Is Heroin Use 'Soaring'?

of the actor Philip Seymour Hoffman from an apparent
heroin overdose, MSNBC perceives
a “rapidly growing crisis of heroin and other opiate abuse” in the
United States. Under the headline “Philip Seymour Hoffman and
America’s Heroin Problem,” Max Lockie reports that “first-time
heroin use has increased in the U.S. by nearly 60% over
the past decade.”

That sounds like a big increase, but overall heroin use rates
remain very low. According to the National Survey on Drug Use and
Health, 0.3 percent of Americans 12 and older used heroin in

, compared to 0.2 percent in
. During the same period past-month use remained steady at
0.1 percent. According to the Monitoring
the Future Study
, past-year heroin use among high school
seniors actually fell from 1 percent in 2002 to 0.6 percent in

MSNBC exaggerates the increase in heroin use by focusing on raw
numbers instead of rates. A chart accompanying the article shows
the number of past-month users rising from 166,000 in 2002 to
335,000 in 2012, which creates an alarming upward curve instead of
the flat line you’d get by comparing rates. The effect is less
dramatic for past-year use, but it still makes the curve

A CNN story also cites raw numbers instead of rates
and claims,
in the label on a video, that “heroin use [is] soaring in [the]
U.S.” By contrast, the accompanying article refers to “an uptick”
and concedes that “heroin remains comparatively rare.” Measured by
past-year use, marijuana is 40 times as popular.

[Thanks to Stanton Peele for the MSNBC link.]

from Hit & Run

Is Heroin Use ‘Soaring’?

of the actor Philip Seymour Hoffman from an apparent
heroin overdose, MSNBC perceives
a “rapidly growing crisis of heroin and other opiate abuse” in the
United States. Under the headline “Philip Seymour Hoffman and
America’s Heroin Problem,” Max Lockie reports that “first-time
heroin use has increased in the U.S. by nearly 60% over
the past decade.”

That sounds like a big increase, but overall heroin use rates
remain very low. According to the National Survey on Drug Use and
Health, 0.3 percent of Americans 12 and older used heroin in

, compared to 0.2 percent in
. During the same period past-month use remained steady at
0.1 percent. According to the Monitoring
the Future Study
, past-year heroin use among high school
seniors actually fell from 1 percent in 2002 to 0.6 percent in

MSNBC exaggerates the increase in heroin use by focusing on raw
numbers instead of rates. A chart accompanying the article shows
the number of past-month users rising from 166,000 in 2002 to
335,000 in 2012, which creates an alarming upward curve instead of
the flat line you’d get by comparing rates. The effect is less
dramatic for past-year use, but it still makes the curve

A CNN story also cites raw numbers instead of rates
and claims,
in the label on a video, that “heroin use [is] soaring in [the]
U.S.” By contrast, the accompanying article refers to “an uptick”
and concedes that “heroin remains comparatively rare.” Measured by
past-year use, marijuana is 40 times as popular.

[Thanks to Stanton Peele for the MSNBC link.]

from Hit & Run

Tonight on The Independents: Anthony Weiner, the Federal Reserve, Super Bowl Commercials, the Debt Ceiling, Joe Namath’s Fur, TSA Confessionals, Heroin Overdoses, North Korea Sneak-Peak, Plus Aftershow!

Weiner! I barely even know her! ||| New York Daily NewsIt’s Monday night, which means
is backatcha live at 9 pm ET, 6 pm PT on Fox
Business Network (with a midnight-hour repeat), injecting some hot
buttered libertarian weirdness into the cable-news slipstream.

Tonight’s show begins where
Super Bowl
—with Super Bowl commercials, particularly the two that have
generated the most (and most pointless) political controversy:

Bob Dylan’s Chrysler stunt
, and Coca-Cola’s
multilingual rendition
of “America the
.” Commenting on these, as well as on
Philip Seymour Hoffman’s heroin overdose
and the recent

essay in Politico, will
be Wall Street lawyer-turned comedian Paul Mecurio, and criminal
defense attorney-slash-TV commentator Remi Spencer.

Then joining the show for a couple of segments will be former
congressman, recent New York mayoral loser and two-time sexting
scandal protagonist
Anthony Weiner
, who is slated to discuss (among other things)
Washington’s latest
debt ceiling fight
, President Barack Obama’s
combative interview
with Fox host Bill O’Reilly, and the

rather remarkable confession
that Sen. Max Baucus (D-Mont.)
made last week during his confirmation hearing to be America’s next
ambassador to China.

