St. Paul Arbitrator Reinstates Cop Fired in Pepper Spray-in-the-Ear Incident Caught on Tape

got his job backLast summer, the police chief in St. Paul,
said he wanted to fire
Officer Matthew Gorans, who was involved
in a violent arrest that had been recorded by a bystander. Gorans
wasn’t on that video, but he was seen on squad car video the city
released, which showed him dragging Eric Hightower, the suspect
resisting arrest, into the backseat by his hair and then pepper
spraying him in the ear. Gorans’ putative penalty was harsher than
for the cop seen on the bystander video kicking Hightower, who was
suspended for 30 days.

Nevertheless, both officers filed union grievances and this week
Gorans, who had cost the city of St. Paul $249,000 in a settlement
for an unrelated police brutality claim in 2010, got his job back
from an arbitrator.
Via the St. Paul Pioneer Press:

The St. Paul Police-Civilian Internal Affairs Review
Commission found that Gorans intentionally sprayed pepper spray
into Hightower’s ear during the arrest, but state arbitrator Harley
Ogata disagreed. He also found Gorans justified in pulling
Hightower into a squad car by his hair as the man resisted
officers’ attempts to get him in the cruiser.

Ogata ruled that Gorans should be suspended for one day for not
filing a complete police report.

“The arbitration decision confirms that officers were dealing with
a volatile and rapidly developing situation involving a known
dangerous individual with a history of violence, and of resisting
and evading arrest,” Chris Wachtler, St. Paul Police Federation
attorney, said in a statement Monday. “The state-appointed, neutral
arbitrator in this case heard the testimony of 20 witnesses over
the course of three days, thoroughly and completely reviewed the
evidence, and reached the correct decision.”

Police Chief Thomas Smith said Monday afternoon he hadn’t had a
chance to review the findings.

“Obviously, I have to respect the process and live with the
arbitrator’s decision,” he said.

The arbitrator reportedly also wrote that “had the city proved
that the grievant had intentionally sprayed Hightower in the ear, a
discharge might have been sustained,” apparently dismissing the
finding of the Internal Affairs commission. The arbitrator also
complained the commission didn’t seek the opinion of a “use of
force trainer” about the pepper spray in the ear. Prosecutors
declined to charge Gorans or the other cop, finding insufficient
evidence to prove intent beyond a reasonable doubt, but the local
FBI office said it was looking into civil rights violations that
could have occurred during the arrest. A lawsuit by the police
union over release of the squad car video without the officers’
faces blurred out, meanwhile, is ongoing.

The arbitrator’s decision is not appealable, so Gorans is back
on the job even though the police chief doesn’t want him there,
because that’s the deal St. Paul’s political leaders gave the
city’s employees, a similar deal police unions across the country
have. They’ve extended privileges to police officers and other
public employees that give them the kind of job security and
protections jobs with that kind of potential to damage the lives of
residents (through police abuse or a
poor education
) should never have.

h/t jimbo

from Hit & Run

What The Government Spent Money On Last Quarter

Those following the ever encroaching progression of the US welfare state will hardly be surprised by the latest data on US government spending broken down by the 11 largest outlays: spending on almost everything was down or unchanged in the first fiscal quarter of 2014 compared to a year ago except for healthcare and, of course, social security, which has finally caught up with the government’s medicare and medicaid outlays. The good news: as a result of still low interest rates, and the Fed’s check-kiting remittance of interest on monetized debt, Treasury outlays have tumbled to less than $100 billion in the quarter. This number will not stay this low for long.

Source: US Treasury


via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

Debunking the Latest Rounds of Bitcoin Myths

I decided to pen this after reading Bitcoin: Revolutionary Game-Changer Or Trojan Horse? over at ZeroHedge. The piece offers two sides of the Bitcoin argument, but the “con” side was an interesting if not rather fantastically fictional read. Here are some key excerpts followed by my responses…


Backed by … the Big Banks?

On the other hand, a lot of major mainstream players are backing Bitcoin and other digital payment systems.

Wells Fargo wants to get into Bitcoin in a big way.

That is truly interesting, but it is also a smart move by way of management. The reason why the record industry was decimated by the MP3 tech wave was because they fought the inevitable technology innovation versus embracing it. Does this simply mean that these bankers learned a lesson from the record execs incompetance?

JP Morgan Chase has filed a patent for a Bitcoin-like payment system. And Russia’s largest bank is working on a Bitcoin alternative as well.

No, it’s not really “Bitcoin-like”, its centralized, which is the antithesis of Bitcoin’s decentralized architecture. It’s more JPM-like, riding on top of the good ideas found in the Bitcoin open source code.

Ben Bernanke and the Department of Justice have both cautiously blessed Bitcoin.

Because Bernanke and particularly the DOJ have learned that you cannot force legistlation upon a P2P network. It’s like making volcano eruptions illegal and then standing at the base of one expecting not to get burned. As I stated above, it’s best to embrace inevitable innovation in lieu of fighting a losing battle. Ask those record and movie company proponents who swore to take down Bittorrent, which by some counts accounts for over 30% of download traffic across the web. Don’t try to ice skate uphill.

John Browne theorizes

While crypto-currencies remain insulated from central bank manipulation, governments have thus far been tolerant, perhaps because their capability to track transactions is more advanced than Bitcoin believers admit.

Indeed, Bitcoin is not really that anonymous, as the NSA can track Bitcoin trades.

The ability to track transactions may be more advanced than many believe, but it is a hell of a lot less advanced than the ability to track cash, wires, credit cards and bank accounts. In addition, Bitcoin is a pseudonymous network, not an anonymous network. It’s about privacy, not explicitly attempting to break the law.

I find the premise behind this Central bank/NSA thing to be true garbage. For one, the code is open sourced and can be changed and modified at will. If there is something you don’t like, change it or remove it. This is only negative for those who are either not skilled enough or too lazy read and understand the code.
Second, central banks require central control. The entire draw behind Bitcoin is that it is Decentralized!!!! That’s why they are called Central banks, and not decentralized banks, which is what will happen as Bitcoin gains traction.
Next up, the central banks are literally owned by the money center banks, who are literally equity stake holders. It’s nonsense to belive that the Central banks will work to the detriment of their only shareholders, not matter how inefficient and.or incompetent they have proven themselves to be.

The head of Signature Bank – Scott Shay – raised these same issues last month on CNBC:

It is the opposite of what the CNBC guy said. I know for a fact that a lot of the guys who talk their book on CNBC are not really all that knoweldgeable and it would be quite unwise to take them all at face value.
Here’s and example of my proving two of these “experts” wrong live on air…

The NSA can apparently also hack Bitcoin. And see this. Given that the NSA may bechanging the amount in people’s accounts, it would be child’s play for them to change the amount in your Bitcoin wallet.

As for the NSA being able to hack into Bitcoin, hey it may be possible. The NSA is likely to be the most competent hacking organization in the world. Let’s put this into perspective though. If they can hack bitcoin, they can hack your bank account, medical records, cell phone, home security cameras, and likely bribe your aunt and grandma too. You’re still safer in BTC than you are in those other venues. Why doesn’t the NSA’s ability to change you bank account balances deter you? Well, if it doesn’t deter you with you much less secure bank account, you should be A OK with Bitcoin!

And Yves Smith argues that Bitcoin actually plays into the hands of the central bankers

:Many [Bitcoin enthusiasts] clearly relish the idea of launching a currency outside the control of central banks (plus this beats Cryptonomicon in geekery).

If you believe the hype, you’ve been had. As Izabella Kaminska of the Financial Times tells us, you all are really just doing free/underpaid R&D for central banks, since you are debugging and building legitimacy for one of their fond projects, making currencies digital and getting rid of cash altogether.

But, this ignores the counterpoint made above. Bitcoin is DECENTRALIZED currency, which flies directly in the face of CENTRAL banks attempt at global CENTRAL planning. The code is OPEN SOURCED and decisions are made by NETWORK CONSENSUSCENTRAL banks make decisions behindCLOSED doors among a SMALL GROUP of empowered individuals, the antithesis of OPEN and NETWORK and CONSENSUS!
Lastly, bitcoin values are fungible as physical currency. You have paper wallets, metal coins, etc. Thus this digital money still lives and prospers in the physical world, it’s just that it can disappear into the digital sphere when it needs to, but it doesn’t have to…

physcial bitcoinsridk reward

There are several ways to skin that cat. These physical coins and papers can be traded by hand and spent just like paper dollar bills. Now, the digital becomes physical.
And finally, for those who feel it’s so easy to hack into Bitcoin, I’ll post a full BTC right here, copied from my own private wallet. Whoever feels they are as capable as that CNBC dude professes can have it. I’ll sit back and hold my breath as you guys get busy…

While you guys are busy attempting to hack this wallet because you have been listening to too many NSA conspiracy theories, prepare for my next post on this topic as I teach the BTC rich how to use UltraCoin to bailout out the EU periphery and emergency-laden emerging markets faster, cheaper, profitably, and more reliably than the troika every could. Prepare for the client launch.

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via Zero Hedge Reggie Middleton

The Next Steps For The EM Crisis (In 4 Charts)

Asia outperformed emerging market peers in Europe and Latin America during the recent selloff, which coincided with a drop in China’s PMI below 50. As Bloomberg's Tamara Hendereson notes, that was partly due to 'smoothing' by Asian central banks to temper volatility and partly because of the region’s reputation for strong growth and ample current-account cushions. Still, she warns, emerging market investors may in time focus more on Asia’s vulnerabilities, including higher valuations, lower real yields and greater sensitivity to Fed tapering and China’s rebalancing.

Via Bloomberg's Tamara Henderson,

Expensive Currencies

Asian currencies tend to be more expensive than those of emerging market peers in Europe and Latin America. After adjusting for trade and inflation, the Chinese yuan and Singapore dollar have a cost disadvantage of more than 10 percent, according to the latest data from the BIS. Exceptions are the Japanese yen, Indonesian rupiah and Indian rupee — which are among the most competitive in emerging markets.

Sensitivity to Fed Tapering

Economies with larger reliance on investment for growth will face stronger headwinds from the higher yields associated with the U.S. Federal Reserve’s tapering of asset purchases. Investment accounts for a more than average share of economic growth in the Asia Pacific region — especially in China (48 percent), India (36 percent), Indonesia (35 percent), Thailand (31 percent), South Korea (29 percent) and Australia (28 percent).

Limited Real Yield Appeal

New Zealand has the highest five-year real yield in the Asia-Pacific region at 2.5 percent, followed by South Korea at 2.1 percent. In the rest of Asia, real yields are below 2 percent or even negative, providing little-to-no reward for the added risk and limiting the appeal to U.S. or European investors who can earn comparable or better returns on domestic assets. Emerging market peers in Europe and Latin America have yields above 3 percent.

Exposure to China

While it is a long-term positive for Asia and beyond, the rebalancing of China’s economy toward consumption is slowing growth and import demand. Emerging Europe and Latin America have less exposure to Chinese trade than Asian counterparts. South Korea, Japan and Taiwan are particularly vulnerable, each accounting for 8.7 percent to 10.2 percent of China’s imports. Australia, Malaysia and Thailand have import shares above 2 percent.


via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

Video of the Day – Thuggish Militarized Police Terrorize and SWAT Team Iowa Family

So police in the city of Ankeny, Iowa are on the hunt for a couple of people suspected of credit card fraud. Their solution? Conduct a SWAT raid on an older woman’s Iowa home with a team of at least eight militarized, storm-trooper wannabe cops. In a raid that appears more suitable for a compound in Abbottabad than a neighborhood in the corn belt, you’d at least think they were certain they had the right home? Wrong.

The police didn’t find the suspects they were looking for, and instead went ahead and arrested two other people in completely unrelated charges to justify their ridiculous behavior. If not for the fact the family had security cameras installed (which the police made every attempt to dismantle), we would have no evidence of this wildly inappropriate behavior. You seriously have to wonder what is wrong with these people. Are they still being taught their mission is to “Protect and Serve” or has this been change to “Probe and SWAT.” One seriously has to wonder.

This video is brought to our attention by Radley Balko, author of Rise of the Warrior Cop, and now a writer for the Washington Post. I have highlighted Mr. Balko’s excellent work in the past, most recently last summer in my article: There are Over 50,000 SWAT Team Raids Annually in America, which you should definitely go back and read.

In his article for the Washington Post, Radley writes:

Watch this video, taken from a police raid in Des Moines, Iowa. Send it to some people. When critics (like me) warn about the dangers of police militarization, this is what we’re talking about. You’ll see the raid team, dressed in battle-dress uniforms, helmets and face-covering balaclava hoods take down the family’s door with a battering ram. You’ll see them storm the home with ballistics shields, guns at the ready. More troubling still, you’ll see not one but two officers attempt to prevent the family from having an independent record of the raid, one by destroying a surveillance camera, another by blocking another camera’s lens.

