Here they are. WilliamBanzai7’s Special Holiday Puke Fine Art Print Editions just in time for the Christmas Holidays…
















Dear Friends,

Here before you is a truly historic series of images that I have painstakingly adapted to the current state of sordidly odiferous political/financial affairs.

Years from now, there will be little doubt over what the artist was seeing and thinking contemporaneously in the year 2013.

I am not going to oversell these pictures. They speak for themselves.

They also demonstrate how history truly rhymes on Wall Street.

I have all of these in very large high resolution files. So every print will match the highest standards of fine art print production.

As you can see, I have departed from normal practice by offering these prints in an assortment of sizes. I have done this solely to maximize your

participation by spreading price points. Bear in mind that the amount of personal time and effort involved is the same irrespective of print size. 

Each print will be signed, numbered and dated December 25, 2013.

I know that many of you are suffering various levels of economic hardship in these trying times. As is always the case, you are free to print these off for your own personal use.

I truly appreciate all the the moral and financial support that I receive from all of you. 

As you know, the primary reason that I am doing these prints is to signify my gratitude in return for your generous support for my endeavors.

It is my sincerest wish that the situation will  turn sooner than later so that each and everyone of us can return to personal prosperity.

Best wishes to you all,

And Fuck You Ben Bernanke!




via Zero Hedge williambanzai7




Here they are. WilliamBanzai7’s Special Holiday Puke Fine Art Print Editions just in time for the Christmas Holidays…
















Dear Friends,

Here before you is a truly historic series of images that I have painstakingly adapted to the current state of sordidly odiferous political/financial affairs.

Years from now, there will be little doubt over what the artist was seeing and thinking contemporaneously in the year 2013.

I am not going to oversell these pictures. They speak for themselves.

They also demonstrate how history truly rhymes on Wall Street.

I have all of these in very large high resolution files. So every print will match the highest standards of fine art print production.

As you can see, I have departed from normal practice by offering these prints in an assortment of sizes. I have done this solely to maximize your

participation by spreading price points. Bear in mind that the amount of personal time and effort involved is the same irrespective of print size. 

Each print will be signed, numbered and dated December 25, 2013.

I know that many of you are suffering various levels of economic hardship in these trying times. As is always the case, you are free to print these off for your own personal use.

I truly appreciate all the the moral and financial support that I receive from all of you. 

As you know, the primary reason that I am doing these prints is to signify my gratitude in return for your generous support for my endeavors.

It is my sincerest wish that the situation will  turn sooner than later so that each and everyone of us can return to personal prosperity.

Best wishes to you all,

And Fuck You Ben Bernanke!




via Zero Hedge williambanzai7

What An Ex-FOMC Governor Really Wants To Tell You About The Fed

Submitted by F.F.Wiley of Cyniconomics blog,

Hunting season is off to a good start this week, and I’m not just talking about deer hunting. It seems that former Fed officials declared open season on their ex-colleagues.

First, Andrew Huszar, who once ran the Fed’s mortgage buying operation, let loose in yesterday’s Wall Street Journal. Huszar apologized to all Americans for his role in the toxic QE programs.

And then today, the WSJ struck again, this time with an op-ed by former FOMC Governor Kevin Warsh.


Instead of excerpting the Huszar essay, we’ll only share the apt words of commenter Ernest Moosa, who wrote:

Every reader needs to understand and grasp what is being said here. We have been on the wrong economic path for five years, and without the desired results, our leadership says “FULL SPEED AHEAD”. We have wasted so much time and money that future generations will point to us and say this is how a great country can be destroyed in less than a decade with no shots even being fired. Deplorable.

Moosa hit the nail on the head, and we recommend reading the op-ed in its entirety if you haven’t already done so.

As for Warsh’s editorial, it was tough to read without wondering what he’s thinking. Warsh is a former Morgan Stanley investment banker whose 2006 to 2011 stint on the FOMC spanned the end of the housing boom and the first few years of “unconventional” policy measures. After such a solid grounding in the ways of the Fed and Wall Street, he recently morphed into a critic of the status quo. His criticisms are welcome and we believe accurate, but they’re also oh so carefully expressed. They’re written with the polite wording and between-the-lines meanings that you might expect from such an establishment figure. He seems to be holding back.

