Head Of Recently Shuttered "World's Largest FX Hedge Fund" On Hook For Firm's Debt

It’s been a tough year for John Taylor – cursed by the CNBC Squawk Master monicker – but it appears to be getting worse. As Hedge Fund Alert reports, less than a year before his currency-trading shop filed for bankruptcy, the FX Concepts founder personally guaranteed a chunk of the debt his firm owes to its largest creditor. AMF, the Credit Suisse hedge fund incubator, is owed $34.4 million with Taylor on the hook for $5 million and “is going to clearly try to get the money out of John,” but, “by any stretch of the imagination, it’s not there.” Recent court documents suggest the fund was in even worse shape than previously understood as the liquidation of FX Concepts’ four main assets is ongoing but as a whole, however, the trading programs probably are worth little, one source said. “If their models worked, they would have produced returns,” he said. “Their brand has no value, unless you want to advertise negative returns.”


Via Hedge Fund Alert,

Less than a year before his currency-trading shop filed for bankruptcy, FX Concepts founder John Taylor personally guaranteed a chunk of the debt his firm owes to its largest creditor.


Asset Management Finance, a Credit Suisse unit that has invested in a number of prominent hedge fund-management firms in the past decade, provided $40 million of debt financing to FX Concepts via two revenue-sharing agreements in 2006 and 2010. But in December 2012, as opportunities in the currency market continued to fade and redemptions mounted, Taylor was forced to renegotiate the financing package. The Credit Suisse unit agreed to defer eight quarterly revenue-sharing payments in exchange for Taylor’s personal guarantee for those obligations. As of Oct. 17, when the firm filed for Chapter 11, FX Concepts owed Asset Management Finance $34.4 million, with Taylor on the hook for $5 million of the total.


“AMF is going to clearly try to get money out of John,” a source said. “By any stretch of the imagination, it’s not there.”



The liquidation of FX Concepts’ assets is being handled by restructuring specialist CDG Group, which has begun reaching out to some 40 other currency managers, as well as to current and former FX Concepts executives. On the block are four assets: trading technology encompassing 148 distinct programs; a database covering 30-plus years of currency prices and other historical data; a daily newsletter that Taylor has published since 1981; and the FX Concepts trademark. Among the trading programs is the firm’s flagship Global Currency Program, which was down 13.9% this year through August. Other programs have been more profitable — with one automated-trading model generating a 50% gain through September.


As a whole, however, the trading programs probably are worth little, one source said. “If their models worked, they would have produced returns,” he said. “Their brand has no value, unless you want to advertise negative returns.”



What’s known is that the proceeds of the 2010 financing package were paid out to Taylor as an advance on his equity in the business. He used the money to buy his condo, reportedly paying $22 million — or $4.5 million more than the asking price. At the same time, Taylor has spent significant amounts of his own money funding research into hemophilia, which afflicts one of his children.

Read more here…


Sadly, it seems once again that the inverse correlation between hedge fund performance and frequency of appearance on CNBC has proved itself…


via Zero Hedge http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/zerohedge/feed/~3/x8vwu_MxHtE/story01.htm Tyler Durden

Head Of Recently Shuttered “World’s Largest FX Hedge Fund” On Hook For Firm’s Debt

It’s been a tough year for John Taylor – cursed by the CNBC Squawk Master monicker – but it appears to be getting worse. As Hedge Fund Alert reports, less than a year before his currency-trading shop filed for bankruptcy, the FX Concepts founder personally guaranteed a chunk of the debt his firm owes to its largest creditor. AMF, the Credit Suisse hedge fund incubator, is owed $34.4 million with Taylor on the hook for $5 million and “is going to clearly try to get the money out of John,” but, “by any stretch of the imagination, it’s not there.” Recent court documents suggest the fund was in even worse shape than previously understood as the liquidation of FX Concepts’ four main assets is ongoing but as a whole, however, the trading programs probably are worth little, one source said. “If their models worked, they would have produced returns,” he said. “Their brand has no value, unless you want to advertise negative returns.”


Via Hedge Fund Alert,

Less than a year before his currency-trading shop filed for bankruptcy, FX Concepts founder John Taylor personally guaranteed a chunk of the debt his firm owes to its largest creditor.


Asset Management Finance, a Credit Suisse unit that has invested in a number of prominent hedge fund-management firms in the past decade, provided $40 million of debt financing to FX Concepts via two revenue-sharing agreements in 2006 and 2010. But in December 2012, as opportunities in the currency market continued to fade and redemptions mounted, Taylor was forced to renegotiate the financing package. The Credit Suisse unit agreed to defer eight quarterly revenue-sharing payments in exchange for Taylor’s personal guarantee for those obligations. As of Oct. 17, when the firm filed for Chapter 11, FX Concepts owed Asset Management Finance $34.4 million, with Taylor on the hook for $5 million of the total.


“AMF is going to clearly try to get money out of John,” a source said. “By any stretch of the imagination, it’s not there.”



The liquidation of FX Concepts’ assets is being handled by restructuring specialist CDG Group, which has begun reaching out to some 40 other currency managers, as well as to current and former FX Concepts executives. On the block are four assets: trading technology encompassing 148 distinct programs; a database covering 30-plus years of currency prices and other historical data; a daily newsletter that Taylor has published since 1981; and the FX Concepts trademark. Among the trading programs is the firm’s flagship Global Currency Program, which was down 13.9% this year through August. Other programs have been more profitable — with one automated-trading model generating a 50% gain through September.


As a whole, however, the trading programs probably are worth little, one source said. “If their models worked, they would have produced returns,” he said. “Their brand has no value, unless you want to advertise negative returns.”



What’s known is that the proceeds of the 2010 financing package were paid out to Taylor as an advance on his equity in the business. He used the money to buy his condo, reportedly paying $22 million — or $4.5 million more than the asking price. At the same time, Taylor has spent significant amounts of his own money funding research into hemophilia, which afflicts one of his children.

Read more here…


Sadly, it seems once again that the inverse correlation between hedge fund performance and frequency of appearance on CNBC has proved itself…


via Zero Hedge http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/zerohedge/feed/~3/x8vwu_MxHtE/story01.htm Tyler Durden

Strong Auction Sells $24 Billion In 10 Year Par-Priced Paper

Today’s $24 billion in new 10 Year paper, with a 2.75% cash coupon, sold with a perfect par, or 100.000, price, for a yield of 2.75%, which stopped through the 2.754% When Issued. The auction was strong in every aspect: the Bid To Cover was a solid 2.70, higher than last month’s 2.58, the second highest of the past 6 months, and just a fraction below the TTM average of 2.73. The Primary Dealers took down 33.8%, as there was a scramble by the Indirects to buy paper, leaving them with 47.7% of the takedown, well above the 38.3% TTM average, and the second highest going back all the way to November 2011. Directs were therefore left with 18.6%, modestly less than the 22.52% TTM. Overall, a solid auction which added some much needed collateral to an otherwise very illiquid market.


via Zero Hedge http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/zerohedge/feed/~3/UWJRDRxhXm4/story01.htm Tyler Durden

Watch Socialist Paradise Central Planning In Action: Venezuela Looting Edition

What happens when the government sets the precedent that what was private is now public property? Encouraged by President Maduro’s seeming incitement “Leave nothing on the shelves, nothing in the warehouses… Let nothing remain in stock!crowds of Venezuelans looted the local DAKA stores after the government’s ‘occupation’… “this is good for the nation,” Maduro concluded… You decide…


Some might argue that DAKA (in a mysteriously karmic way) got its back on Maduro as he was propelled from his bike by ‘nothing’ the day after…


via Zero Hedge http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/zerohedge/feed/~3/tufQZZdQWow/story01.htm Tyler Durden

Goldman Congratulates Its 280 Newly Promoted Managing Directors

Last year it was 266, this year the number of promoted Goldman MDs has risen to 280: the wealth effect is finally trickling down to the firm that does god’s work.

The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (NYSE: GS) today announced that it has selected a new class of Managing Directors as of January 1, 2014, the start of our next fiscal year. 

“We wish our new Managing Directors continued success and thank them for their dedication and hard work representing the firm and our clients,” said Lloyd C. Blankfein, Chairman and CEO of Goldman Sachs. 