Now here’s the video. Brace yourself, this is extraordinarily disturbing and pathetic behavior:

Radley continues:

continue reading

from A Lightning War for Liberty

The Internet is Full of Cool Things, Part 19,354: NFL Helmets Redone in Star Wars Universe

So this has been
around at least since 2013, but what can I tell you? Ferglutz
you, bub, my hyperspatial ramblings ain’t what they used to be.

Here are John Raya’s reworking of NFL franchises as if they
existed in the Star Wars universe. Bonus points on the
Greedos’ helmet, for the non-infinite regress on the helmet worn by
the figure pictured on the helmet (my head hurts), a defining
attribute of the old Dolphins helmet (in which the Dolphin wore a
helmet whose logo
was a giant M

Go here for
the AFC
and here for
the NFC
. And yes,
there’s a team
that involves Jar Jar Binks’ grim visage.

For more work by Raya, go here.

Tip via Tony Pierce’s great Twitter feed.

We’ve become jaded to the immense offerings on the Internet. I
think it’s a worthwhile pursuit to pause a second and point out
whenever we find cool, weird, useless, and fun stuff online. Reason
has been beating the drum about “cultural proliferation” for years
now, and for good reason: We live in an age in which it’s
easier than ever for people to make and consume whatever they want
in ever-more-varied circumstances
. That’s a real flowering of
self-expression and freedom.

from Hit & Run

British Spies Use Anonymous-Style Tactics Against Anonymous

Gabriella Coleman

We are the government. We are legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us.The
latest Snowden-related revelation
is that Britain’s Government
Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) proactively targeted the
communications infrastructure used by the online activist
collective known as Anonymous.

, they implemented distributed denial of service
(DDoS) attacks on the internet relay chat (IRC) rooms used by
Anonymous. They also implanted malware to out the personal identity
details of specific participants. And while we only know for sure
that the U.K.’s GCHQ and secret spy unit known as the “Joint Threat
Research Intelligence Group” (JTRIG) launched these attacks in an
operation called “Rolling Thunder,” the U.S.’ NSA was likely aware
of what they were doing because the British intelligence agents
presented their program interventions at the NSA conference SIGDEV
in 2012. (Not to mention the two agencies sharing
close ties
in general.)

Whether you agree with the activities of Anonymous or not — which
have included everything from supporting the Arab Spring protests
to DDoSing copyright organizations to doxing child pornography site
users — the salient point is that democratic governments now seem
to be using their very tactics against them.

The key difference, however, is that while those involved in
Anonymous can and have faced their day in court for those tactics,
the British government has not. When Anonymous engages in
lawbreaking, they are always taking a huge risk in doing so. But
with unlimited resources and no oversight, organizations like the
GCHQ (and theoretically the NSA) can do as they

Read the rest
. Read Coleman’s Reason article “Code Is Speech”

from Hit & Run

Stocks Collapse To Fresh 2014 Lows

Bad (ADP) news was good news but good (ISM Service) news is devastating and stocks are collapsing to fresh 2014 lows this morning as high-beta hope trades unwind en masse. The small-cap Russell is underperforming. All indices are now notably negative from the December taper. The Dow is down 7.4% in 2014! VIX is back over 20.5% 


An ugly year so far…


All red from the Taper…


via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

Citi, Goldman FX Heads Leaving In "Entirely Unrelated To FX Probe" Departures

When Reuters reported earlier today that Anil Prasad, the global head of foreign exchange at Citigroup, the world’s second largest currency trader, is leaving the bank, our ears perked up. The reason is the news overnight that according to the British financial watchdog, Martin Wheatley, the allegations for FX manipulation, “are every bit as bad as they have been with Libor” which supposedly means they are taking them seriously. Could this departure have anything to do with a probe that has already snared head FX trades at JPM, Deutsche and countless other banks? Well, Reuters promptly clarified that Prasad’s departure is not related to the global investigation into allegations of currency market manipulation, a source familiar with the matter said. “Anil’s decision is his own and entirely unrelated to the on-going FX investigations,” the source said.

So we had little reason to believe that Prasad’s departure is tied to the probe… Until we read this:


Specifically, Cho was the global head of spot and forward FX trading.

And right on its heels, this:


And while we are willing to believe for now that these two shocking top-level departures by the key FX traders at the two most important banks have nothing to do with such chat rooms as the “The Cartel,” “The Bandits’ Club,” “One Team, One Dream” and “The Mafia”, we sadly have our doubts.We will reserve judgment until the final Lawsky report is released of course.

One thing is certain: manipulating the USDJPY and its most important derivative: the S&P 500, suddenly became much more difficult.


via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden