Should E.U. Police Be Given Darth Vader-Like Powers to Stop Cars Remotely?

An European Union (E.U.) working group is considering
giving police remote car-stopping technology in an attempt to
eliminate high-speed car chases. Nothing says creepy like police
equipped with removed, quasi-telekinetic powers resembling Darth

The plan requires a “built in standard” for the E.U. car market
to be
by the end of the decade. In other words, all new
vehicles will require the installation of a complimentary
car-stopping technological device.

Police will
videos from removed control rooms. They will have the
ability to shut off a car’s ignition from their disconnected

In December, Statewatch, a non-profit watchdog group, uncovered
the European Network of Law Enforcement Technology Services
(ENLETS) document that describes the new plan.  The ENLETS

In most cases the police are unable to chase the
criminal due to the lack of efficient means to stop the vehicle

While proposed technology could potentially improve road safety
and hobble runaway cars, the benefits of prevent car chases doesn’t
necessarily outweigh costs to car manufacturers and cuts to civil
liberties. Tony Bunyan, Director of Smartwatch,
The Telegraph:

Let’s have some evidence that this is a problem, and
then let’s have some guidelines on how this would be used.”

E.U.’s Committee on Operational Cooperation on Internal Security
(COSI) signed off on it, meaning, as The Telegraph

, “The project has the support of senior British Home
Office civil servants and police officers.”

Nigel Farage, the leader of UKIP, called the measure
“incredible” and a “draconian imposition,” and issued a rallying
cry for political retaliation.

It’s hard to imagine an idea like this remaining under wraps. It
could inspire U.S. police, who have considered a variety of
controversial police-empowering tech like
GPS-tracking bullets
, and
psychic arrests
 made imaginable by Big Data and NSA bulk
data collection.

from Hit & Run

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