The following individuals have been promoted to Managing Director:

Katherine Abrat

Afsheen Afshar

Puneet Agarwal

Sergio Akselrad

Philip Aldis

Jean Altier Bohm

Margaret Anadu

Vishweshwar Anantharam

Alexi Antolovich

Silvia Ardagna

Matthew Armas

Anthony Arnold

Yacov Arnopolin

Celine Assouline

Roberto Awad

Amin Azmoudeh

Davie Baccei

Eric Bai

Taran Bakker

Paddy Balasubramanian

Kevin Barker

Lindsay Basloe

Peter Beckman

Collin Bell

Navtej Bhullar

Francois-Xavier Bouillet

Douglas Bouquard

David Bowen

Elizabeth Bowyer

Sarah Brungs

Michael Bruun

Beat Cabiallavetta

Niharika Cabiallavetta

John Cahill

Greg Calnon

Robert Camacho

David Campbell

Thomas Campbell

Michael Casey

John Cassidy

Pascal Cerf

Tiffani Chambers

Sharmini Chetwode

Patricia Chew

Travis Chmelka

Lisa Coar

Charles Cognata

Dahlia Cohen

Rod Colburn

Peter Colven

Stuart Connolly

Stephen Considine

Damien Courvalin

Nora Creedon

Alicia Crighton

Adam Crook (Securities)

Piers Curle

Michael D’Addario

Aneesh Daga

Matt Dailey

Viktor Danielson

Eric Dann

Suzanne de Verdelon

Banu Demirkiran

Michael Deninno

Stratford Dennis

Anthony DeRose

Arun Dhar

Scott Diamond

Rachel Diller

Lin Ding

Rohan Doctor

Anthony Duggan

Sinead Dunphy

Michael Durso

Michael Eakins

Mike Ebeling

Kene Ejikeme

Simon Ennis

Ashley Everett

Amir Fais

Joseph Femenia

Ivan Fillon

Andrew Fisher

Andrew Flahive

Brian Fortson

Bridget Fraser

Olivier Frendo

Gedaliah Friedenberg

Nicolas Friedman

James Fulton

Roger Gardiner

Grace Ge

Matija Gergolet

Phil Giuca

Brian Glass

Ward Glassmeyer

Craig Glassner

Nicholas Godfrey

Lawrence Grassi

Jett Greenberg

David Gribble

Benjamin Grizzle

Anil Grover (LCA Tech)

Fredrik Grunberger

Dominic Gurney

David Ha

Kirsten Hagen

Digboloy Halder

Phillip Han

Sarah Harper

Nick Hartley

Hunter Henry

Debra Herschmann

Michael Hickey

Michael Higgins

Axel Hoefer

Judy Hong

Tim Hooley

Erdit Hoxha

James Huckaby

Michael Husson

Maximos Iakovlev

Inci Isikli

Omer Ismail

Glade Jacobsen

Sumedh Jaiswal

Michael Jalkut

Channa Jayaweera

Derek Jean-Baptiste

Chito Jeyarajah

Jessica Jones

Sami Kamhawi

Geraldine Keefe

Zaid Khaldi

Talat Khan

Gautam Khanna

Robert Kimmel

Hiroki Kimoto

Gil Klemann

Victor Klimchenko

Gordon Kluzak

Heidi Kniesel

Kimiyasu Kono

Joseph Konzelmann

Eric Kramer

Pavel Krotkov

Rohit Kumar

Yojiro Kunitomo

David LaBianca

Jonathan Lamm

Adam Lane

Risa Lederhandler

Andrei Legostaev

Matt Leisen

Vincenzo Lento

Wesley LePatner

Xufa Liao

Brian Liloia

Reginaldo Lima

Marcel Liplijn

Malcolm MacDonald

John Marshall

Jonathan Matz

Patty McCarthy

Michael McGinn

Alan McLean

Olympia McNerney

Scott Mehling

Noa Meyer

Alexandra Miani

Jung Min

Jerry Minier

Anthony Mirabile

Anindya Mohinta

Mike Mooney

Sam Morgan

Will Morgan

Peter Morreale

Rick Morris (Securities)

Piyush Mubayi

Kaushik Murali

Mark Najarian

Josh Newsome

Logan Nicholson

Mike Nickols

Sergei Nodelman

Jolie Norris

Edward Oakley

Timothy O’Donovan

Brian O’Keeffe

Mark Olivier

Stephen Orr

Bartosz Ostenda

Enrico Ottavian

Hiroshi Ozawa

Matthew Papas

Muir Paterson

Cyrille Perard

Chris Perez

Amit Pilowsky

Nick Pomponi

Brandon Press

Ken Prince

Elizabeth Pritchard

Grant Purtell

Don Raab

Radovan Radman

Mohan Rajagopal

Neema Raphael

Michael Rendel

Osmin Rivera

Ludovic Rodhain

Javier Rodriguez-Alarcon

Cosmo Roe

Andrew Rosivach

Jennifer Roth

Armin Rothauser

Jonathan Rousse

John Ryan

Yassaman Salas

Tom Scarpati

Joao Schmidt

Rachel Schnoll

Marc Schreiber

Bruce Schwartz

Lyle Schwartz

Anshul Sehgal

John Semczuk

Hideyuki Seo

Jonathan Shapiro

Johann Shudlick

Andrew Silverman

Brian Singer

Jeremie Sokolowsky

Simone Song

William Stamatakis

Jari Stehn

Jeremy Stent

Alan Stewart

Daniel Strack

Alexandra Stubbings

Masato Sunaga

Takaaki Suzuki

Chia Min Tan

Robert Tau

Sujay Telang

Baris Temelkuran

Rene Theriault

Bart Thomson

Cassandra Tok

Alex Tomas

Karen Trapani

Kamakshya Trivedi

Emma Tsui

Ervin Tu

John Tully

Thomas Turner

Michael Ungari

Krishnamurthy Vaidyanathan

Anilu Vazquez-Ubarri

Sofie Wacha

Scott Walter

Bryce Wan

James Wang

Kent Wasson

Michael Watts

Stephen Waxman

Connie Wen

Colin White

Kyle Williams

Stephen Withnell

Audrey Woon

Chiharu Yamagami

Suzzanne Yao

Rana Yared

Bervan Yeh

Tony Yip

Emi Yoshibe

Vladimir Zakharov


via Zero Hedge http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/zerohedge/feed/~3/EgjrgdI_i10/story01.htm Tyler Durden

The Definition Of Insanity

… Is shown on the chart below, which compares indexed growth, or lack thereof, in G-5 GDP and compares it to consolidated central bank balance sheets. We bring this up because following this morning’s announcement by the ECB’s Praet that the European central bank may launch a round of QE (of questionable legality) it is only a matter of time before the red line really takes off and insanity hits truly unseen levels.

There is little to add to this except for the punchline from reformed QEaser Andrew Huszar, which was the following: “We were working feverishly to preserve the impression that the Fed knew what it was doing.

Pretty much says it all.

h/t @not_jim_cramer


via Zero Hedge http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/zerohedge/feed/~3/4s1Lgt-lWoE/story01.htm Tyler Durden

Italian Authorities 'Raid' Apple HQ After $1.4bn Tax Fraud Allegations

Milan prosecutors ordered the seizure of a substantial batch of computer and telephone equipment from Apple’s Italian HQ as part of an investigation into allegations of a one billion euro tax fraud. As L’Espresso reports, the allegations surround false representation of accounting records (EUR206mm in 2010 and EUR853mm in 2011) which were recorded by the Irish entity ‘Apple Sales International’ but, Italian authorities suggest were services rendered for business carried out in Italy. Beyond this investigation, it seems the growing tax divergences (and loopholes) that we have previously discussed (such as the Double Irish) are becoming a key focus for an increasingly cash-strapped European periphery (among others).


Via (Google Translate) L’Espresso,

The amounts deducted from the Italian tax authorities, according to initial investigations, it would be very relevant. If the investigative hypotheses are confirmed, Apple would have underestimated Italy of approximately EUR 206 million taxable income in 2010 of more than 853 million as of the 2011 tax year, based on a false representation of the accounting records and using fraudulent means thesis to hinder the investigation.


In practice, in the two years at issue so far, Apple would have concealed from the tax authorities a billion…



According to the accusation, the profits made ??in Italy by Apple were recorded by the Irish company Apple Sales International, following a scheme widely used in other multinational hi-tech and Internet, Google in the first place, due to which these groups fail to pay taxes on their laughable huge profits by taking advantage of a set of rules into Irish law which, recently, have been under observation by the European Union.


On the basis of these findings the deputy prosecutor charge of the investigation Adriano Squires, coordinated dall’aggiunto Francesco Greek, ordered the seizure of a substantial batch of computer equipment and telephone, after a search that took place at the headquarters of Apple in the Piazza San Babila in Milan, in order to find evidence of fraud once the material will be analyzed.



The hypothesis is that Apple upstream Italy not only deal with channel support to sales and service and ancillary services to Irish society, but the real heart of the business carried out in Italy. In other words it is that there is a stable organization well concealed behind that light which is instead indicated by Apple.



Looking beyond the single investigation, one can not but notice how the pressure to grow, even in Italy, to those architectures that enable corporate transnational corporations – and the technology are in the eye of the storm – to free themselves from the bulk of the taxation income from. And as also in this case again with tumbling force the Irish question in the fight circumvention of the rules of the Italian tax authorities, and not only.


We can’t wait to hear what the Irish think…


via Zero Hedge http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/zerohedge/feed/~3/V1MxBeI2Axk/story01.htm Tyler Durden

Italian Authorities ‘Raid’ Apple HQ After $1.4bn Tax Fraud Allegations

Milan prosecutors ordered the seizure of a substantial batch of computer and telephone equipment from Apple’s Italian HQ as part of an investigation into allegations of a one billion euro tax fraud. As L’Espresso reports, the allegations surround false representation of accounting records (EUR206mm in 2010 and EUR853mm in 2011) which were recorded by the Irish entity ‘Apple Sales International’ but, Italian authorities suggest were services rendered for business carried out in Italy. Beyond this investigation, it seems the growing tax divergences (and loopholes) that we have previously discussed (such as the Double Irish) are becoming a key focus for an increasingly cash-strapped European periphery (among others).


Via (Google Translate) L’Espresso,

The amounts deducted from the Italian tax authorities, according to initial investigations, it would be very relevant. If the investigative hypotheses are confirmed, Apple would have underestimated Italy of approximately EUR 206 million taxable income in 2010 of more than 853 million as of the 2011 tax year, based on a false representation of the accounting records and using fraudulent means thesis to hinder the investigation.


In practice, in the two years at issue so far, Apple would have concealed from the tax authorities a billion…



According to the accusation, the profits made ??in Italy by Apple were recorded by the Irish company Apple Sales International, following a scheme widely used in other multinational hi-tech and Internet, Google in the first place, due to which these groups fail to pay taxes on their laughable huge profits by taking advantage of a set of rules into Irish law which, recently, have been under observation by the European Union.


On the basis of these findings the deputy prosecutor charge of the investigation Adriano Squires, coordinated dall’aggiunto Francesco Greek, ordered the seizure of a substantial batch of computer equipment and telephone, after a search that took place at the headquarters of Apple in the Piazza San Babila in Milan, in order to find evidence of fraud once the material will be analyzed.



The hypothesis is that Apple upstream Italy not only deal with channel support to sales and service and ancillary services to Irish society, but the real heart of the business carried out in Italy. In other words it is that there is a stable organization well concealed behind that light which is instead indicated by Apple.



Looking beyond the single investigation, one can not but notice how the pressure to grow, even in Italy, to those architectures that enable corporate transnational corporations – and the technology are in the eye of the storm – to free themselves from the bulk of the taxation income from. And as also in this case again with tumbling force the Irish question in the fight circumvention of the rules of the Italian tax authorities, and not only.


We can’t wait to hear what the Irish think…


via Zero Hedge http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/zerohedge/feed/~3/V1MxBeI2Axk/story01.htm Tyler Durden

Guest Post: The Three Types Of Politicians

Submitted by Charles Hugh-Smith of OfTwoMinds blog,

Solving profoundly structural problems by establishing a new foundation of values that most can embrace positively is the hallmark of leadership.

We can usefully classify politicians into three categories: caretakers, practical visionaries and values-transformers.

Caretakers maintain the status quo, a task that boils down to throwing a fiscal bone to every politically powerful constituency and doing so in a manner that does not create career-threatening blowback.

Caretaker politicians may or may not have what President George H.W. Bush famously called "the vision thing," but their actions are all of the caretaker variety, regardless of their soaring rhetoric.

Caretaker politicians take credit for things that would have happened even if they'd lost the election and some other caretaker politician had held the office: the new school would have built anyway, the strike settled one way or another, and the nation would have exited from the unpopular discretionary war.

The signature accomplishments of caretaker politicians always leave the status quo power structure and constituencies firmly in place; ObamaCare is an excellent example.

Practical visionaries use their political capital to push through long-term, unsexy infrastructure projects that do not necessarily have powerful constituencies pushing for them and may have politically potent enemies. Examples include rebuilding or extending sewer systems, systemwide renovation of water works or power transmission lines, etc.

These long-term projects require major commitments of funds and competent long-term management, both of which must be cultivated by the practical visionary politician. They may also require overcoming significant political resistance from constituencies who are not benefiting (at least in their view) from the immense investment of public treasure.

Where the caretaker is happy to glad-hand his/her way through the short-term fray of competing demands, putting our fires and resolving minor battles, the practical visionary must have the vision and fortitude to keep investing effort and political capital in long-term projects that may not be sexy or popular.

The signature accomplishments of practical visionaries tend to be large-scale projects that were not slam-dunks: caretakers do not risk their political capital on long-term, unsexy projects, nor do they have the persistence, vision and character needed to work diligently for years to persuade or cajole doubters and then ensure the project is competently managed to completion.

Practical visionaries have "the vision thing" for concrete projects: revamp teacher education from the ground up, a new water treatment plant, an interstate highway system, etc. Their values are oriented toward improving the basics of civilization: water, waste, transport, education, etc. in fundamental, long-term ways.

Practical visionaries are often under-appreciated in their own time; they may only be appreciated long after they have retired or passed on.

Practical visionaries are also capable of wreaking great damage because they grind through even formidable opposition: those pushing "urban renewal" projects that bulldozed "slums" (i.e. affordable housing for marginalized populations) so freeways could tear the heart out of neighborhoods were convinced that making it easier for suburbanites to drive to their jobs in the city was worth far more than intact neighborhoods. Their confidence in that suburban mindset laid waste to many U.S. urban centers.

The third category of politician is very rare: those who can change the values of the populace and thereby transform the political landscape.

This type of politician is adept at transforming what appears to be unresolvable conflicts by establishing a values-based common ground that enables warring constituencies to bypass the old battle lines. This rare breed is not ideological, as ideologies are what create and solidify the conflicts and battle lines.

Values-transformers find a way to make every constituency feel as if they have participated in the solution, or even better, that the solution arose from their core values. Those constituencies that lose power as a result are treated with respect rather than denigration.

Solving profoundly structural problems by establishing a new foundation of values that most can embrace positively is the hallmark of leadership.

Either those with these leadership skills are avoiding politics or the voters are rejecting them in favor of caretakers who are incapable of challenging political powerful constituencies or finding common ground for desperately needed systemic reforms.


via Zero Hedge http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/zerohedge/feed/~3/Xzqq2-LFdHo/story01.htm Tyler Durden

And Now It's Time To Blame Hackers For Obamacare's Failure

Back in October, when Obamacare’s birthing problems first became evident, and when healthcare.gov was revealed as the best website ever built… using ForTran… we suggested that it was only a matter of time before Obama blames the evil, terroristy hackers of the world and mostly of Syria. Moments ago, that just happened.


Good old administration: predictable to a fault. Now go get those evil, terroristy hackers.


via Zero Hedge http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/zerohedge/feed/~3/0PWeoVwPZuc/story01.htm Tyler Durden