Al-Qaeda Apologizes After Beheading A Fellow "Rebel" By Mistake

They may be brutal, barbarian, CIA-funded cannibal savages, but at least they are brutal, barbarian, CIA-funded cannibal savages with manners. Case in point: after an Al-Qaeda linked rebel group chopped the head off a person it thought was a member of the government side, it has since emerged the person was actually one of the group’s own commanders. Subsequently, Al-Qaeda issued a formal apology.

More from BBC:

An al-Qaeda affiliated rebel group in Syria is reported to have asked for forgiveness after beheading a fellow rebel in a case of mistaken identity. A video recently posted online showed members of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS) brandishing the severed, bearded head of a man. They said was an Iraqi Shia caught fighting on the government side.

But other rebel fighters watching the video recognised the man and said he was one of their commanders.


The video shows two ISIS fighters in Aleppo province – one holding a knife – brandish a severed, bearded head, denouncing their victim as an Iraqi volunteer for President Bashar al-Assad’s forces. They decry his immorality, saying he is a heathen – one of those who have threatened rape of men as much as women.


Horrifying videos like this stream out of Syria every day from the rebel and government side – each with the aim of sowing terror.


What makes this one stand out is that other rebels watching the video recognised the beheaded man.


Members of the hardline Islamist rebel group, Harakat Ahrar al-Sham, said he was not a government fighter at all, but one of their own. They said he was a commander called Mohammed Fares. The story appears to be that he was wounded in the recent battle for Base 80, south of Aleppo, with government forces and was being taken for medical treatment by rebel fighters.


But he seems to have thought he had been captured by government militiamen from the much feared shabiha. The militia is dominated by Alawites, members of the president’s heterodox Shia sect.


Mr Fares is reported to have offered prayers that would have made him seem a Shia rather than a Sunni – and therefore on their side. This was heard by ISIS fighters, and in the growing atmosphere of sectarian hatred, he was then subjected to his savage fate.

But just like Obama apologizing for the epic clusterfuck that is Obamacare, so too will Al-Qaeda be forgiven for the great Allah wishes it to be:

According to the newspaper, he alluded to a saying by the Prophet Muhammad that Allah forgives those who kill a believer by mistake.

And now, back to Al-Qaeda beheading the right people for a change, and BTFATH.


via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

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