The Case Against Warrantless Cell Phone Snooping by the Cops

In April the U.S. Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in a

pair of cases
asking whether the police must obtain a warrant
before searching the cell phones of people they have under arrest.
At The Connecticut Law Tribune, the lawyer who writes
under the name Gideon’s Trumpet makes the
against giving the cops free rein to snoop

Think about any random day. You make phone calls, which tells
the phone companies where you are and who you’re talking to. You
send text messages, which stores the content of your conversation.
You take pictures, which are stored on your phone. And you download
apps that have your bank account and credit card information, maybe
even some medical records.

So, if you’re arrested—and remember, almost anyone can be
arrested; that doesn’t mean they’re actually guilty of
anything—should the police have the authority to simply open your
phone and look through every personal email, Twitter update,
Facebook status, credit card statement and nude picture? For that
matter, should the police have the authority to track your
movements without a warrant?

In a recent column on these two cases
I posed
a similar question: “Should getting arrested for a
minor offense like jaywalking be sufficient to allow the police
virtually unlimited access to your private affairs in search of
additional wrongdoing?” Unhappily, the Obama administration thinks
it should. “Although cell phones can contain a great deal of
personal information,” the administration has
in a legal filing, “so can many other items that
officers have long had authority to search, and the search of a
cell phone is no more intrusive than other actions that the police
may take once a person has been lawfully arrested.”

The problem with that argument is that a cell phone search has
the potential to be far more intrusive than any search
incident to arrest of your pockets, briefcase, purse, or backpack.
That’s because, as noted above, cell phones contain not only photos
and messages; they also contain GPS tracking data. Thanks to the
wonders of technology, our most sensitive and private
information—including our whereabouts at various times—is now
accessible in the palms of our hands. It’s no mystery why law
enforcement wants to take a peek. Yet as Gideon’s Trumpet observes,
“the real reason why police want unfettered access to the phone is
precisely the reason why they should not get it.”

from Hit & Run

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