A. Barton Hinkle on the Benghazi Follies

If you have been following the Benghazi story,
you know an email has recently surfaced that Republicans believe
will help them get to the bottom of the matter. In fact, they think
the email, by deputy national security adviser Benjamin Rhodes, is
the smoking gun. Written Sept. 14, 2012—two days after the attack
that killed four Americans at the U.S. diplomatic mission in
Benghazi, Libya, and seven weeks before the presidential
election—it sought to craft the message Ambassador Susan Rice would
deliver on the Sunday-morning talk shows.

Republicans say the email proves what they have known all along:
namely, that the Obama White House lied to the American people for
political purposes. A. Barton Hinkle explains why the Benghazi
scandal proves much more than that.

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