Hill Staff in DC Warned Not to Trust Health Exchange Info

"Your employers ordered this, so it should go without saying that you shouldn't trust it."Nobody is safe from the
extensive competency gap that has cracked into existence like a
mouth staring into a great abyss in the launch of Affordable Care
Act health exchange sites. Federal staff in D.C. are being
specifically told to verify their applications through the exchange
in person.
Via The Hill

Hill staffers that signed up for ObamaCare through the
Washington, D.C., healthcare exchange, called DC Health Link
(DCHL), are being told to confirm their enrollments in person, and
not to rely on data provided by the website.

The Hill obtained an email sent to staffers on Wednesday warning
them that “it is essential that you confirm your coverage in DCHL
through the Disbursing Office.”

“Do not rely on your ‘My Account’ page or other correspondence
from DCHL,” the email reads.

“Please do not assume you are covered unless you have seen the
confirmation letter from the Disbursing Office,” the email

One wonders if residents of D.C. who aren’t directly connected
to the seat of federal power are aware of these potential

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from Hit & Run http://reason.com/blog/2013/12/11/hill-staff-in-dc-warned-not-to-trust-hea

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