Rand Paul’s “Divergence” and the Future of American Politics

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) is rising in visibility
and influence and is already one of the frontrunners for the 2016
Republican presidential nomination. Yet his brand of
libertarian-leaning politics has drawn fire from liberals and
conservatives alike who aver that no, really, Rand Paul can’t
possibly be popular.

Nick Gillespie says that Paul is dangerous because he’s
politically “divergent,” a trait he shares with the protagonist of
the nation’s top-drawing movie.

Whether or not the Kentucky Republican actually wins the
Republican nomination, much less the White House, is besides the
point. The question is whether the politics of the future will be
the same as the politics of the present. “I don’t want to be just
one thing,” explains one of the
protagonists in Divergent. “I can’t be. I want
to be brave, and I want to be selfless, intelligent, and honest and
kind.” If anything explains Rand Paul’s rising profile, it’s
precisely his ability to be more than just one thing—a social
conservative, a civil libertarian, a budget cutter, a
decentralizer, and more. There’s no reason to fear— and every
reason to promote—such divergence in our elected

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