So, what does he really want to say?

Here are our guesses, alongside excerpts from the editorial on each of nine topics that Warsh covered:

Quantitative easing

“The purchase of long-term assets from the U.S. Treasury to achieve negative real interest rates is extraordinary, an unprecedented change in practice since the Treasury-Fed Accord of 1951.

The Fed is directly influencing the price of long-term Treasurys—the most important asset in the world, the predicate from which virtually all investment decisions are judged. Earlier this year the notion that the Fed might modestly taper its purchases drove significant upheaval across financial markets. This episode should engender humility on all sides. It should also correct the misimpression that QE is anything other than an untested, incomplete experiment.”

What he really wants to say:

We’d all be better off if the central banking gods (myself included) hadn’t been so damn arrogant to think that we actually understood QE. We don’t, and it never should have been attempted.

The Fed’s focus on inflation

“Low measured inflation and anchored inflationary expectations should only begin the discussion about the wisdom of Fed policy, not least because of the long and variable lags between monetary interventions and their effects on the economy. The most pronounced risk of QE is not an outbreak of hyperinflation. Rather, long periods of free money and subsidized credit are associated with significant capital misallocation and malinvestment—which do not augur well for long-term growth or financial stability.”

What he really wants to say:

The inflation target is stupid. It’s not the CPI that’s killing us, it’s the credit booms and busts. The best way out of this mess is to lose the inflation target and go back to the old-fashioned approach of “taking the punch bowl away when the party gets going.”

Pulling off the exit from extraordinary measures

“[T]he foremost attributes needed by the Fed to end its extraordinary interventions and, ultimately, to raise interest rates, are courage and conviction. The Fed has been roundly criticized for providing candy to spur markets higher. Consider the challenge when a steady diet of spinach is on offer.”

What he really wants to say:

Pundits who praise the courage of our central bankers are clueless. The true story is that we consistently take the easy way out. If the current cast of characters wanted to show courage, they’d man up and replace the short-term sugar highs with long-term thinking.

The Fed’s relationship to the rest of Washington

“The administration and Congress are unwilling or unable to agree on tax and spending priorities, or long-term structural reforms. They avoid making tough choices, confident the Fed’s asset purchases will ride to the rescue. In short, the central bank has become the default provider of aggregate demand. But the more the Fed acts, the more it allows elected representatives to stay on the sidelines. The Fed’s weak tea crowds out stronger policy measures that can only be taken by elected officials. Nobel laureate economist Tom Sargent has it right: ‘Monetary policy cannot be coherent unless fiscal policy is.’”

What he really wants to say:

And if we don’t man up, you can count on Congress to continue with its egregious generational theft and destroy our nation’s finances, just as me, Stan and Geoff have been warning.

Who benefits from QE and who doesn’t?

“Most do not question the Fed’s good intentions, but its policies have winners and losers, which should be acknowledged forthrightly.

The Fed buys mortgage-backed securities, thereby providing a direct boost to balance sheet wealth of existing homeowners to the detriment of renters and prospective future homeowners. The Fed buys long-term Treasurys to suppress yields and push investors into riskier assets, thereby boosting U.S. stocks.

The immediate beneficiaries: well-to-do households and established firms with larger balance sheets, larger risk appetites, and access to low-cost credit. The benefits to workers and retirees with significant fixed obligations are far more attenuated. The plodding improvement in the labor markets offers little solace.”

What he really wants to say:

Unbelievably, my ex-colleagues still don’t acknowledge their policies are killing the middle class to the benefit of the plutocracy. Their silence on this is wholly unacceptable and has to
stop (and so do the policies).

Domestic versus global policy considerations

“[T]he U.S. is the linchpin of an integrated global economy. Fed-induced liquidity spreads to the rest of the world through trade and banking channels, capital and investment flows, and financial-market arbitrage. Aggressive easing by the Fed can be contagious, inclining other central banks to ease as well to stay competitive. The privilege of having the dollar as the world’s reserve currency demands a broad view of global economic and financial-market developments. Otherwise, this privilege could be squandered.”

What he really wants to say:

We really need to climb out of our shell and look at things from a global perspective. The rest of the world knows that we’re selling a bill of goods and won’t continue buying it forever. If we don’t change, you can say goodbye to the dollar.

Forward guidance

“Since QE began, Fed policy makers have tried to explain that asset purchases and interest rates are different. Hence their refrain that tapering is not tightening, and that very low interest rates will continue after QE. Investors do not agree. Once the Fed begins to wind down its asset purchases, these market participants are likely to reassert their views with considerable force.

Recently, the Fed has elevated forward guidance as a means of persuading investors that it will indeed keep interest rates exceptionally low even after QE. Forward guidance is intended to explain how the central bank will react to incoming data. Fed projections for example, may show below-target inflation and a residual output gap justifying very low interest rates several years from now. But words are not equal to concrete policy action. And the Fed hasn’t received many awards for prescience in recent years.”

What he really wants to say:

Forward guidance is a load of crap. First, you won’t convince the market of any of your dumb ideas. Investors can and will think for themselves. Second, talk is cheap. And talk that’s based on the Fed’s ability to foresee the future? C’mon now, that’s ridiculous.


“[T]ransparency in communications about future policy is not a virtue unto itself. The highest virtue is getting policy right. Given manifest uncertainties about the state of the economy, oversharing policy deliberations is not useful if markets are led astray, or if public commitments reduce policy makers’ flexibility to call things the way they see them.”

What he really wants to say:

Transparency, shmansparency. I’ve had it up to here with taper, untaper, maybe taper, maybe not taper. I’ll trade a transparent central bank for one that knows what it’s doing any day.

Obama’s nomination of Janet Yellen as the next FOMC chair

“The president has nominated a person with a well-deserved reputation for probity and good judgment. The period ahead will demand these qualities in no small measure.”

What he really wants to say:

The president made a bad choice.


These are only our guesses, not actual thoughts from Kevin Warsh, who hasn’t told us what he really wants to say.  We don’t even know if he hunts.  (We’re guessing no.)


via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

White House Previews Today's "Lower Than Anticipated" Obamacare Enrollment Announcement – Live Webcast

Press Secretary Jay Carney is desperate to manage expectations ahead of Secretary Sebelius’ announcement of the Obamacare enrollment data in an hour:


To watch him squirm under a press corps unwilling to take their foot off his throat (for now)… Maybe we can read into this…


…just how bad it is!


And as a reminder:



via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

White House Previews Today’s “Lower Than Anticipated” Obamacare Enrollment Announcement – Live Webcast

Press Secretary Jay Carney is desperate to manage expectations ahead of Secretary Sebelius’ announcement of the Obamacare enrollment data in an hour:


To watch him squirm under a press corps unwilling to take their foot off his throat (for now)… Maybe we can read into this…


…just how bad it is!


And as a reminder:



via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

Russian Lawmaker Who Believes The Antichrist Is Coming, Proposes Bill To Ban Dollars In Russia

Attracting some attention in Russian media today is proposed legislation by State Duma lawmaker Mikhail Degtyarev of Vladimir Zhirinovsky’s controversial Liberal Democratic Party and former candidate for mayor of Moscow (where he got 2.86% of the vote), who seeks to ban dollar deposits and transactions at Russian banks warning that the U.S. dollar is on the brink of collapse. As Moscow Times reports, “Mikhail Degtyaryov said the dollar will collapse in 2017 if U.S. national debt continues to grow at the current rate, and he cautioned that countries with a high dependence on the currency would suffer an economic disaster… In light of this, the fact that confidence in the dollar is growing among Russian citizens is extremely dangerous,” he said in an explanatory note attached to the bill, according to Interfax.

Degtyarev’s proposed anti-USD capital controls would impose the ban within a year of its passage, and the holder of a dollar account would need to spend the money, convert it into another currency, or see the bank convert the account into rubles at the average rate for the previous year.

Russians could still buy and sell dollars while abroad, hold dollar deposits in foreign banks, and engage in e-commerce.


The legislation would not apply to the Central Bank, the government, the Foreign Ministry, the Defense Ministry, the Foreign Intelligence Service, the Federal Security Service and the Federal Treasury.


It was unclear when the bill might come up for a first hearing and whether it would find enough support in the pro-Kremlin legislature to be passed into law.

But before anyone scrambles to convert all their dollars into crisp rubles, keep in mind this is the same candidate who previously proposed banning gay and bisexual men from donating blood, paid days off for menstruating women, and has said he believes Russia will lead the world in vanquishing the Antichrist.

But that’s just the beginning. FP recently did a full profile on Degtyarev:

Meet the man who not only would like to lead Moscow in battle against Satan, but would also like to give women two days leave from work every month during menstruation.

For Degtyarev, the battle between good and evil is one that plays out in intensely nationalist terms. “I can say as a believer that I believe in the apocalypse from the point of view of faith. And I think we must prepare,” Degtyarev said on Friday. “I believe that we’ll defeat the Antichrist — I’m sure of it — and that Russia will lead the fight against the Antichrist.”


But Degtyarev has no patience for the portended apocalypses of other religions. Late last year, he launched a campaign to stop Russian media from reporting on the possibility that the end of the Mayan calendar foretold the end of the world. “In our compatriots’ interests, we ask you to pay attention to the dissemination of pseudo-scientific information about the end of the world in your media,” he said in addressing the coverage.


Incidentally, Degtyarev serves as the deputy head of the science and technology committee in the Duma.


But Degtyarev isn’t just a kooky crusader for Christ. He’s perhaps best known for his initiative to give women paid leave during menstruation. Last month, he introduced a bill in the Duma that would require employers to provide their female employees two days off every month during what he called their “critical days.”


“In this period, the majority of women experience psychological and physical discomfort,” Degtyarev said at the time. “Often the pain for the fair sex is so intense that they are forced to call an ambulance.”


The language of that legislation reads like something of an homage to male condescension: “Strong pain induces heightened fatigue, reduces memory and work-competence and leads to colorful expressions of emotional discomfort. Therefore scientists and gynecologists look on difficult menstruation not only as a medical, but also a social problem.”


Degtyarev’s nationalism was on full display earlier this week during a visit to a traditional Russian bath house, where he made a shirtless appearance before the cameras clad only in a towel and a traditional Russian hat. In an interview, which you can view below, he declared that when the plague struck Europe, Russians were largely immune to the effects of the disease because of the restorative properties of the banya. Such are the powers, Degtyarev claims, of traditional Russian culture.


In other words, it is safe to assume the dollar will be widely used in Russia for a quite a while longer.

More importantly, the erosion of the dollar’s credibility will not take thanks to the efforts of fringe lunatics abroad, but thanks to America’s very own non-fringe lunatics, especially those located in the Marriner Eccles building.


via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

UST 10yr Auction Post Mortem

The UST market grinded higher today, right into the 1pm (ET) 10yr auction. The 10yr auction came at the EXACT high print of the day on the current 10yr note @ 2.75%.   This is uncommon for a low volume day (i was expecting a tail…instead the auction came on-the-screws, at the high of the day).

Typical trading volumes for a 10yr auction day are around 450bln 10yr equivs. Today we are at 240bln 10yr equivs (asof 1pm), and on target for a 360bln 10yr equiv day…so on track for an 80% volume day.

The USD index (DX) was weak today, which typically creates strength for US Treasuries. This held true today, and probably explains a portion of the bid in the UST market going into the 10yr auction.

(pictured are 10yr futures vs inverse DX futures)

























While there is no use crying over spilt milk (most traders go into the auctions short, and then bid to cover that short, hoping for a Dutch treat), lets start to think about what this means for tomorrow’s 30yr bond auction.

We know there was a large-ish UST short position initiated after NFP on Friday.  I can only surmise that this aggregate short position (combined with general USD weakness) is responsible for the strength in todays 10yr auction.  With the treasury market still sticking at the highs of the day (in fact making a new high as i am writing this), it feels safe to assume that there is more short covering to be done.

This is the backdrop as we now begin our approach into tomorrow’s 30yr bond auction.  30yr bonds have underperformed on the curve today, which tells us that a short 30yr setup has already begun (possibly outright..possibly on the curve).  We will have more clarity on that point tomorrow.

