Advocate pushes for stronger workforce in Coweta

Educators and business people from Coweta County and the region met Nov. 20 to hear from Georgia Partnership for Excellence in Education (GPEE) President Steve Dolinger on the need of businesses and the community to build a strong workforce and strengthen the local economy.

“Stronger education leads to a stronger workforce,” Dolinger said, noting the ongoing work of GPEE with local chambers of commerce across the state.

The audience got a look at where Coweta stands in a number of categories focusing on factors such as high school graduation rates and teen unemployment rates.

read more

via The Citizen

Welch Elementary students seek 5,000 cans

Welch Elementary School recently joined in a drive with a goal of collecting 5,000 cans of food to go to area residents in need during the Thanksgiving holiday. Welch students collected more than 3,000 cans last year. Pictured, from left, are 5th graders Charlie Paige, Rishoun Ingram and Ethan Ramey. Photo/Special.

via The Citizen

Americans Are Finally Learning About False Flag Terror

Painting by Anthony Freda

Governments Admit They Carry Out False Flag Terror

Governments from around the world admit they carry out false flag terror:

  • A major with the Nazi SS admitted at the Nuremberg trials that – under orders from the chief of the Gestapo – he and some other Nazi operatives faked attacks on their own people and resources which they blamed on the Poles, to justify the invasion of Poland. Nazi general Franz Halder also testified at the Nuremberg trials that Nazi leader Hermann Goering admitted to setting fire to the German parliament building, and then falsely blaming the communists for the arson
  • Soviet leader  Nikita Khrushchev admitted in writing that the Soviet Union’s Red Army shelled the Russian village of Mainila in 1939, and declared that the fire originated from Finland as a basis launching the Winter War four days later
  • Israel admits that an Israeli terrorist cell operating in Egypt planted bombs in several buildings, including U.S. diplomatic facilities, then left behind “evidence” implicating the Arabs as the culprits (one of the bombs detonated prematurely, allowing the Egyptians to identify the bombers, and several of the Israelis later confessed) (and see this and this)
  • The CIA admits that it hired Iranians in the 1950′s to pose as Communists and stage bombings in Iran in order to turn the country against its democratically-elected prime minister
  • As admitted by the U.S. government, recently declassified documents show that in the 1960′s, the American Joint Chiefs of Staff signed off on a plan to blow up AMERICAN airplanes (using an elaborate plan involving the switching of airplanes), and also to commit terrorist acts on American soil, and then to blame it on the Cubans in order to justify an invasion of Cuba. See the following ABC news report; the official documents; and watch this interview with the former Washington Investigative Producer for ABC’s World News Tonight with Peter Jennings.
  • 2 years before, American Senator George Smathers had suggested that the U.S. make “a false attack made on Guantanamo Bay which would give us the excuse of actually fomenting a fight which would then give us the excuse to go in and [overthrow Castro]“.
  • And Official State Department documents show that – only nine months before the Joint Chiefs of Staff plan was proposed – the head of the Joint Chiefs and other high-level officials discussed blowing up a consulate in the Dominican Republic in order to justify an invasion of that country. The 3 plans were not carried out, but they were all discussed as serious proposals
  • A U.S. Congressional committee admitted that – as part of its “Cointelpro” campaign – the FBI had used many provocateurs in the 1950s through 1970s to carry out violent acts and falsely blame them on political activists
  • The South African Truth and Reconciliation Council found that, in 1989, the Civil Cooperation Bureau (a covert branch of the South African Defense Force) approached an explosives expert and asked him “to participate in an operation aimed at discrediting the ANC [the African National Congress] by bombing the police vehicle of the investigating officer into the murder incident”, thus framing the ANC for the bombing
  • An Algerian diplomat and several officers in the Algerian army admit that, in the 1990s, the Algerian army frequently massacred Algerian civilians and then blamed Islamic militants for the killings (and see this video; and Agence France-Presse, 9/27/2002, French Court Dismisses Algerian Defamation Suit Against Author)
  • Senior Russian Senior military and intelligence
    officers admit that the KGB blew up Russian apartment buildings and falsely blamed it on Chechens, in order to justify an invasion of Chechnya (and see this report and this discussion)
  • According to the Washington Post, Indonesian police admit that the Indonesian military killed American teachers in Papua in 2002 and blamed the murders on a Papuan separatist group in order to get that group listed as a terrorist organization.
  • The well-respected former Indonesian president also admits that the government probably had a role in the Bali bombings
  • As reported by BBC, the New York Times, and Associated Press, Macedonian officials admit that the government murdered 7 innocent immigrants in cold blood and pretended that they were Al Qaeda soldiers attempting to assassinate Macedonian police, in order to join the “war on terror”.
  • Former Department of Justice lawyer John Yoo suggested in 2005 that the US should go on the offensive against al-Qaeda, having “our intelligence agencies create a false terrorist organization. It could have its own websites, recruitment centers, training camps, and fundraising operations. It could launch fake terrorist operations and claim credit for real terrorist strikes, helping to sow confusion within al-Qaeda’s ranks, causing operatives to doubt others’ identities and to question the validity of communications.”
  • United Press International reported in June 2005:

