Reason Nominated for 12 Maggie Awards!

I’m happy to announce that Reason scooped up a whopping 12
nominations for Maggie awards from the Western Publishing
Association this year

In addition to
being nominated for the best in our print category, Politics
& Social Issues (where we are up against Mother
Pacific Standard,
and Sierra), we also grabbed finalist slots
for Best Blog, Best Video Channel,
and Best Use of Social Media.

We picked up specific nominations for:

Jacob Sullum’s “Pot Goes Legit” cover
story from November

Our “Be
Paranoid” cover package in October
, including Brian Doherty,
Ronald Bailey, and Scott Shackford on “what we should have known
about government spying before Edward Snowden’s leak, why even
innocent people have plenty to fear, and what you can do about
it” in “Be Very
,” Shane Harris on “Drones
,” and the rest of the issue.

Matt Welch’s Editor’s
in that same issue also won a finalist spot.

July’s cover interview with Shereen El Feki, “Sex
in the Arab World

Two videos were selected:

Amateur Beats Gov’t at Digitizing Newspapers: Tom Tryniski’s
Weird, Wonderful Website


LA County Sheriffs Hassle Photographer, Trample Constitution,
Get Lauded by Bosses

Our “Three Reasons” feature also got a nod,

Three Reasons Not to Go To War with Syria

And Three Reasons All Kids Should be FORCED To Watch South

Winners will be announced on May 2.

Here are a few things you could do to celebrate:

1) Subscribe to
the print magazine
, for less than $15 a year!
2) Subscribe to just
about any e-version of the mag
 you can imagine!
3) Donate money to the
Reason Foundation
, the 501(c)3 nonprofit that makes all this
journalism (and much, much more) possible!

from Hit & Run

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