Trading volumes were very low going into the 10yr auction..and are still low 30 minutes after the auction.  It feels like a significant sized group of market participants are not participating in the US Treasury market.

More later on twitter


via Zero Hedge govttrader

S&P 500 Spikes To New Intraday Record High

On the back of yet another VIX smashing and “most shorted” squeeze, amid the glory of a news-less, macro-data-less day, the S&P 500 has managed to get back above its record intraday highs at 1775.22 ignited by some minor EURJPY momentum sparks.

S&P blew through the old record high 1775.22…


Shorts squeezed… again


It seems “something” keeps changing when Europe closes…


Of course, here’s what matters…


via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

S&P 500 Spikes To New Intraday Record High

On the back of yet another VIX smashing and “most shorted” squeeze, amid the glory of a news-less, macro-data-less day, the S&P 500 has managed to get back above its record intraday highs at 1775.22 ignited by some minor EURJPY momentum sparks.

S&P blew through the old record high 1775.22…


Shorts squeezed… again


It seems “something” keeps changing when Europe closes…


Of course, here’s what matters…


via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

Head Of Recently Shuttered "World's Largest FX Hedge Fund" On Hook For Firm's Debt

It’s been a tough year for John Taylor – cursed by the CNBC Squawk Master monicker – but it appears to be getting worse. As Hedge Fund Alert reports, less than a year before his currency-trading shop filed for bankruptcy, the FX Concepts founder personally guaranteed a chunk of the debt his firm owes to its largest creditor. AMF, the Credit Suisse hedge fund incubator, is owed $34.4 million with Taylor on the hook for $5 million and “is going to clearly try to get the money out of John,” but, “by any stretch of the imagination, it’s not there.” Recent court documents suggest the fund was in even worse shape than previously understood as the liquidation of FX Concepts’ four main assets is ongoing but as a whole, however, the trading programs probably are worth little, one source said. “If their models worked, they would have produced returns,” he said. “Their brand has no value, unless you want to advertise negative returns.”


Via Hedge Fund Alert,

Less than a year before his currency-trading shop filed for bankruptcy, FX Concepts founder John Taylor personally guaranteed a chunk of the debt his firm owes to its largest creditor.


Asset Management Finance, a Credit Suisse unit that has invested in a number of prominent hedge fund-management firms in the past decade, provided $40 million of debt financing to FX Concepts via two revenue-sharing agreements in 2006 and 2010. But in December 2012, as opportunities in the currency market continued to fade and redemptions mounted, Taylor was forced to renegotiate the financing package. The Credit Suisse unit agreed to defer eight quarterly revenue-sharing payments in exchange for Taylor’s personal guarantee for those obligations. As of Oct. 17, when the firm filed for Chapter 11, FX Concepts owed Asset Management Finance $34.4 million, with Taylor on the hook for $5 million of the total.


“AMF is going to clearly try to get money out of John,” a source said. “By any stretch of the imagination, it’s not there.”



The liquidation of FX Concepts’ assets is being handled by restructuring specialist CDG Group, which has begun reaching out to some 40 other currency managers, as well as to current and former FX Concepts executives. On the block are four assets: trading technology encompassing 148 distinct programs; a database covering 30-plus years of currency prices and other historical data; a daily newsletter that Taylor has published since 1981; and the FX Concepts trademark. Among the trading programs is the firm’s flagship Global Currency Program, which was down 13.9% this year through August. Other programs have been more profitable — with one automated-trading model generating a 50% gain through September.


As a whole, however, the trading programs probably are worth little, one source said. “If their models worked, they would have produced returns,” he said. “Their brand has no value, unless you want to advertise negative returns.”



What’s known is that the proceeds of the 2010 financing package were paid out to Taylor as an advance on his equity in the business. He used the money to buy his condo, reportedly paying $22 million — or $4.5 million more than the asking price. At the same time, Taylor has spent significant amounts of his own money funding research into hemophilia, which afflicts one of his children.

Read more here…


Sadly, it seems once again that the inverse correlation between hedge fund performance and frequency of appearance on CNBC has proved itself…


via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden