olds can make more than $100,000 a year, interviews with three dozen fraternity members showed a network whose Wall Street alumni guide resumes to the tops of stacks, reveal interview questions with recommended answers, offer applicants secret mottoes and support chapters facing crackdowns.



The fraternity pipeline helps undergraduates beat odds three times steeper than Princeton University’s record-low acceptance rate



Fraternities retain influence in the face of scrutiny by parents, politicians and police for binge drinking, hazing and at least 60 deaths in the U.S. since 2005.


The largest U.S. banks say they are meritocracies and run diversity programs to shift an industry that once only let women onto the New York Stock Exchange floor as clerks during wartime shortages. Goldman Sachs added 10 women last year to a partnership that had one when CEO Lloyd C. Blankfein was elected to it in 1988.


“There obviously has been much progress since 20 years ago,” said Siegfried von Bonin, head of Dartmouth’s Alpha Delta chapter. “But the reality is that it’s still very much a male-dominated culture.”



Fraternity members who went to work for Goldman Sachs, Citigroup Inc. (C) and Bank of America Corp. said they were sent back to campus on recruiting trips, where they could tap people from their houses for interviews ahead of other candidates, some more qualified. One said he would sometimes invent endorsements to send to bosses that didn’t mention fraternity connections.



When alumni don’t reach out, fraternity members know how to find them. Von Bonin, 21, asked two at one of the world’s largest banks for interview advice, he said. They taught him to describe the benefits of the firm’s U.S. growth, fast-paced environment and training program.



That national fraternity has sent almost 3,000 men into finance, according to resumes on LinkedIn, which shows no other industry employing more than 1,800.


…“People like people who are like themselves,”


…“I wish I did have more networks,” said Emily Hendrix, who plans to graduate in May after three years at Rollins College in Winter Park, Florida. “It would maybe make finding a job a little easier, a little less stressful.”



“You tend to think of an institution in a structured way, but it’s actually a big organic entity,” Urwin said. “Driving any kind of change that gets at the culture in an organism is hard because it tends to return to the original form, if you don’t maintain that consistent pressure to drive that change.



JPMorgan employs 140 Sigma Phi Epsilon members, according to an article on job preparation in the fraternity’s magazine this year. It shows only Bank of America and Wells Fargo employing more.


via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

‘It’s Not What You Know, It’s Who You Know’ As Frat Boys Dominate Wall Street

As students vie for 2014 internships, Bloomberg finds a fraternity-based network whose Wall Street alumni guide resumes to the tops of stacks, reveal interview questions with recommended answers, offer applicants secret mottoes and support chapters facing crackdowns. Despite apparent crackdowns on cronyism, nepotism, and fraternism; it seems nothing has changed as “secret handshakes” and the fraternity pipeline helps undergraduates beat odds three times steeper than Princeton University’s record-low acceptance rate… “People like people who are like themselves,” notes one recruiter, seemingly proven by the fact that JPMorgan employs 140 Sigma Phi Epsilon members with BofA and Wells Fargo even more.


Via Bloomberg,

Conor Hails, head of the University of Pennsylvania’s Sigma Chi chapter, was in a Philadelphia hotel ballroom last month for a Barclays Plc (BARC) recruiting reception. A friend pointed out a banker from their fraternity. Hails, 20, approached with a secret handshake.


“We exchanged a grip, and he said, ‘Every Sigma Chi gets a business card,’” Hails recalled. “We’re trying to create Sigma Chi on Wall Street, a little fraternity on Wall Street.”


As students vie for 2014 internships in an industry where 22-year-olds can make more than $100,000 a year, interviews with three dozen fraternity members showed a network whose Wall Street alumni guide resumes to the tops of stacks, reveal interview questions with recommended answers, offer applicants secret mottoes and support chapters facing crackdowns.



The fraternity pipeline helps undergraduates beat odds three times steeper than Princeton University’s record-low acceptance rate



Fraternities retain influence in the face of scrutiny by parents, politicians and police for binge drinking, hazing and at least 60 deaths in the U.S. since 2005.