    U.S. intelligence officers are reporting that some of the insurgents in Iraq are using recent-model Beretta 92 pistols, but the pistols seem to have had their serial numbers erased. The numbers do not appear to have been physically removed; the pistols seem to have come off a production line without any serial numbers. Analysts suggest the lack of serial numbers indicates that the weapons were intended for intelligence operations or terrorist cells with substantial government backing. Analysts speculate that these guns are probably from either Mossad or the CIA. Analysts speculate that agent provocateurs may be using the untraceable weapons even as U.S. authorities use insurgent attacks against civilians as evidence of the illegitimacy of the resistance.

  • Undercover Israeli soldiers admitted in 2005 to throwing stones at other Israeli soldiers so they could blame it on Palestinians, as an excuse to crack down on peaceful protests by the Palestinians
  • Quebec police admitted that, in 2007, thugs carrying rocks to a peaceful protest were actually undercover Quebec police officers (and see this)
  • At the G20 protests in London in 2009, a British member of parliament saw plain clothes police officers attempting to incite the crowd to violence
  • A Colombian army colonel has admitted that his unit murdered 57 civilians, then dressed them in uniforms and claimed they were rebels killed in combat
  • U.S. soldiers have admitted that if they kill innocent Iraqis and Afghanis, they then “drop” automatic weapons near their body so they can pretend they were militants
  • The highly-respected writer for the Telegraph Ambrose Evans-Pritchard says that the head of Saudi intelligence – Prince Bandar – recently admitted that  the Saudi government controls “Chechen” terrorists

So Common … There’s a Name for It

This tactic is so common that it was given a name for hundreds of years ago.

“False flag terrorism” is defined as a government attacking its own people, then blaming others in order to justify going to war against the people it blames. Or as Wikipedia defines it:

False flag operations are covert operations conducted by governments, corporations, or other organizations, which are designed to appear as if they are being carried out by other entities. The name is derived from the military concept of flying false colors; that is, flying the flag of a country other than one’s own. False flag operations are not limited to war and counter-insurgency operations, and have been used in peace-time; for example, during Italy’s strategy of tension.

The term comes from the old days of wooden ships, when one ship would hang the
flag of its enemy before attacking another ship in its own navy. Because the enemy’s flag, instead of the flag of the real country of the attacking ship, was hung, it was called a “false flag” attack.

Indeed, this concept is so well-accepted that rules of engagement for naval, air and land warfare all prohibit false flag attacks.

Leaders Throughout History Have Acknowledged False Flags

Leaders throughout history have acknowledged the danger of false flags:

“This and no other is the root from which a tyrant springs; when he first appears he is a protector.”
– Plato

“If Tyranny and Oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy.”
– U.S. President James Madison

“A history of false flag attacks used to manipulate the minds of the people! “In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations, and epochs it is the rule.”
? Friedrich Nietzsche

“Terrorism is the best political weapon for nothing drives people harder than a fear of sudden death”.
– Adolph Hitler

“Why of course the people don’t want war … But after all it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship … Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.”
– Hermann Goering, Nazi leader.

“The easiest way to gain control of a population is to carry out acts of terror. [The public] will clamor for such laws if their personal security is threatened”.
– Josef Stalin

People Are Waking Up to False Flags

People are slowly waking up to this whole con job by governments who want to justify war.

More people are talking about the phrase “false flag” than ever before.



via Zero Hedge George Washington

Sunday Humor: Truth In Advertising

Photoshopped or not, in a world of constant propaganda and doublespeak, the following ad seen in Egypt is a welcome respite in the world of bigger and bigger lies…


(via @SandMonkey)

What we think they meant is  – and perhaps with a nod to this blog (and other non-mainstream media) “the pen is mightier than the sword”


Perhaps the Samsung International folks have been watching old SNL re-runs…


via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

Banks Warn Fed They May Have To Start Charging Depositors

The Fed’s Catch 22 just got catchier. While most attention in the recently released FOMC minutes fell on the return of the taper as a possibility even as soon as December (making the November payrolls report the most important ever, ever, until the next one at least), a less discussed issue was the Fed’s comment that it would consider lowering the Interest on Excess Reserves to zero as a means to offset the implied tightening that would result from the reduction in the monthly flow once QE entered its terminal phase (for however briefly before the plunge in the S&P led to the Untaper). After all, the Fed’s policy book goes, if IOER is raised to tighten conditions, easing it to zero, or negative, should offset “tightening financial conditions”, right? Wrong. As the FT reports leading US banks have warned the Fed that should it lower IOER, they would be forced to start charging depositors.

In other words, just like Europe is already toying with the ideao of NIRP, so the Fed’s IOER cut would also result in a negative rate on deposits which the FT tongue-in-cheekly summarizes “depositors already have to cope with near-zero interest rates, but paying just to leave money in the bank would be highly unusual and unwelcome for companies and households.”

If cutting IOER was as much of an easing move as the Fed believes, banks should be delighted – after all, according to the Fed’s guidelines it would mean that the return on their investments (recall that all US banks slowly but surely became glorified, TBTF prop trading hedge funds since Glass Steagall was repealed, and why the Volcker Rule implementation is virtually guaranteed to never happen) would increase. And yet, they are not:

Executives at two of the top five US banks said a cut in the 0.25 per cent rate of interest on the $2.4tn in reserves they hold at the Fed would lead them to pass on the cost to depositors.


Banks say they may have to charge because taking in deposits is not free: they have to pay premiums of a few basis points to a US government insurance programme.


“Right now you can at least break even from a revenue perspective,” said one executive, adding that a rate cut by the Fed “would turn it into negative revenue – banks would be disincentivised to take deposits and potentially charge for them”.


Other bankers said that a move to negative rates would not only trim margins but could backfire for banks and the system as a whole, as it would incentivise treasury managers to find higher-yielding, riskier assets.


“It’s not as if we are suddenly going to start lending to [small and medium-sized enterprises],” said one. “There really isn’t the level of demand, so the danger is that banks are pushed into riskier assets to find yield.”

All of the above is BS: lending has never been a concern for the Fed because if it was, then one could scrap QE right now as an absolute faiure. Recall that as we showed recently, the total amount of loans and leases in commercial US banks has been unchanged since Lehman, with the only rise in deposits coming thanks to the fungible liquidity injected by the Fed.

Furthermore, contrary to what the hypocrite banker said that “the danger is that banks are pushed into riskier assets to find yield”, banks are already in the riskiest assets: just look at what JPM was doing with its hundreds of billions in excess deposits, which originated as Fed reserves on its books – we explained the process of how the Fed’s reserves are used to push the market higher most recently in “What Shadow Banking Can Tell Us About The Fed’s “Exit-Path” Dead End.”

What the real danger is, is that once the Fed lowers IOER and there is a massive outflow of deposits, that banks which have used the excess deposits as initial margin and collateral on marginable securities to chase risk to record highs (as JPM’s CIO explicitly and undisputedly did) that there would be an avalanche of selling once the negative rate deposit outflow tsunami hit.

Needless to say, the only offset would be if the proceeds from the deposits outflows were used to invest in stocks instead of staying inert in some mattress or, worse (if only from the Fed’s point of view) purchase inert assets like gold or Bitcoin.

