October US Manufacturing Output Tumbles To 2009 Levels

While hardly as followed as the other two key US manufacturing indices, the Mfg ISM and the Chicago PMI, the recently introduced Markit PMI, which comes from the same firm that tracks manufacturing data across the rest of the world, shows that in addition to the sliding job picture in September (and soon October), one other aspect of the US economy that took a big hit in October was manufacturing. As Markit just reported, “the U.S. manufacturing sector grew at its weakest pace for a year in October… based on approximately 85% of usual monthly survey replies. The flash PMI index registered 51.1, down from 52.8 in September, and was consistent with only a modest rate of expansion.” Not only was this the lowest headline print in one year, and should the drop continue it would be the worst print since 2009, not only was the New Order index had its weakest number in 6 months, but worst of all, the Output index, plunging from 55.3 to 49.5, had its first contrationary print since 2009!

Headline Mfg PMI:

And the suddenly plunging Output index:

The full data table:

Summarizing the atrocious print is Chris Williamson, Chief Economist at Markit said:

“The flash PMI provides the first insight into how business fared against the backdrop of the government shutdown in October, and suggests that the disruptions and uncertainty caused by the crisis hit companies hard. The survey showed the first fall in manufacturing output since the height of the global financial crisis back in September 2009. We can expect GDP growth to have suffered a set-back in the fourth quarter, but it is too early to estimate the extent of the slowdown. It is impossible to disentangle the impact of the shutdown from other factors that might have been at play during the month, so equally impossible to judge the extent to which business might bounce back in November.


“The Fed will be equally unsure of the underlying health of the economy, and will no doubt want to see the economic data stabilise, which could take until the end of the year, before making any firm policy decisions.”

Of course: bullish spin. How else.


via Zero Hedge http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/zerohedge/feed/~3/FZSyaunlsX0/story01.htm Tyler Durden

Baltic Dry Bear Market Index

As much as we loathe saying “we told you so” – especially when it relates to highlighting the fallacious bullshit of one James Cramer – the truth is that just 3 weeks ago we pointed out the fact that the Baltic Dry Index was being heralded as proof of China’s (and therefore the world’s great recovery) was a mistake. At the time, we noted the temporary nature of the move and now forward markets indicated it was not sustainable; and of course, were met with a chorus of deniers. Well, following a 4.4% decline today, the Baltic Dry Index has now plunged over 20% from its recent peak (and the more crucial Capesize container rates even more) as underlying demand simply cannot keep pace with the massive (overbuilt) ship glut that remains. Added to this is the apparent ‘tightening’ stance by the PBOC that we have been noting and we suspect, as we warned, the 2011 deja vus will be clear.



Chart: Bloomberg


via Zero Hedge http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/zerohedge/feed/~3/Jk1gn_pdQxA/story01.htm Tyler Durden

Initial Claims Still "Idiotic", Still "Rising Above" As California ObamaVista Glitch Persists

With claims from the backlog in California’s systems “glitch” (which began in September) still working their way through the system, one can only imagine the debacle that this data really is as more people filed for unemployment claims that expected for the 3rd week in a row. 44,100 Federal workers applied for claims two weeks ago (and received it we presume as well as their back pay now) but the Labor department notes these claims are not reflected in the total. At 350k, vs 340k expectations, this is the first time since early January that we have seen 3 weeks in a row of missed expectations



The smoother 4-week-moving-average has surged back to almost 4-month highs.


Charts: Bloomberg


via Zero Hedge http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/zerohedge/feed/~3/eGO59WqsUc4/story01.htm Tyler Durden

Initial Claims Still “Idiotic”, Still “Rising Above” As California ObamaVista Glitch Persists

With claims from the backlog in California’s systems “glitch” (which began in September) still working their way through the system, one can only imagine the debacle that this data really is as more people filed for unemployment claims that expected for the 3rd week in a row. 44,100 Federal workers applied for claims two weeks ago (and received it we presume as well as their back pay now) but the Labor department notes these claims are not reflected in the total. At 350k, vs 340k expectations, this is the first time since early January that we have seen 3 weeks in a row of missed expectations



The smoother 4-week-moving-average has surged back to almost 4-month highs.


Charts: Bloomberg


via Zero Hedge http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/zerohedge/feed/~3/eGO59WqsUc4/story01.htm Tyler Durden

Gold Hits 1-Month High In Aftermath Of Goldman's (And Gartman's) "Slam Dunk Sell" Advice

Just two weeks after Goldman’s “Slam Dunk Sell,” report, the price of gold is surging once again. Goldman’s Currie (in direct opposition to BofAML’s Curry) argument that post debt-ceiling, “… with significant recovery in the U.S., tapering of QE should put downward pressure on gold prices,” seems like another round of wishful thinking as physical premiums for gold around the world surge to record highs and spot prices reach one-month highs. Of course, while Goldman had a few days of positive reaction after their call, it is none other than Dennis Gartman who provided the bottom-tick in the latest exuberance.



via Zero Hedge http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/zerohedge/feed/~3/vBNQYrO_Hgo/story01.htm Tyler Durden

Gold Hits 1-Month High In Aftermath Of Goldman’s (And Gartman’s) “Slam Dunk Sell” Advice

Just two weeks after Goldman’s “Slam Dunk Sell,” report, the price of gold is surging once again. Goldman’s Currie (in direct opposition to BofAML’s Curry) argument that post debt-ceiling, “… with significant recovery in the U.S., tapering of QE should put downward pressure on gold prices,” seems like another round of wishful thinking as physical premiums for gold around the world surge to record highs and spot prices reach one-month highs. Of course, while Goldman had a few days of positive reaction after their call, it is none other than Dennis Gartman who provided the bottom-tick in the latest exuberance.



via Zero Hedge http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/zerohedge/feed/~3/vBNQYrO_Hgo/story01.htm Tyler Durden

As NSA Spreads Disinformation Wooing Hoi Polloi To Shun Innovation, Dead Beat Carriers Represent Biggest Security Threat

carrierIQ homepage carrierIQ homepageAbout a month and a half ago, I penned the piece NSA’s Greatest Weapon In Surveillance? Outright Ignorance In Tech Consumers. The goal was to attempt to wake up the less than conscious in regards to where and with whom the true threats to privacy and security stem from. Those harping on innovative designs such as Glass as security threats are failing to see the forest due to the massive amount of tree bark in the way. This piece is another attempt at education from my perspective. 

I have been hard on the large US carriers, and for good reason. Barring the smallest (and not by coincidence, the most innovative) of the 4, these guys exemplify the monopolistic behavior that has caused America to fall behind the world on many levels. Basically, from an innovation and financial performance perspective, they’re basically deadbeats! Hence, 

One other reason many should be down on the deadbeat carriers is also a very fundamental given, that really shouldn’t be given – Privacy! Nearly all of the major carriers use the device that they sold you to snoop on you. US cellular carriers use an app that is basically one of the most widely dispersed spyware apps in this country. It can systematically syphon out location data, keystrokes and other aspects of e-mail and SMS conversations. Don’t belive me, this is a quote directly from the vendor of the spyware itself:

Network Operators and device manufacturers determine whether and how they deploy the iQ Agent and what metrics will be gathered and forwarded to the Network Operators.  The iQ Agent receives instructions in the form of a profile, which activates the iQ Agent and defines what available metrics are to be collected and provides instructions on how to pre-process the data prior to uploading. The Embedded iQ Agent is not visible or discoverable by consumers.  Since it is deeply embedded inside the device software, it cannot be deleted by consumers.

In non-nerd, anti-dork English, this says carriers decide what the spyware app and Trojan Horse rips from your device and sends back to the carrier. This spyware/Trojan Horse is purposely hidden and concealed from the owner of the device. As per Wikipedia:

  • Spyware is software that aids in gathering information about a person or organization without their knowledge and that may send such information to another entity without the consumer’s consent, or that asserts control over a computer without the consumer’s knowledge.
  • Trojan horse, or Trojan, is a hacking program that is a non-self-replicating type of malware which gains privileged access to the operating system while appearing to perform a desirable function but instead drops a malicious payload, often including a backdoor allowing unauthorized access to the target’s computer.[1] These backdoors tend to be invisible to average users, but may cause the computer to run slowly.  

 Here’s a YouTube video showing the carrier spyware capturing keystrokes, SMS messages, emails, direct browsing activity, user names and passwords (in clear text, unencrypted) and other types of personal information. It also shows how aggressively the spyware is hidden from the enduser, and if found it is virtually impossible to stop or remove without rooting the phone. First a little Wikipedia background on the video’s author:

On November 12, 2011, researcher Trevor Eckhart stated in a post on androidsecuritytest.com[23] that Carrier IQ was logging information such as location without notifying users or allowing them to opt-out,[24] and that the information tracked included detailed keystroke logs,[25] potentially violating US federal law.[26] 

On November 16, 2011, Carrier IQ sent Eckhart a cease and desist letter claiming that he was in copyright infringement by posting Carrier IQ training documents on his website and also making “false allegations.”[27][28]Eckhart sought and received the backing of user rights advocacy group Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF).

On November 23, 2011, Carrier IQ backed down and apologized.[29] In the statement of apology, Carrier IQ denied allegations of keystroke logging and other forms of tracking, and offered to work with the EFF.[30]

On November 28, 2011, Eckhart published a YouTube video that demonstrates Carrier IQ software in the act of logging, as plain text, a variety of keystrokes. Included in the demonstration were clear-text captures of passwords to otherwise secure websites, and activities performed when the cellular network was disabled.[31] The video of the demonstration showed Carrier IQ’s software processing keystrokes, browser data, and text messages’ contents, but there was no indication that the information processed was recorded or transmitted. Carrier IQ responded with the statement, “The metrics and tools we derive are not designed to deliver such information, nor do we have any intention of developing such tools.”[32][33] A datasheet for a product called Experience Manager on Carrier IQ’s public website clearly states carriers can “Capture a vast array of experience data including screen transitions, button presses, service interactions and anomalies”.[34]

If the claims by Eckhart are true, the process of sending usage data is in conflict with Carrier IQ’s own privacy policy which states: “When Carrier IQ’s products are deployed, data gathering is done in a way where the end user is informed or involved.”[35]


According to Wikipedia, IQ Agent (the spyware in question) was first shipped in 2006 on embedded feature phones and has since been implemented on numerous devices and operating systems, including smartphones (Android, RIM,[8] iPhone), USB modems and tablets. It is currently running on over 150 million devices, making it one of the most ubiquitous of spyware packages known to this author.

Here’s some more interesting excerpts from said article:

 On December 1, 2011, Carrier IQ issued a “clarification” (reference 1 December 2011: Important Clarification About the Data Received from Mobile Devices) to its November 23 statements: “While a few individuals have identified that there is a great deal of information available to the Carrier IQ software inside the handset, our software does not record, store or transmit the contents of SMS messages, email, photographs, audio or video. For example, we understand whether an SMS was sent accurately, but do not record or transmit the content of the SMS. We know which applications are draining your battery, but do not capture the screen… As a condition of its contracts with operators, Carrier IQ operates exclusively within that framework and under the laws of the applicable jurisdiction. The data we gather is transmitted over an encrypted channel and secured within our customers’ networks or in our audited and customer-approved facilities… Carrier IQ acts as an agent for the operators. Each implementation is different and the diagnostic information actually gathered is determined by our customers – the mobile operators. Carrier IQ does not gather any other data from devices. Carrier IQ is the consumer advocate to the mobile operator, explaining what works and what does not work. Three of the main complaints we hear from mobile device users are (1) dropped calls, (2) poor customer service, and (3) having to constantly recharge the device. Our software allows operators to figure out why problems are occurring, why calls are dropped, and how to extend the life of the battery. When a user calls to complain about a problem, our software helps operators’ customer service to more quickly identify the specific issue with the phone.”[39]

There has been debate whether Carrier IQ software actually sends the collected data in real time or if it is stored on the
phone and only gets read out later. The company clearly states on its web page that its software is able to provide real-time data: “Carrier IQ’s Mobile Service Intelligence solution eliminates guesswork by automatically providin
g accurate, real-timedata direct from the source – your customers’ handsets.” (emphasis added).[40]


Of course, on the same page I got there clarification (1 December 2011: Important Clarification About the Data Received from Mobile Devicesfrom, you can also find this press release: 19 October 2011: Nielsen and Carrier IQ Form Global Alliance to Measure Mobile Service Quality. The authors at Wikipedia picked this up as well, to wit:

Although the phone manufacturers and carriers by and large say the software is strictly used to monitor its phone systems and not to be used by third parties, a press release on October 19, 2011 touted a partnership with Nielsen Company. The press release said, “Together, they will deliver critical insights into the consumer experience of mobile phone and tablet users worldwide, which adhere to Nielsen’s measurement science and privacy standards. This alliance will leverage Carrier IQ’s technology platform to gather actionable intelligence on the performance of mobile devices and networks.”[48]

Long story, short (as if it isn’t already too late for that), instead of worrying about new Glasses taking a picture of you walking down the street (after 40 other cameras just did the same thing), you should be more focused on all of the info stored (against your will) and ripped from your cellular handset. Even if you were to give ALL of the carriers, and ALL of these spyware companies the benefit of the doubt, the way THIS Trojan horse is put together (client server relationship with complete push/pull capabilities), all the NSA has to do is flip a switch and the’ll know what flavor ‘snuff great grandma likes to chew! 

Consider yourself warned! I doubt very seriously if this revolution will be televised (or even streamed from Netflix!).

It took me nearly an hour to get this stuff off of my device, and even more time to lock it down. Those who are interested in having this institutional spyware removed from their phones for a fee should contact support [at] boombustblog [dot] com. My son is starting a service that will do it for you, but you will void your warranty as a result of seeking said privacy. Of course, anyone who purchased insurance should be covered anyway, but always read the fine print..

 Despite all of this I still believe Tech Is Far And Large The Biggest Thing This Millennium – Lehman, EU Crisis Included. I am actively looking to servce on the boards of tech companies.  Security companies in the mobile space currently have my eye, but I’m looking to advise and serve on the boards of any company in the mobile computing space. For those who don’t know me, reference “Who is Reggie Middleton?“.



via Zero Hedge http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/zerohedge/feed/~3/W2A3E1nN5PE/story01.htm Reggie Middleton

Ordinary Americans Priced Out Of Housing: Institutional Purchases Hit Record, Half Of All Deals Are "All-Cash"

If there was any doubt that the US housing “recovery” is anything but the latest speculative play by deep-pocketed (namely those who already have access to cheap funding) investors, who are now engaged in rotating cash gains out of capital markets and into real estate, on their way hoping to flip newly-acquired properties to other wealthy investors, then the most recent, September, RealtyTrac report will put that to rest. To wit: Institutional investors (purchasing 10 or more properties in the last 12 months) accounted for 14 percent of all sales in September, up from 9 percent in August and also 9 percent in September 2012. September had the highest percentage of institutional investor purchases of any month since RealtyTrac began tracking in January 2011….All-cash purchases nationwide represented 49 percent of all residential sales in September, up from a revised 40 percent in August and up from 30 percent in September 2012. In other words, institutional purchases are now at all time highs, with all-cash accounting for half of all transactions!

From RealtyTrac:

The housing market continues to skew in favor of investors, particularly deep-pocketed institutional investors, and other buyers paying with cash,” said Daren Blomquist, vice president at RealtyTrac. “While the institutional investors are pulling back their purchases in many of the higher-priced markets — places like San Francisco, Washington, D.C., New York, Seattle and Sacramento — they are continuing to ramp up purchases in markets where median prices are still below $200,000 — places like Jacksonville, Atlanta, Charlotte, St. Louis and Dallas. The availability of distressed inventory also makes a difference. For example, institutional investor purchases have rebounded in Las Vegas corresponding to a recent rebound in foreclosure activity there.

So after gobbling up all the real estate in the marquee markets, the Private Equity and other loaded with cash institutions have now swooped on the B and C-grade markets, where they have essentially priced out all ordinary remaining buyers, making sure the mortgage origination pathway remains slammed shut, and assured a lifetime of rental existence for the vast majority.

Here are the other distrubing findings from the RealtyTrac report:

  • Institutional investors (purchasing 10 or more properties in the last 12 months) accounted for 14 percent of all sales in September, up from 9 percent in August and also 9 percent in September 2012. September had the highest percentage of institutional investor purchases of any month since RealtyTrac began tracking in January 2011.
  • Among metro areas with a population of 1 million or more, those with the highest percentage of institutional investor purchases in September were Atlanta (29 percent), Las Vegas (27 percent), St. Louis (25 percent), Jacksonville, Fla., (23 percent), Charlotte, N.C., (17 percent), Memphis, Tenn. (16 percent), Richmond, Va., (15 percent), Dallas (15 percent), and San Antonio, Texas (15 percent).
  • All-cash purchases nationwide represented 49 percent of all residential sales in September, up from a revised 40 percent in August and up from 30 percent in September 2012.
  • Among metro areas with a population of 1 million or more, those with the highest percentage of all-cash sales were Miami (69 percent), Tampa, Fla. (62 percent), Jacksonville, Fla. (62 percent), Las Vegas (62 percent), Orlando, Fla., (59 percent), Atlanta (54 percent), Cleveland (51 percent), and Memphis, Tenn. (51 percent).
  • Short sales accounted for 15 percent of all U.S. residential sales in September, up from 14 percent in August and 9 percent in September 2012. States with the biggest percentage of short sales were Nevada (32 percent), Florida (30 percent), Ohio (26 percent), Maryland (22 percent), and Tennessee (21 percent).
  • Among metro areas with a population of 1 million or more, those with the highest percentage of short sales were Las Vegas (34 percent), Columbus, Ohio (33 percent), Tampa, Fla. (33 percent), Memphis, Tenn., (32 percent), and Miami (32 percent).
  • Sales of bank-owned homes accounted for 10 percent of all U.S. residential sales in September, up from 9 percent in August and also 9 percent in September 2012. Among metro areas with a population of 1 million or more, those with the highest percentage of bank-owned sales were Las Vegas (21 percent), Riverside-San Bernardino, Calif., (20 percent), Cleveland (19 percent), Phoenix (18 percent), and Columbus, Ohio (16 percent).
  • Annualized sales volume increased from the previous month in 34 out of the 38 states tracked in the report and was up from a year ago in 35 states. Notable exceptions where annualized sales volume decreased from a year ago were California (down 15 percent), Arizona (down 11 percent), and Nevada (down 5 percent).
  • States with the biggest annual increases in median prices were California (up 30 percent), Michigan (up 25 percent), Nevada (up 23 percent), Georgia (up 20 percent), and Arizona (up 20 percent).
  • Among metro areas with a population of 1 million or more, those with the biggest annual increases in median prices were San Francisco (35 percent), Detroit (34 percent), Sacramento (33 percent), Atlanta (27 percent), Riverside-San Bernardino, Calif., (26 percent), and Phoenix (25 percent).
  • Home price appreciation showed signs of plateauing in these top six appreciating markets. In all six markets, the annual increase in home prices was down compared to previous months this year.

Why is the above a concern? Because prices are now rolling over. And if there is one thing institutions know (and hate) – it is being the last one holding inventory. In other words, once the selling, pardon dumping, avalanche begins, watch out below.

After having made housing ridiculous expensive for anyone but other institutions, these same PE firms, hedge funds and REITs are now scrambling for the worst of the worst distressed properties anywhere they can be found:

And perhaps the one chart that puts it all into perspective:


via Zero Hedge http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/zerohedge/feed/~3/crxB0Ii_P8U/story01.htm Tyler Durden

Ordinary Americans Priced Out Of Housing: Institutional Purchases Hit Record, Half Of All Deals Are “All-Cash”

If there was any doubt that the US housing “recovery” is anything but the latest speculative play by deep-pocketed (namely those who already have access to cheap funding) investors, who are now engaged in rotating cash gains out of capital markets and into real estate, on their way hoping to flip newly-acquired properties to other wealthy investors, then the most recent, September, RealtyTrac report will put that to rest. To wit: Institutional investors (purchasing 10 or more properties in the last 12 months) accounted for 14 percent of all sales in September, up from 9 percent in August and also 9 percent in September 2012. September had the highest percentage of institutional investor purchases of any month since RealtyTrac began tracking in January 2011….All-cash purchases nationwide represented 49 percent of all residential sales in September, up from a revised 40 percent in August and up from 30 percent in September 2012. In other words, institutional purchases are now at all time highs, with all-cash accounting for half of all transactions!

From RealtyTrac:

The housing market continues to skew in favor of investors, particularly deep-pocketed institutional investors, and other buyers paying with cash,” said Daren Blomquist, vice president at RealtyTrac. “While the institutional investors are pulling back their purchases in many of the higher-priced markets — places like San Francisco, Washington, D.C., New York, Seattle and Sacramento — they are continuing to ramp up purchases in markets where median prices are still below $200,000 — places like Jacksonville, Atlanta, Charlotte, St. Louis and Dallas. The availability of distressed inventory also makes a difference. For example, institutional investor purchases have rebounded in Las Vegas corresponding to a recent rebound in foreclosure activity there.

So after gobbling up all the real estate in the marquee markets, the Private Equity and other loaded with cash institutions have now swooped on the B and C-grade markets, where they have essentially priced out all ordinary remaining buyers, making sure the mortgage origination pathway remains slammed shut, and assured a lifetime of rental existence for the vast majority.

Here are the other distrubing findings from the RealtyTrac report:

  • Institutional investors (purchasing 10 or more properties in the last 12 months) accounted for 14 percent of all sales in September, up from 9 percent in August and also 9 percent in September 2012. September had the highest percentage of institutional investor purchases of any month since RealtyTrac began tracking in January 2011.
  • Among metro areas with a population of 1 million or more, those with the highest percentage of institutional investor purchases in September were Atlanta (29 percent), Las Vegas (27 percent), St. Louis (25 percent), Jacksonville, Fla., (23 percent), Charlotte, N.C., (17 percent), Memphis, Tenn. (16 percent), Richmond, Va., (15 percent), Dallas (15 percent), and San Antonio, Texas (15 percent).
  • All-cash purchases nationwide represented 49 percent of all residential sales in September, up from a revised 40 percent in August and up from 30 percent in September 2012.
  • Among metro areas with a population of 1 million or more, those with the highest percentage of all-cash sales were Miami (69 percent), Tampa, Fla. (62 percent), Jacksonville, Fla. (62 percent), Las Vegas (62 percent), Orlando, Fla., (59 percent), Atlanta (54 percent), Cleveland (51 percent), and Memphis, Tenn. (51 percent).
  • Short sales accounted for 15 percent of all U.S. residential sales in September, up from 14 percent in August and 9 percent in September 2012. States with the biggest percentage of short sales were Nevada (32 percent), Florida (30 percent), Ohio (26 percent), Maryland (22 percent), and Tennessee (21 percent).
  • Among metro areas with a population of 1 million or more, those with the highest percentage of short sales were Las Vegas (34 percent), Columbus, Ohio (33 percent), Tampa, Fla. (33 percent), Memphis, Tenn., (32 percent), and Miami (32 percent).
  • Sales of bank-owned homes accounted for 10 percent of all U.S. residential sales in September, up from 9 percent in August and also 9 percent in September 2012. Among metro areas with a population of 1 million or more, those with the highest percentage of bank-owned sales were Las Vegas (21 percent), Riverside-San Bernardino, Calif., (20 percent), Cleveland (19 percent), Phoenix (18 percent), and Columbus, Ohio (16 percent).
  • Annualized sales volume increased from the previous month in 34 out of the 38 states tracked in the report and was up from a year ago in 35 states. Notable exceptions where annualized sales volume decreased from a year ago were California (down 15 percent), Arizona (down 11 percent), and Nevada (down 5 percent).
  • States with the biggest annual increases in median prices were California (up 30 percent), Michigan (up 25 percent), Nevada (up 23 percent), Georgia (up 20 percent), and Arizona (up 20 percent).
  • Among metro areas with a population of 1 million or more, those with the biggest annual increases in median prices were San Francisco (35 percent), Detroit (34 percent), Sacramento (33 percent), Atlanta (27 percent), Riverside-San Bernardino, Calif., (26 percent), and Phoenix (25 percent).
  • Home price appreciation showed signs of plateauing in these top six appreciating markets. In all six markets, the annual increase in home prices was down compared to previous months this year.

Why is the above a concern? Because prices are now rolling over. And if there is one thing institutions know (and hate) – it is being the last one holding inventory. In other words, once the selling, pardon dumping, avalanche begins, watch out below.

After having made housing ridiculous expensive for anyone but other institutions, these same PE firms, hedge funds and REITs are now scrambling for the worst of the worst distressed properties anywhere they can be found:

And perhaps the one chart that puts it all into perspective:


via Zero Hedge http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/zerohedge/feed/~3/crxB0Ii_P8U/story01.htm Tyler Durden

Frontrunning: October 24

  • Central Banks Drop Tightening Talk as Easy Money Goes On (BBG)
  • More Democrats voice Obamacare concerns as website blame goes around (Reuters)
  • Contractors Point Fingers Over Health-Law Website (WSJ)
  • Jury Decides Against BofA on ‘Hustle’ Program (WSJ)
  • Credit Suisse to overhaul interest rates trading business (FT)
  • Home Builders Target Higher End (WSJ)
  • The Many Lives of Iron Mountain (NYer)
  • Busy tourist season nudges Spanish unemployment lower (Reuters)
  • Morgan Stanley Joins BofA in Broker Recruiting Truce (BBG)
  • Ending World’s Longest Nonstop Flight Adds Five Hours (BBG)
  • Walmart to expand number of stores in China (FT)
  • Hamptons Sales Surge Fuels High-End Home Tear-Downs (BBG)


Overnight Media Digest


* Germany said it believed U.S. intelligence may be spying on the chancellor’s cellphone, an intrusion that it said would constitute a “grave breach of trust” between the longtime allies.

* Airlines’ push to lure high-paying fliers with flatbed business seats is leaving economy-class passengers with less space. Big carriers including American Airlines, Air Canada and Air France are cutting space by wedging an extra seat into each coach row.

* A jury found Bank of America liable for fraud related to loans its Countrywide unit sold to mortgage-finance giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in a program called the “Hustle” in 2007 and 2008.

* A preliminary gauge of Chinese factory activity showed an uptick in October, in a mildly positive sign for the world’s No. 2 economy amid questions of whether it can sustain rapid growth.

* Big aluminum makers Alcoa and Rusal have objected to a proposal aimed at easing bottlenecks.

* Bambi Holzer, a Beverly Hills, California, financial broker, has been suspended from practicing after dozens of consumer complaints dating back more than two decades.

* Brazil’s government Wednesday swept into the global bond market, issuing $3.2 billion in new bonds due 2025, as investors set aside some of their pessimism on emerging markets and Brazil in particular.

* The remnants of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc is suing the New York Giants for more than $100 million it says it is owed for a soured interest-rate swap tied to the financing of the football team’s stadium.



A jury found Bank of America liable for fraud on Wednesday over selling defective home loans to two government-backed mortgage companies, delivering the U.S. government a major win on a financial crisis case.

The U.S. Department of Justice has launched a probe into the mortgage-backed securities sales of at least nine banks as part of an effort by the task force that slapped JPMorgan Chase with a $13 billion fine, people familiar with the matter say.

American Realty Capital Properties said it would pay $11.2 billion for Cole Real Estate Investments, creating the largest net-leased real estate investment trust in the United States.

GlaxoSmithKline’s third-quarter drug sales in China plunged 61 percent following a high-profile bribery probe launched by Beijing into Britain’s biggest drugmaker’s alleged business practices.

The value of San Francisco-based Pinterest rose by over 50 percent to $3.8 billion after the online scrapbook raised $225 million in equity funding.



* Bank of America, one of the nation’s largest banks, was found liable on Wednesday of having sold defective mortgages, a jury decision that will be seen as a victory for the government in its aggressive effort to hold banks accountable for their role in the housing crisis.

* Prosecutors are said to be considering criminal penalties against JPMorgan over its dealings with Bernard Madoff, suspecting it turned a blind eye to his Ponzi scheme.

* As technical failures bedevil the rollout of President Obama’s health care law, evidence is emerging that one of the program’s loftiest goals – to encourage competition among insurers in an effort to keep costs low – is falling short for many rural Americans.

* The legal battle over Detroit’s eligibility for bankruptcy pits the city against unions and retirees, with a star witness, Governor Rick Snyder of Michigan, to come.

* Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel on Wednesday proposed a spending plan for his city next year that is full of nips and tucks: a 75 cent per pack increase in the cigarette tax, higher zoning permit fees for big developments, an end to some retirees’ health insurance subsidies and a rolling hiring freeze.

* Pinterest confirmed on Wednesday that it has raised $225 million in a new round of financing that values the company at $3.8 billion.

* To help finance the expansion into America, British peer-to-peer lender Funding Circle, has raised $37 million from investors led by the venture capital firm Accel Partners.

* A decision by a federal appeals court has ended Delaware’s experiment with confidential arbitration. In an opinion released Wednesday, a three-judge panel for the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit upheld a lower court ruling that Delaware’s state-sponsored arbitration program violated the First Amendment.

* Two of Caterpillar’s biggest-ever deals may have played a role in the $3 billion of market value that the company’s stock shed on Wednesday morning. The maker of heavy equipment disclosed that its third-quarter profit tumbled 44 percent from the same time last year, while revenue fell more than 18 percent for the same period.

* Properties and Cole Real Estate Investments, two of the largest commercial property owners in the country, have agreed to a $7.2 billion deal on Wednesday in which American Realty will buy Cole with a mix of cash and stock, bringing an end to tensions between the companies that have simmered much of the last year.




* John Sculley, the former Apple Inc chief executive who famously clashed with Steve Jobs, is exploring a bid for beleaguered BlackBerry Ltd with Canadian partners, sources have told The Globe and Mail.

* Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper went on the offensive in the Senate expense-claims scandal, trying to diminish the impact of Senator Mike Duffy’s allegations that the Prime Minister’s Office threa
tened him with expulsion from the Red Chamber if he didn’t repay questionable claims.

Reports in the business section:

* Telus Corp is buying urban-focused wireless upstart Public Mobile for an undisclosed price, eliminating an independent player that had struggled to attract a critical mass of customers.

* Montreal-based CGI Group Inc is hitting back against critics that have blamed it for the glitch-ridden release of the website at the heart of U.S. healthcare reform, arguing the Canadian company is not the “quarterback” that bears the overall responsibility for the failures.


* The chief of the Irish Coast Guard is expressing frustration with Canadian authorities for their February decision to send a derelict, rat-infested “biohazard” bobbing toward the Emerald Isle.

* The Progressive Conservatives are trying to force Ontario’s governing Liberal Party to pay back $950 million for canceling two gas plants prior to the 2011 election.


* Bank of Canada Governor Stephen Poloz changed the direction of Canadian central banking on Wednesday, back to what it once was – an international bellwether of cautious common sense focused on inflation.

* The Canadian federal government has not been friendly to deals in the telecom sector lately, but Ottawa has actually approved an agreement for Telus Corp to acquire startup mobile carrier Public Mobile.




— A suspected triad member was arrested on Wednesday night for attempting to extort money from the crew of the fourth ‘Transformers’ movie in Kowloon. This was the second attempt in five days to blackmail the Paramount Pictures crew during filming in Hong Kong. (link.reuters.com/pac24v)

— DeVere, one of the biggest financial advisory firms to expatriates in Hong Kong, controlling $9 billion in assets worldwide, is facing down accusations of mis-selling and bad practice from former clients and employees, an investigation by the South China Morning Post has revealed. (link.reuters.com/qac24v)

— Sino Land has earned more than HK$4 billion ($515.94 million) from the sale of properties in Hong Kong and the mainland since July. While many see uncertainties in Hong Kong’s residential market, chairman Robert Ng Chee Siong said the company would continue to focus on the city, along with expansion on the mainland and Singapore. (link.reuters.com/sac24v)


— More than half of Hong Kong’s financial sector professionals expect a larger bonus this year as they believe their companies’ performances and their own achievements have been satisfactory, according to a poll conducted by eFinancialCareers last month. (link.reuters.com/wac24v)

— The Hong Kong Monetary Authority has reached a consensus with local banks that are likely to scrap the charge for inactive accounts at the end of this month. (link.reuters.com/tac24v)

— Bank of Chongqing’s HK$4.6 billion ($593.33 million) initial public offering was covered by a third. The municipal lender attracted HK$740 million worth of orders from the National Bank of Canada, Tianjin-based micro-investment firm China Fortune Finance and a Chongqing-based investment firm. (link.reuters.com/vac24v)


— Zhang Shaoxia, spouse of Yantai North Andre Juice Co Ltd’s chairman Wang An, is to buy a 16.08 percent stake in the company from another shareholder Zhang Jiaming for HK$70.25 million, raising the couple’s stake to 45.55 percent and triggering a general offer for outstanding shares the couple did not already own in the company.

— Jewellery retailer Chow Tai Fook hopes to see online sales contributing to 5 percent of its total revenue in five years, from less than 1 percent currently, according to managing director Kent Wong.


Fly On The Wall 7:00 Am Market Snapshot



Chesapeake (CHK) upgraded to Buy from Neutral at Citigroup
Ferro (FOE) upgraded to Outperform from Neutral at Credit Suisse
Goldman Sachs (GS) upgraded to Buy from Hold at Deutsche Bank
JAKKS Pacific (JAKK) upgraded to Buy from Neutral at B. Riley
Lam Research (LRCX) upgraded to Buy from Neutral at Goldman
MainSource Financial (MSFG) upgraded to Outperform at Keefe Bruyette
Texas Capital (TCBI) upgraded to Overweight from Equal Weight at Evercore
US Airways (LCC) upgraded to Buy from Hold at Deutsche Bank
YPF SA (YPF) upgraded to Neutral from Sell at Goldman


Angie’s List (ANGI) downgraded to Neutral from Buy at B. Riley
CF Industries (CF) downgraded to Neutral from Overweight at JPMorgan
Caterpillar (CAT) downgraded to Market Perform from Outperform at Raymond James
Caterpillar (CAT) downgraded to Neutral from Overweight at JPMorgan
Commercial Vehicle Group (CVGI) downgraded to Neutral from Outperform at RW Baird
Dycom (DY) downgraded to Market Perform from Outperform at Raymond James
F5 Networks (FFIV) downgraded to Neutral from Buy at BofA/Merrill
Fusion-io (FIO) downgraded to Equal Weight from Overweight at Morgan Stanley
Fusion-io (FIO) downgraded to Underweight from Neutral at JPMorgan
KKR Financial (KFN) downgraded to Market Perform from Outperform at FBR Capital
Mac-Gray (TUC) downgraded to Sell from Buy at Roth Capital
Modine Manufacturing (MOD) downgraded to Underperform from Neutral at RW Baird
Motorola Solutions (MSI) downgraded to Market Perform from Outperform at Wells Fargo
On Assignment (ASGN) downgraded to Market Perform from Outperform at Wells Fargo
Owens Corning (OC) downgraded to Equal Weight from Overweight at Barclays
Panera Bread (PNRA) downgraded to Hold from Buy at Deutsche Bank
Prosperity Bancshares (PB) downgraded to Market Perform at Keefe Bruyette
Stericycle (SRCL) downgraded to Market Perform from Outperform at Raymond James
U.S. Bancorp (USB) downgraded to Hold from Buy at Deutsche Bank


Agnico-Eagle (AEM) initiated with a Hold at Canaccord
Apollo Global (APO) initiated with a Sector Perform at RBC Capital
Baltic Trading (BALT) initiated with an Outperform at Imperial Capital
Barrick Gold (ABX) initiated with a Hold at Canaccord
CVS Caremark (CVS) initiated with an Outperform at FBR Capital
Eldorado Gold (EGO) initiated with a Hold at Canaccord
Express Scripts (ESRX) initiated with an Outperform at FBR Capital
Goldcorp (GG) initiated with a Buy at Canaccord
IAMGOLD (IAG) initiated with a Buy at Canaccord
Kinross Gold (KGC) initiated with a Hold at Canaccord
Plains GP Holdings (PAGP) initiated with a Buy at Jefferies
Silver Wheaton (SLW) initiated with a Buy at Canaccord
Tahoe Resources (TAHO) initiated with a Buy at Canaccord
Walgreens (WAG) initiated with a Market Perform at FBR Capital
Yamana Gold (AUY) initiated with a Buy at Canaccord


McKesson (MCK) to purchase Celesio for $8.3B
R.R. Donnelley (RRD) to acquire Consolidated Graphics (CGX) for $620M
TELUS (TU) to obtain 100% ownership of Public Mobile
Boston Scientific (BSX) to cut up to 1,500 jobs, take $30M charge in Q4
Fidelity National (FNF) to make public offering of $400M in common stock


Companies that beat consensus earnings expectations last night and today include:

Starwood Hotels (HOT), R.R. Donnelley (RRD), O’Reilly Automotive (ORLY), Ethan Allen (ETH), Teradyne (TER), Hill-Rom (HRC), Symetra Financial (SYA), Assurant (AIZ), Equifax (EFX), Graco (GGG), Everest Re (RE), Leggett & Platt (LEG), Evercore Partners (EVR), Allegiant Travel (ALGT), Symantec (SYMC), Akamai (AKAM), AT&T (T)

Companies that missed consensus earnings expectations include:

Dunkin’ Brands (DNKN), Potash (POT), Cash America (CSH), Diamond Offsho
re (DO), Safeguard Scientifics (SFE), Elan (ELN), TAL International (TAL), CMS Energy (CMS), Service Corp. (SCI), Clearwater Paper (CLW), Varian Medical (VAR), E-Trade (ETFC), 8×8 Inc (EGHT), Fortune Brands (FBHS), Angie’s List (ANGI), Skechers (SKX)

Companies that matched consensus earnings expectations include:

Sequans (SQNS), VASCO Data Security (VDSI), TrueBlue (TBI), Quantum (QTM), , Interface (TILE), Polycom (PLCM), Swift Transportation (SWFT), TripAdvisor (TRIP), Torchmark (TMK)


  • Alibaba Group Holding (ALBCF) is getting a lot more active in finding U.S. investment opportunities at a time when the Chinese e-commerce giant is also considering an IPO in New York, the Wall Street Journal reports
  • Newly built homes in the U.S. are getting pricier as better-heeled buyers have rebounded more quickly from the recession than entry-level buyers, spurring home builders (DHI, KBH, HOV, TMHC, PHM, BZH) to go upscale, the Wall Street Journal reports
  • Wal-Mart Stores (WMT) is expanding its China business as it seeks to raise profitability in a slowing retail sector. The company will open up to 110 facilities in China between 2014 and 2016, in addition to the 30 it has already opened this year, Reuters reports
  • Korean Air Lines will $3.77B worth of aircraft from Boeing (BA), Reuters reports
  • The heads of WellPoint (WLP), Aetna (AET) and at least 10 other insurers met with the Obama administration to discuss correcting flaws in how data from the U.S. health-care marketplaces is transferred to the companies, Bloomberg reports
  • Home purchases by institutional buyers reached a record high in September and all-cash buyers accounted for almost half of sales as investors responded to rising demand from renters. Institutional purchases accounted for 14% of sales, according to a new RealtyTrac report, Bloomberg reports


Athersys (ATHX) files to sell 10M shares of common stock for Aspire Capital Fund
Fidelity National (FNF) files to sell $400M in common stock
Horsehead Holding (ZINC) files to sell 5M shares of common stock
ING U.S. (VOYA) 33M share Secondary priced at $29.50
Mirati Therapeutics (MRTX) 3.25M share Secondary priced at $17.50
Novadaq (NVDQ) files to sell common stock
XG Technology (XGTI) files to sell $10.375M of common stock


via Zero Hedge http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/zerohedge/feed/~3/G2-FeFBZDv4/story01.htm Tyler Durden