The largest U.S. banks say they are meritocracies and run diversity programs to shift an industry that once only let women onto the New York Stock Exchange floor as clerks during wartime shortages. Goldman Sachs added 10 women last year to a partnership that had one when CEO Lloyd C. Blankfein was elected to it in 1988.


“There obviously has been much progress since 20 years ago,” said Siegfried von Bonin, head of Dartmouth’s Alpha Delta chapter. “But the reality is that it’s still very much a male-dominated culture.”



Fraternity members who went to work for Goldman Sachs, Citigroup Inc. (C) and Bank of America Corp. said they were sent back to campus on recruiting trips, where they could tap people from their houses for interviews ahead of other candidates, some more qualified. One said he would sometimes invent endorsements to send to bosses that didn’t mention fraternity connections.



When alumni don’t reach out, fraternity members know how to find them. Von Bonin, 21, asked two at one of the world’s largest banks for interview advice, he said. They taught him to describe the benefits of the firm’s U.S. growth, fast-paced environment and training program.



That national fraternity has sent almost 3,000 men into finance, according to resumes on LinkedIn, which shows no other industry employing more than 1,800.


…“People like people who are like themselves,”


…“I wish I did have more networks,” said Emily Hendrix, who plans to graduate in May after three years at Rollins College in Winter Park, Florida. “It would maybe make finding a job a little easier, a little less stressful.”



“You tend to think of an institution in a structured way, but it’s actually a big organic entity,” Urwin said. “Driving any kind of change that gets at the culture in an organism is hard because it tends to return to the original form, if you don’t maintain that consistent pressure to drive that change.



JPMorgan employs 140 Sigma Phi Epsilon members, according to an article on job preparation in the fraternity’s magazine this year. It shows only Bank of America and Wells Fargo employing more.


via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

135% Techno Boom: Still Undervalued?

The technology sector has been one of the hottest plays for
investors in 2013, and right now there is one tech firm that has the market’s
full attention.


Over the last 12 months Yahoo! Inc. (ticker: YHOO) has seen
tremendous growth increasing 135% in value from its $17.00 low, surging to a
high of $40.00 per share. Many analysts are saying that the company is still
cheap and expecting a continuation of this rally in price. Plausible? <<Get My YHOO Trade setup FREE>>


It all comes back to revenue and YHOO is certainly headed in the
right direction. The company has been making significant adjustments in its core
business model which is very “ad driven”. As a result they are seeing higher
click through rates, which translates into revenue.


Additionally, YHOO is one of the most trafficked sites on the
web and owns a number of highly trafficked websites such as Flicker, and has
acquired a stake in (IPO expected 2014)…. All of this has had a
direct impact on the bottom line leading to increased profitability.
Expectations for Alibaba’s IPO looks quite bullish, which could lead to another
bullish pop for YHOO if all goes according to plan. Many are anticipating that
Alibaba’s IPO results will be similar to that of Facebook’s IPO.


The fundamentals for YHOO look great, but that is only part of
the story. Now lets take a look at the technical, which are just as impressive.
YHOO has is obviously in a strong uptrend, and the “intelligent investor’s”
will be looking to join the rally by buying into the pullbacks into support.  


The Trade Set Up

The key when trading is to allow the trade to come to us rather
than chasing after it. There is an area of support that has my eye, but it will
require a little bit of a wait to get the price I want.


I am looking at a long as price retests support at $39.08, with
a stop at 38.74 and an initial target of $40.00 where I plan on shaving half of
the position. The purpose of this initial move is to eliminate trade risk and
then the second half of the position will be used to milk profit out of the


Here is a quick look at the chart:

YHOO Price Chart 

For those of you looking to play YHOO, keep in mind that the
company will be releasing earnings sometime during the last week of January
2014. That to say, it is always prudent to use those protective stops just to
prevent any trade from getting away from us around those “big news” events.


Have a great Christmas and a happy new year!


Your top-down market strategist,


Justin Burkhardt |


via Zero Hedge Burkhardt

BofAML: Euro Bears Should Be Salivating

“The new year should be very exciting for EURUSD bears,” BofAML’s Macneil Curry explains. Historically, January is the worst month of the year for the currency pair. Since 1971 (interpolated data pre-1999) it has averaged a return of -1.27% (excluding carry) and fallen 62% of the time. With EURUSD having just confirmed a top and bearish turn in trend, this January should be no exception to the historical norm. EURUSD bears should be salivating for the start of the new year.



Source: BofAML


via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

How Central Banking Really Works – Fed Anniversary Redux

Submitted by Simon Black of Sovereign Man blog,

Here’s a question– if you’re in the Land of the Free, do you think those green pieces of paper in your wallet are dollars?

They’re not. A US dollar was defined by the Coinage Act of 1792 as 416 grains of standard silver.

No, those green pieces of paper are Federal Reserve notes. “Notes” in this case meaning liabilities to the central bank of the United States.

That makes you, me, and anyone else holding those green pieces of paper essentially creditors of the Federal Reserve, whether we signed up for it or not.

The Fed is theoretically like any other business. On one side of its balance sheet, it has assets. On the other side, it has liabilities.

The Fed is unique, though, in that its liabilities– namely Federal Reserve Notes– are passed off as money in the Land of the Free.

And they have a legal monopoly in this money business. Just ask Bernard von NotHaus, the founder of Liberty Dollar who was labeled a domestic terrorist and convicted for minting silver coins to be used as a competing money.

Moreover, the Fed has the ability to increase its liabilities at will. Mr. Bernanke can conjure additional Federal Reserve notes out of thin air and pump them into the system.

And at this point, thanks to a long-standing policy of wanton money printing, the Fed has more liabilities than ever before in its history. By an enormous margin.

This precarious balance sheet is dangerous, because if the Fed goes bust, everyone loses.

Is it even possible for a central bank to go bust? Definitely. Zimbabwe and Tajikistan are infamous examples.

And most recently it happened in Iceland. The banking system there collapsed from being so highly leveraged, and Iceland’s central bank suffered tremendous losses.

The end result was insolvency, and the central bank’s liabilities, i.e. the Icelandic kronor, went into freefall, losing 60% against the dollar and euro in a matter of days.

So yes, it does happen. And the consequences are devastating.

But how likely is it that the Fed could go bust?

In its most recently published balance sheet, the Fed listed assets valued at $3.5 trillion.

Most of this is US Treasuries and ‘agency’ debt securities. You probably remember those– the toxic mortgage debt that blew up a few years ago like Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Not exactly low risk.

Meanwhile, the Fed has become one of the biggest creditors of the United States government… which has managed to accumulate more debt than any government in the history of the world.

Of course, the only way the US government can pay interest to the Fed is by going into even more debt (which the Fed then has to buy).

Every time this happens, the Fed’s already razor-thin capital gets smaller and smaller, and the Fed’s balance sheet becomes riskier and riskier.

In fact, the Fed’s capital ratio (1.53%) is lower than Lehman Brothers when they went bankrupt in 2008.

But what happens if the Fed becomes insolvent?

In the case of Iceland, the government bailed out its central bank.

Iceland’s government went from being essentially debt free to having debts in excess of 100% of the country’s GDP, just to bail out the bank.

But the US, Japan, and Europe are already too indebted to bail out their central banks. An insolvent government cannot bail out an insolvent central bank.

The IMF is not an option either. The US, EU, Japan, etc. make up roughly half of the IMF capital quota– these are the countries who fund the IMF, not the other way around.

There really is no backstop for the Fed. The buck, so to speak, stops here. And with a capital ratio of just 1.53%, the Fed’s balance sheet is already in precarious financial condition.

Given that the Fed’s assets are so closely tied to the finances of the US government, the outlook should concern independent, thinking people.

If they go bust, the value of Federal Reserve notes (i.e. ‘dollars’) is going to plummet… along with the paper wealth of anyone holding them.


via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden