Ronald Bailey Argues Deploying Current Renewables is Akin to Driving a Model T

Model TBack in 2008, Al Gore urged America “to
commit to producing 100 percent of our electricity from renewable
energy and truly clean carbon-free sources within 10 years,” a goal
that he pronounced “achievable, affordable and
transformative.” His plan was possible, he explained, because
the price of the technologies needed to produce no-carbon
electricity—solar, wind, and geothermal—were falling dramatically.
Was Gore right five years ago? And are the folks at Greenpeace,
Friends of the Earth, and Climate Solutions right now that the
no-carbon energy technologies needed to replace fossil fuels are
readily available and ready to go? Not really, concludes a new
report by the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation.
Looking at the current state of the art, Reason Science
Correspondent Ronald Bailey writes that deploying current renewable
energy technologies would be akin to forcing everybody to drive
Model T Fords.

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