JPY Dumps And Nikkei Explodes As Japan’s (32nd Month In A Row) Adjusted Trade Deficit Hits Record High

Just because we thought it worthwhile to keep track of how out of control things are getting in Japan, a quick summary of this evening’s data. The Japanese trade balance (adjusted) shows a deficit for the 32nd month in a row and has surged to its largest (worst) level on record. It has missed expectations in 5 of the last 6 months. Imports rose more than expected again with a 10.2% MoM gain in imports from the US (and 35% YoY). This massive deficit is before the military spending unveiled last night has hit though one thing is certain, Goldman Sachs will be out with a report any second proclaiming the mythical J-curve about to arrive any moment… The reaction – JPY dumps and NKY explodes higher as bad news is good news in QQE land.


32nd and record monthly trade deficit…


as imports from the US explode…


The reaction


via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

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