Which brings us back to the first sentence and the Fed’s now massive Catch 22: on one hand, shoud the Fed taper, rates will surge and stocks will once again plunge, as they did, in early summer, just to teach the evil, non-appeasing Fed a lesson.

On the other hand, should the Fed cut IOER as a standalone move or concurrently to offset the tapering pain, banks will crush depositors by cutting rates, depositors will pull their money from banks en masse, and banks will have no choice but to close on a record levered $2.2 trillion in margined risk position.


via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

Taking Stock Of The 21st Century: What’s Fundamentally Different

Submitted by Charles Hugh-Smith of OfTwoMinds blog,

The constant dismissal of unprecedented extremes as "same as it ever was" is actually a pernicious form of perception management, i.e. propaganda.

Anyone suggesting that things are unraveling in fundamental ways quickly encounters a standard reflex response: "same as it ever was."

Environmental degradation? Same as it ever was: humans have been trashing the environment for thousands of years.

The influence of money in politics? Same as it ever was: money has always been the mother's milk of politics.

The dominance of central bankers? Same as it ever was: the banks and the Federal Reserve have been colluding for decades.

Income inequality? Same as it ever was: there will always be rich and poor, etc.

The rise of the National Security State/Empire? Same as it ever was: Manifest Destiny, etc.

History lessons are all well and good, but this constant refrain of "same as it ever was" is actually a pernicious form of perception management, i.e. propaganda. The claim that "there is nothing new under the sun" (and therefore there is nothing we can do but throw up our hands in passive acceptance of the status quo) may well be true of human nature, but it purposefully masks all the fundamental changes that are not "same as it ever was."

The seas, for example: we're losing the oceans. The scale of destruction is not "same as it ever was." The Consequences of Oceanic Destruction (Foreign Affairs) Over the last several decades, human activities have so altered the basic chemistry of the seas that they are now experiencing evolution in reverse: a return to the barren primeval waters of hundreds of millions of years ago.

Or how about youth employment? Is this "same as it ever was?" Clearly, no. It has entered a new structural decline without precedent.

How about the cost of college tuition? Is this "same as it ever was?" Clearly, no.

How about self-employment? Is this "same as it ever was?" Clearly, no.

How about small business? Is this "same as it ever was?" Clearly, no.

How about labor's share of the economy? Is this "same as it ever was?" Clearly, no.

How about household income? Is this "same as it ever was?" If real income had been declining for the past 50 years at this rate, it would be near-zero by now.

How about the ratio of full-time workers to retirees drawing Social Security benefits? Is this "same as it ever was?" Clearly, no. The ratio is now two full-time workers to one beneficiary, and the Baby Boom has only started to retire. On the employment side, the "end of work" dynamics have only started their creative destruction of jobs. "Same as it ever was?" Not even close.

How about money velocity? Is this "same as it ever was?" Clearly, no.

How about the positive effects of central-state borrowing and spending, i.e. the Keynesian Multiplier? Is this "same as it ever was?" Clearly, no.


How about the structural gap between Federal spending and tax revenues? Is this "same as it ever was?" It's easy to project a fantasy-based future in which "deficits never matter" or tax revenues soar even in a stagnant economy beset by skyrocketing Federal retirement/healthcare costs. The desire to believe in fantasies may be "same as it ever was," but the fiscal reality is not.

How about the nation's monetary base? Is this "same as it ever was?" Clearly, no.

How about corporate profits? Is this "same as it ever was?" Clearly, no.

How about the correlation of the Federal Reserve balance sheet and the S&P 500? Is this "same as it ever was?"

How about the gap between nominal new highs in the stock market and the real (inflation-adjusted) stock market? Is this "same as it ever was?"

How about the number of times per week that a representative of the Federal Reserve gives a speech whose implicit message is the importance of the Federal Reserve? Is this "same as it ever was?" Did Fed-Heads fan out every week 20 or 30 years ago to deliver dozens of speeches and media appearances? The answer is no; so what are these people selling that they have to do their shuck-and-jive act so repetitively? What sort of desperation is driving this full-court press of propaganda?

The desperation is obvious, and so is the agenda: mask the reality that things are unraveling, and that it's no longer "same as it ever was."


via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

Taking Stock Of The 21st Century: What's Fundamentally Different

Submitted by Charles Hugh-Smith of OfTwoMinds blog,

The constant dismissal of unprecedented extremes as "same as it ever was" is actually a pernicious form of perception management, i.e. propaganda.

Anyone suggesting that things are unraveling in fundamental ways quickly encounters a standard reflex response: "same as it ever was."

Environmental degradation? Same as it ever was: humans have been trashing the environment for thousands of years.

The influence of money in politics? Same as it ever was: money has always been the mother's milk of politics.

The dominance of central bankers? Same as it ever was: the banks and the Federal Reserve have been colluding for decades.

Income inequality? Same as it ever was: there will always be rich and poor, etc.

The rise of the National Security State/Empire? Same as it ever was: Manifest Destiny, etc.

History lessons are all well and good, but this constant refrain of "same as it ever was" is actually a pernicious form of perception management, i.e. propaganda. The claim that "there is nothing new under the sun" (and therefore there is nothing we can do but throw up our hands in passive acceptance of the status quo) may well be true of human nature, but it purposefully masks all the fundamental changes that are not "same as it ever was."

The seas, for example: we're losing the oceans. The scale of destruction is not "same as it ever was." The Consequences of Oceanic Destruction (Foreign Affairs) Over the last several decades, human activities have so altered the basic chemistry of the seas that they are now experiencing evolution in reverse: a return to the barren primeval waters of hundreds of millions of years ago.

Or how about youth employment? Is this "same as it ever was?" Clearly, no. It has entered a new structural decline without precedent.

How about the cost of college tuition? Is this "same as it ever was?" Clearly, no.

How about self-employment? Is this "same as it ever was?" Clearly, no.

How about small business? Is this "same as it ever was?" Clearly, no.

How about labor's share of the economy? Is this "same as it ever was?" Clearly, no.

How about household income? Is this "same as it ever was?" If real income had been declining for the past 50 years at this rate, it would be near-zero by now.

How about the ratio of full-time workers to retirees drawing Social Security benefits? Is this "same as it ever was?" Clearly, no. The ratio is now two full-time workers to one beneficiary, and the Baby Boom has only started to retire. On the employment side, the "end of work" dynamics have only started their creative destruction of jobs. "Same as it ever was?" Not even close.

How about money velocity? Is this "same as it ever was?" Clearly, no.

How about the positive effects of central-state borrowing and spending, i.e. the Keynesian Multiplier? Is this "same as it ever was?" Clearly, no.


How about the structural gap between Federal spending and tax revenues? Is this "same as it ever was?" It's easy to project a fantasy-based future in which "deficits never matter" or tax revenues soar even in a stagnant economy beset by skyrocketing Federal retirement/healthcare costs. The desire to believe in fantasies may be "same as it ever was," but the fiscal reality is not.

How about the nation's monetary base? Is this "same as it ever was?" Clearly, no.

How about corporate profits? Is this "same as it ever was?" Clearly, no.

How about the correlation of the Federal Reserve balance sheet and the S&P 500? Is this "same as it ever was?"

How about the gap between nominal new highs in the stock market and the real (inflation-adjusted) stock market? Is this "same as it ever was?"

How about the number of times per week that a representative of the Federal Reserve gives a speech whose implicit message is the importance of the Federal Reserve? Is this "same as it ever was?" Did Fed-Heads fan out every week 20 or 30 years ago to deliver dozens of speeches and media appearances? The answer is no; so what are these people selling that they have to do their shuck-and-jive act so repetitively? What sort of desperation is driving this full-court press of propaganda?

The desperation is obvious, and so is the agenda: mask the reality that things are unraveling, and that it's no longer "same as it ever was."


via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

Developments Cast Pall Over Dollar

The near-term fundamental considerations for the dollar have turned more negative.  Two developments last week that had bolstered the dollar are being rethought.  


First, the Bloomberg report that cited to unidentified people close to the ECB playing up the risk of a negative deposit rate, has not been confirmed or replicated by other news agencies, despite the apparent copy-cat reporting that seem so pervasive in the business news space.  Indeed, several key official, including ECB President Draghi himself, played down developments in this direction.  


While it is naive to expect an official to deny itself options, a move to a negative deposit rate could be high disruptive for the financial market and banks, who the ECB is supporting with the other hand, without a high probability of boosting lending or deteriorating financial conditions.   Moreover, ECB officials have also downplayed the deflationary threat that many pundits have discussed.  


An adoption of such an unprecedented policy requires a significant threat, which policy makers do not perceive.  In fact, the preliminary Nov CPI due at the end of the week ahead is expected to tick up.  This will support the official recognition of disinflation rather than deflation.  


Second, the pendulum of market sentiment swung from Yellen’s confirmation hearing, where many took away a ultra-dovish signal, to the FOMC minutes that many read as bringing forward Fed tapering to possibly next month.    Yet the key officials (Bernanke, Yellen and Dudley) have made it clear that the decision to taper requires more economic progress.  And such progress is lacking.  


While Q3 US GDP appears set to be revised up to a little more than 3%, the composition, especially the inventory build, may detract from Q4 growth.  The regional Fed surveys for November also point to some softening of the economy.  The Chicago PMI will be released at the end  of next week and it likely to pullback sharply from the heady reading near 66 in Oct.  


Our confidence that some compromise on the continuing spending resolution and the debt ceiling that would prevent a new crisis has been shaken by last week’s parliamentary maneuvers, which will likely aggravate the partisan (not necessarily ideological) strife.  


The Republicans in the Senate have used their minority status to block not only legislation, but also presidential nominations to an unprecedented extent. Since the country was founded, the Senate has blocked through delay 168 nominees.  Half of these have taken place in Obama’s 5 1/2 years in office.  On Oct 31, the Republicans in the Senate blocked North Carolina Representative Watt from heading the agency that will oversee Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.  This was the first time in 170 years that a sitting member of Congress was denied a confirmation to an executive branch post.  


After threatening to do so earlier this year, Senate leader Reid used his majority to change rules that reduce the obstructionist powers of the minority by requiring executive appointments (not legislation) to pass with a simply majority rather than 60 votes.  The 60-vote requirement has been the case since 1975, when it was reduced from 67.  


Reid’s move will allow for some more of the 93 judicial vacancies, including the three on the Federal Court of Appeals for Washington DC, which often rules on challenges to government regulation and presently has a Republican majority,  to be filled in the coming months.  This is important for Obama’s agenda, if he is not to be a lame duck.  It may also expedite the changes at the Federal Reserve Board of Governors, which currently has 2 vacancies and with Bernanke set to step down a third seat open.  Reid’s move may also prevent delay tactics over Yellen’s nomination on the floor of the Senate, which were threatened.   


Our analysis suggests that there will likely be a few more vacancies in the period ahead.  These large changes on the seven-member Board of Governors is another reason we argued that from an institutional point of view, it makes more sense to let the new Fed take the next policy initiatives.   


The Republicans are incensed by the parliamentary maneuver, though three Democrats voted against Reid’s move.  Relations between the two parties were strained in any event, but Reid’s move may lead an immediate freezing of whatever cooperative efforts may have been taking place.  In particular, this is a new obstacle to a fiscal agreement.  


Government spending is authorized until Jan 15 and the debt ceiling is Fed 7.  As will be recalled it is the spending that can lead to a government shutdown and the debt ceiling can produce a default.   While this may still be avoided, the risks that it is not has risen by the internecine conflict.   The Federal Reserve cannot ignore this when it meets in the middle of next month.  


Separately, there were two other developments over the weekend that may influence the investment climate. The deal struck over the Iranian nuclear development may prompted some reduction of the risk premium for some oil, including Brent.  Israel’s Prime Minister responded negatively to the news, which may be seen as negative for the shekel.  


If the Iranian deal reduces the threat of hostilities, China’s new East China Sea Air Defense Identification Zone threatens to escalate tensions.  China’s initiative is a unilateral attempt to impose new rules on the airspace of the islands who’s ownership is disputed, especially with Japan.  China threatened to take “defensive emergency measures” against aircraft that fail to identify themselves in that airspace.  


There was modus vivendi (an agreement to disagree) about the islands until last year, when the DPJ-led government was forced to buy the islands so the Governor of Tokyo acting for the metropolitan government would not.  This in effect nationalized them and drew the ire of Chinese officials, who are particularly sensitive to its territorial integrity for a number of historical and political reasons.  


Up until now, the nationalist objectives that Japan’s Prime Minister Abe is believed to harbor, have not been given as much attention as expected.  The economic challenges and political considerations may have kept this part of the Abenomics agenda under wraps, but what understood as provocation by China is likely to stir the pot.  


Outside of the advanced euro area inflation report, the economic calendar for the euro area is light in the week ahead.  There are though two political issues to note.  First, the new German coalition government may be announced.  Realpolitik has been at play.  The SPD lost the election handily, but the necessity of its participation meant that it could demand a lot.  Of twelve broad areas, Merkel’s CDU appears to acquiesced to at least ten.  There are some policy difference between Germany’s two main parties, but as we suggest is the case in the US, such differences are not so ideological and the ability to have a grand coalition seems further evidence of this observation.  


Second, the Italian Senate is likely to vote to eject Berlusconi.  A few months ago, such an event would have threatened to topple the fragile Letta government.  A split in the center-right in Italy, over personality rather than ideology, indicates the Letta government will survive.  The real challenge for Letta may come from his own party (a leadership election early next month) rather than from Berlusconi, who may be subject to more legal ac
tion when he loses the immunity his Senate seat confers. 


We note that at the end of the week, Japan  will report a host of economic data, including the Nov CPI reading (expected to tick up to 0.2% from flat on the core, which is the BOJ preferred measure). Despite widespread skepticism that the BOJ can achieve its 2% target, the BOJ does not seem to be in any hurry to provide more stimulus.   Meanwhile, the Oct Industrial production is expected to have accelerated to 2% from 1.3% in Sept and a 0.9% decline in Aug. Offsetting the economic impact of this will likely be slower household consumption after the out-sized 3.7% increase in Sept.  


Finally, the central bank of Brazil is likely to hike the overnight Selic rate by 50 bp to 10%. Although its first hike in April was 25 bp, since then central bank has delivered four 50 bp hikes.  This week will be the fifth. The central bank of Hungary is likely to cut is base rate by 20 bp.  It has cut the base rate 20 bp in each of the past three months.  It has cut the base rate by 25 bp per month in April through July.


via Zero Hedge Marc To Market

Jim Rogers Blasts “Abolish The Fed” Before It Self-Destructs

“The world has consumed more than it produced for more than a decade,” Jim Rogers explains to BoomBust’s Erin Ade; but his comments to the leather mini-skirted anchor with regard the actions of the world’s central banks bear the most attention. “The world is floating on an artificial ocean of printed money,” he blasts, adding that while it’s going on “everyone’s happy,” but at the first sign of it slowing, he warns, “we will all dry up.”

Rogers sees gold as a crucial holding in this respect but believes there will be a better price to buy more, as he reflects on the suppressive actions of the Indian government.

This excellent far-reaching interview covers everything from gold standards to China’s 3rd Plenum “I much prefer the Chinese system of open markets than the US with the government dictating everything” and from Bitcoin to a barbaric destruction of the Fed and all it stands for, “the Fed will self-destruct, before the polticians realize what is going on.”


Erin Ade… (you’re welcome – is it any wonder Maria B quit?) asks every question we need answered…


interviews a worried Jim Rogers…


4:30 Agriculture/Farmland – bullish sugar and farmland – “The world has consumed more than it produced for more than a decade,” and inventories are near record lows

6:25 Central Banks – “for the first time in history, all central banks are printing money… The world is floating on an artificial ocean of printed money,”

7:15 Gold – “I am not selling any of my gold, but believe there will better prices to buy… the Indian government is actually trying to make its people sell their gold.”

