Maybe Isn't So Fixed

As Peter Suderman
noted earlier
, the Obama Administration’s declaration of
victory over’s technical issues may be a little
premature. For the hell of it, this morning I tried signing in to
the federal Obamacare exchange Website to set up an account. I used
Mozilla Firefox 25.0.1. I picked Arizona as my state. Everything
went swimmingly…until I actually tapped the “Get Started” button.
I saw code salad, as the screenshot below demonstrates. is still screwed

So I started over and tried again. And again. The third try was
the charm.

To be fair, I opened Google Chrome and was able to get in and
set up an account using that browser on the first try. My email
notification of “Marketplace account created” arrived soon after.
Just a thought, but maybe the tech wizzes working on Obamacare’s
woes might need a little more time to slap duct tape on the
website’s boo boos.

from Hit & Run

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