Cincinnati Literally Barricading Roads to Try to Thwart Prostitutes

In covering U.S. sex work issues, I read
about a lot of stupid anti-prostitution initiatives. But
the latest from Cincinnati, Ohio, may just take the stupid cake.
Apparently, cops there don’t think the good citizens of Cincy need
to actually use certain major thoroughfares—or, if they do, too
bad. There is prostitution to deter, and if that
means literally barricading off roads
, so be it. 

The barricades, which police insist will be up for “less than
three months,” went up this week at three spots on McMicken Avenue,
near the University of Cincinnati. Police
previous efforts and “community applied pressure” have not
been enough to curb prostitution on the McMicken corridor, and
hence desperate measures are warranted.

From The Cincinnati Enquirer: 

A Jan. 9 prostitution-related homicide underscored the need for
immediate action, said District 1 Capt. Michael John.

… After the homicide, officers began walking the area and
interviewed the women, who work the street, John said. He said
officers tried to talk to them about getting out of

It doesn’t sound like they were very successful, which would
imply that the estimated 70- to 80-women regularly working the area
are actually choosing to do so. Naturally, police efforts to stop
them are being referred to as the McMicken PATH—that’s “People
Against Trafficking Humans” (emphasis

Cincinnati is also currently considering plans to publish the
names of people convicted of prostitution-related offenses (through
either press releases sent to media outlets or on the city’s
government access TV channel), to notify offender’s spouses of
prostitution-related arrests, to create a court specifically for
prostitution offenses, to offer a “john school” as an alternative
punishment for those arrested (no word on exactly what that would
entail), and to increase fines for prostitution offenses. However,
for now, the city is settling for inconveniencing its populace and
driving more Johns to the ads. 

In a statement, the Cincinnati Police Department (CPD) promised
that the anti-prostitution barricades will “interrupt the cruising
cycle of those offenders frequenting the area for the purpose of
engaging the prostitutes” and “assist stakeholders in taking
ownership of the McMicken corridor.” While CPD “recognizes this
temporary measure may serve as an inconvenience to some,” the
efforts will ultimately “increase quality of life for all,” it

from Hit & Run

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