8:45 Gold Standard – “it might work for a while but eventually the politicians will cheat that too“… “people wil be desperate in the next decade to try anything – maybe it will be bitcoins”

9:40 Bitcoin – there are many more important things in the world than worrying about bitcoins

10:15 China’s Plenum “the Chinese are becoming more and more capitalist”… they are becoming more and more market focused… as opposed to the US where when there is a problem “the government decides how to fix it… look at Obamacare” – “the government says “we will figure out the solution”… “I much prefer the Chinese system of open markets than the US with the government dictating everything”

15:20 The Fed “The way the world has worked for a few thousand years is – that when people get into trouble, they fail; competent people come along, reorganize the assets and start over…” In America, he chides, “they decided to let incompetent people take over the assets from competent people and compete with the competent people.” – The Japanese tried this in the 90s and it failed for 2 lost decades.

“In America, they are kicking the can down the road, and when the can finally goes over the side, we are all going to go with it.”

We’ve had 50-60 years of excess in America, you’ve got to pay the price some day whether you like it or not… the longer they delay the day of reckoning the worse it will be.”

17:40 Abolish The Fed – “the world has gotten along very well for most of history without central banks.”

“we would be better of with no central bank, than this central bank”

19:00 Stocks“we are certainly gonna have a crash some day” – “as long as they keep printing money, and no restraints on congressional spending, this bubble could go on forever”



via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

Jim Rogers Blasts "Abolish The Fed" Before It Self-Destructs

“The world has consumed more than it produced for more than a decade,” Jim Rogers explains to BoomBust’s Erin Ade; but his comments to the leather mini-skirted anchor with regard the actions of the world’s central banks bear the most attention. “The world is floating on an artificial ocean of printed money,” he blasts, adding that while it’s going on “everyone’s happy,” but at the first sign of it slowing, he warns, “we will all dry up.”

Rogers sees gold as a crucial holding in this respect but believes there will be a better price to buy more, as he reflects on the suppressive actions of the Indian government.

This excellent far-reaching interview covers everything from gold standards to China’s 3rd Plenum “I much prefer the Chinese system of open markets than the US with the government dictating everything” and from Bitcoin to a barbaric destruction of the Fed and all it stands for, “the Fed will self-destruct, before the polticians realize what is going on.”


Erin Ade… (you’re welcome – is it any wonder Maria B quit?) asks every question we need answered…


interviews a worried Jim Rogers…


4:30 Agriculture/Farmland – bullish sugar and farmland – “The world has consumed more than it produced for more than a decade,” and inventories are near record lows

6:25 Central Banks – “for the first time in history, all central banks are printing money… The world is floating on an artificial ocean of printed money,”

7:15 Gold – “I am not selling any of my gold, but believe there will better prices to buy… the Indian government is actually trying to make its people sell their gold.”

8:45 Gold Standard – “it might work for a while but eventually the politicians will cheat that too“… “people wil be desperate in the next decade to try anything – maybe it will be bitcoins”

9:40 Bitcoin – there are many more important things in the world than worrying about bitcoins

10:15 China’s Plenum “the Chinese are becoming more and more capitalist”… they are becoming more and more market focused… as opposed to the US where when there is a problem “the government decides how to fix it… look at Obamacare” – “the government says “we will figure out the solution”… “I much prefer the Chinese system of open markets than the US with the government dictating everything”

15:20 The Fed “The way the world has worked for a few thousand years is – that when people get into trouble, they fail; competent people come along, reorganize the assets and start over…” In America, he chides, “they decided to let incompetent people take over the assets from competent people and compete with the competent people.” – The Japanese tried this in the 90s and it failed for 2 lost decades.

“In America, they are kicking the can down the road, and when the can finally goes over the side, we are all going to go with it.”

We’ve had 50-60 years of excess in America, you’ve got to pay the price some day whether you like it or not… the longer they delay the day of reckoning the worse it will be.”

17:40 Abolish The Fed – “the world has gotten along very well for most of history without central banks.”

“we would be better of with no central bank, than this central bank”

19:00 Stocks“we are certainly gonna have a crash some day” – “as long as they keep printing money, and no restraints on congressional spending, this bubble could go on forever”



via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden