Obama Folds: You 'Can' Keep Your Plan (For Now) – Live Webcast

Between last night’s dismal reality of enrollees in Obamacare, the collapse to record lows of Obama’s approval rating, and the growing disillusionment among the President’s own party have forced the administration to “fix” Obamacare. As Politico reports, the president’s proposal would allow insurers to offer plans in 2014 that were previously slated to sunset this year, but require the companies to let consumers know how — if at all — their policies don’t comply with the minimum benefits of the Affordable Care Act, according to a source briefed on the proposal. Insurance companies are not amused as risk pools will need to be adjusted. We leave to our policy-changer-in-chief to explain the nuances of this fiasco and why this is not a “fold”, not an admission that the law is FUBAR, and not in any way similar to the Tea-Party’s suggestion that Obamacare be delayed by one year


As CNN reports:

As the story of the Obamacare website fiasco unfolds, senior administration aides tell me that the President is “mad, frustrated and angry.


Mad that his signature legislative achievement is stuck at the gate, frustrated that he’s running out of time to fix it and angry that he’s got a second-term agenda now going nowhere. He’s so furious, in fact, that he stepped out of character to vent to an assembled group of top aides. “If I had known (about the website problems),” the steaming President reportedly said, according to The New York Times, “we could have delayed the website.”

Live Feed:



Can we get a web cam of Ted Cruz’s office?


via Zero Hedge http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/zerohedge/feed/~3/_gyfnUcMVTQ/story01.htm Tyler Durden

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