Federal Agency Famous for Losing Guns Proposes Regulations for Dealing with Lost Guns

MORE FORMS! MORE FORMS!Operation Fast and Furious? Whatever, we’ve
moved on. The Bureaus of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
is writing up regulations on what other people should do
when guns go missing. From
The Hill

The Obama administration is working on new gun control
regulations that would target stolen and missing weapons.

Police have a hard time tracking firearms that disappear from
gun shops, which “just feeds the sort of already large and existing
secondary market on guns,” said Sam Hoover, a staff attorney with
the Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence.

It is unclear precisely what the draft regulations, drawn
up by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
(ATF) and under review at the White House’s regulations
office, would do.

The ATF would not comment on the draft rule, since it has not
yet been released to the public, but a description provided by the
White House asserts that it would target cases where guns go
missing “in transit.”

Anybody want to wager on onerous new compliance and reporting
regulations that make life harder for gun store owners?

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from Hit & Run http://reason.com/blog/2013/11/20/federal-agency-famous-for-losing-guns-pr

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