Meet The Greater Fool: "I'm Just Buying Because Everybody's Talking About Twitter"

Wondering who you will flip your IPO allocation to? Meet 56-year-old admin assistant, Deborah Watkins… “I messed up by not buying any Facebook, so I want to get some Twitter.”


AS WSJ reports,

On her Tuesday lunch break, Deborah Watkins walked through gray drizzle from her office to the TD Ameritrade… The receptionist just inside the front door told her trading at the so-called IPO price – available to large investors and certain brokerage customers before the shares begin trading publicly – wasn’t available to her.


Ms. Watkins said she’d buy the shares once they begin trading, expected Thursday.


“They think little money is no money,” she said of Ameritrade



Ms. Watkins said she plans to buy about 50 shares… She said she’s not worried about price increases; she just wants to stick to her purchasing plan and buy the shares immediately, though she hasn’t ruled out selling them quickly if there’s a sharp bump.



Ms. Watkins said she’s interested in the hyped stock because of her economics-major nephew and because she knows what happened with Apple Inc. and Facebook Inc. prices and doesn’t want to miss out,


“I’m just buying because everybody’s talking about Twitter,” she said. “I’m just gonna take a chance.”


And there it is… the new normal  – immediate gratification, take a chance, over-hyped investment opportunities… What could possibly go wrong?


via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

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