Malice! I barely even know her! |||Michael Malice, author of a
new unauthorized biography
of North Korean dictator Kim Jong Il
Dear Reader
(as well as of a great 2013 Reason
feature “My
Week in North Korea
“), will be on to talk about the horrors of
the Hermit Kingdom. And the “Keeping it Kmele” segment tonight will
use Janet Yellen’s
first day on the job
as Fed chief to take a closer look at the
Federal Reserve. Other topics that may come up on the show include
sartorial awesomeness
, the post-game show’s
9/11 truther
Bill de Blasio’s groundhog
(not a euphemism), and
beer drones

There will be a live-stream after-show available on the website,
and as always, send your tweets out to @IndependentsFBN; some
may be used on air.

from Hit & Run

Inaugural Interview with “The News Doctors” – Bitcoin, Freedom and Decentralization

Last Friday, I had the opportunity to sit down with Eric Dubin, editor of The News Doctors, an alternative news site, and host of Liberty Rising Radio. This was a lengthy interview and we cover a lot of very important bases. Eric asked many key questions on the minds of Bitcoin skeptics, so I think this particular interview will be especially useful for those out there who still haven’t come around to supporting it. One thing that I really want to hammer home to goldbugs is that we should not be cheering or encouraging a Chinese backed monetary system. Rather, we should aim to separate the state from money.


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Donate bitcoins: 1LefuVV2eCnW9VKjJGJzgZWa9vHg7Rc3r1

 Follow me on Twitter.

Inaugural Interview with “The News Doctors” – Bitcoin, Freedom and Decentralization originally appeared on A Lightning War for Liberty on February 3, 2014.

continue reading

from A Lightning War for Liberty

Goldman Warns Global Slowdown Getting "More Serious"

Goldman’s Global Leading Indicator’s January reading and the latest revisions to previous months paint a significantly softer picture of global growth placing the global industrial cycle clearly in the ‘Slowdown’ phase. They add, rather ominously, While the initial shift into ‘Slowdown’ (which we first noted in October) had a fairly idiosyncratic flavor, the recent growth deceleration now looks more serious than in previous months. Of course, as we noted yesterday, Jan Hatzius us rapidly bringing his optimistic forecasts back to this slowdown reality.


Swirlogram solidly in “slowdown” phase…


Via Goldman Sachs,

The January reading and the latest revisions to previous months paint a significantly softer picture of global growth and the GLI now locates the global industrial cycle clearly in the ‘Slowdown’ phase. Since GLI Momentum peaked in August 2013 at 0.39%, it has slowed by about 20bps to 0.19% currently. While the initial shift into ‘Slowdown’ (which we first noted in September) had a fairly idiosyncratic flavor, with the AUD and CAD TWI aggregate the biggest driver, several additional components have now worsened too, further substantiating the GLI shift into ‘Slowdown’.


The January Final GLI places the global industrial cycle clearly in the ‘Slowdown’ phase, with positive but decreasing Momentum. Previous GLI readings had already highlighted that global activity growth peaked in August and the latest revisions show the subsequent deterioration more visibly. Some idiosyncratic factors might have had a hand in amplifying the current softness, but still the recent growth deceleration now looks more serious than in previous months.


Source: Goldman Sachs


via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

Goldman Warns Global Slowdown Getting “More Serious”

Goldman’s Global Leading Indicator’s January reading and the latest revisions to previous months paint a significantly softer picture of global growth placing the global industrial cycle clearly in the ‘Slowdown’ phase. They add, rather ominously, While the initial shift into ‘Slowdown’ (which we first noted in October) had a fairly idiosyncratic flavor, the recent growth deceleration now looks more serious than in previous months. Of course, as we noted yesterday, Jan Hatzius us rapidly bringing his optimistic forecasts back to this slowdown reality.


Swirlogram solidly in “slowdown” phase…


Via Goldman Sachs,

The January reading and the latest revisions to previous months paint a significantly softer picture of global growth and the GLI now locates the global industrial cycle clearly in the ‘Slowdown’ phase. Since GLI Momentum peaked in August 2013 at 0.39%, it has slowed by about 20bps to 0.19% currently. While the initial shift into ‘Slowdown’ (which we first noted in September) had a fairly idiosyncratic flavor, with the AUD and CAD TWI aggregate the biggest driver, several additional components have now worsened too, further substantiating the GLI shift into ‘Slowdown’.


The January Final GLI places the global industrial cycle clearly in the ‘Slowdown’ phase, with positive but decreasing Momentum. Previous GLI readings had already highlighted that global activity growth peaked in August and the latest revisions show the subsequent deterioration more visibly. Some idiosyncratic factors might have had a hand in amplifying the current softness, but still the recent growth deceleration now looks more serious than in previous months.


Source: Goldman Sachs


via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

ABC Plants Guns Among Toys and Candy, Shocked That Kids Touch Them

What happens when you plant two
real, unloaded guns among toys and a backpack in grade school
classroom and then tell kids that, while unsupervised, they should
indulge in some nearby candy? ABC reporters did just this, and
breathlessly revealed their discovery: the kids will touch the
guns! …Before notifying an adult. “Can you really hide guns from
the network.

This less-than-scientific experiment was part of a 20/20
” called Young Guns, which aired
last Friday. Its aim was investigate the supposedly deadly world of
households in which both children and firearms reside. ABC also
posted instructions on how to confront gun-toting friends without
it awkward
and provides a handy
on the differences between fake and real weapons.

“The new numbers are arresting,”
the ABC’s David Muir, “nearly one child or teen every
hour [is] injured by a firearm in this country.” He speaks to a
doctor who “at one point was seeing gunshots and children twice a
week.” Diane Sawyer
that a “groundbreaking” study implies that, “every
other day, a child is shot to death.”

But, the
doesn’t match the ABC’s far-fetched image of young kids
finding guns among their playthings in school. Children, in this
case, includes individuals aged 18 and 19, i.e. people who are
legally adults and able to buy rifles.

The presentation is not reflective of America’s gun community,
which owns a total of 310 million firearms (by far the highest
concentration per capita of any nation in the world). Major
gun rights
advocacy groups, as well as
firearms instructors, and
in the community
teach and advocate
for the safe use and storage of guns. Gun forums are rife with
on educating kids about gun safety and keeping weapons accessible
for self-defense but out of children’s reach.

One need not rely on anecdotal evidence, though.

Despite the massive number of guns in the US and ABC’s
collected by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) in 2010
states that among children aged 1-14 there were 396 firearm deaths.
Among the 15-19 demographic, 2,331 deaths were recorded, including
legal intervention. Although this may seem dramatically higher than
the younger group, it is hardly more than one percent of the total
15-19 year old population. While each deaths is a tragedy, putting
the numbers into context reveal a far less dramatic side of the

And, while ABC focuses on the accidents caused by guns, the
network overlooks how many lives guns save. Gun Owners of America
(GOA) states:

Guns [are] used 2.5 million times a year in self-defense.
Law-abiding citizens use guns to defend themselves against
criminals as many as 2.5 million times every year — or about 6,850
times a day. This means that each year, firearms are used more than
80 times more often to protect the lives of honest citizens than to
take lives.

Unlike ABC’s extrapolations from an in-house trial, GOA’s
information comes from peer-reviewed academic

from Hit & Run

de Blasio Surrenders To Snow Which Is "Falling Faster Than Workers Can Plow It"

Say what you will about Mike “sugary drinks are illegal” Bloomberg, but at least the trains ran on time. And so did the snowplow. Sadly for his replacement, the same can not be said as was revealed following just one of the first modest snow storms in Bill de Blasio’s career as mayor. In his own words (via AP): “Mayor Bill de Blasio says the snow has been falling faster than New York City workers can plow it.” So New York gets 8 inches of snow and suddenly it is a snow panic? What happens in case of a blizzard: de Blasio request assistance from the Soc Intern, or perhaps the only solution is to tax the “wealthy” an arbitrary, but “fair”, amount more?

From the AP:

De Blasio said Monday that the storm’s arrival time — the morning rush hour — also hampered the plowing operation.


The city has been using 450 salt spreaders along with the 1,500 plows.

Perhaps if the snow cleaners didn’t take 2 hour brunch breaks, and stop for work ever 5 minutes, the city that never sleeps wouldn’t become the city that always needs an excuse. Or maybe that assessment is too “unfair”?


via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

de Blasio Surrenders To Snow Which Is “Falling Faster Than Workers Can Plow It”

Say what you will about Mike “sugary drinks are illegal” Bloomberg, but at least the trains ran on time. And so did the snowplow. Sadly for his replacement, the same can not be said as was revealed following just one of the first modest snow storms in Bill de Blasio’s career as mayor. In his own words (via AP): “Mayor Bill de Blasio says the snow has been falling faster than New York City workers can plow it.” So New York gets 8 inches of snow and suddenly it is a snow panic? What happens in case of a blizzard: de Blasio request assistance from the Soc Intern, or perhaps the only solution is to tax the “wealthy” an arbitrary, but “fair”, amount more?

From the AP:

De Blasio said Monday that the storm’s arrival time — the morning rush hour — also hampered the plowing operation.


The city has been using 450 salt spreaders along with the 1,500 plows.

Perhaps if the snow cleaners didn’t take 2 hour brunch breaks, and stop for work ever 5 minutes, the city that never sleeps wouldn’t become the city that always needs an excuse. Or maybe that assessment is too “unfair”?


via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden