Is Rand Paul and Libertarianism the GOP's Future? Nick Gillespie on Hardball

Last night, I appeared on MSNBC’s Hardball with guest
host Michael Smerconish of SiriusXM”s POTUS Channel 124 and
Republican strategist John Feehery. The topic was whether Sen. Rand
Paul (R-Ky.) and libertarianism are the best way forward for the

About 7 minutes. Take a look.

And check out Smerconish on Twitter and online here. A lifelong Republican,

he famously left
the GOP in 2010, frustrated that it had become
in his words, “a party of exclusion and litmus tests, dominated on
social issues by the religious right, with zero discernible
outreach by the national party to anyone who doesn’t fit neatly
within its parameters.” Which isn’t to say he’s a Democrat, either.
Instead, Smerconish, whose radio program is genuinely engaging and
conversational in a way that is increasingly rare, arguably
represents the best of the non-allied center of American politics.
I don’t always agree with him, but if you are interested in knowing
what sensible centrists think – and what sorts of issues and
arguments they find compelling – he’s a great resource to turn

from Hit & Run

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