Meet “Osama Bin Bieber”: ISIS’ Latest Recruit

It has long been the case that Jihadist Al-Qaeda groups tend to find the occasional odd, western groupie, but probably never before has there been a case as peculiar as that of 18-year-old Mohammad Hadi, from the city of Coventry, who as Al Arabiya reports, is believed to have joined the infamous and brutal Islamic militant group which is causing nightmares for the US state department, the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant aka ISIS.

Meet Osama Bin Bieber.

According to Al Arabiya, the young man, of Iraqi-Kurdish descent, is nicknamed ‘Osama Bin Bieber’ after Canadian pop star Justin Bieber due to his young appearance.

Hadi claims that extremist clerics at a religious school in the city had radicalized him and persuaded him to travel to the Middle East, alongside three other men.


There are Instagram pictures, posted by Hadi, that show him holding guns and tweets claiming that he is in Syria with ‘Dawla’, another name for ISIS.


Back in March, Hadi’s parents had supposedly reported missing charges on him to the police. In addition, the police had been warned before about his growing extremist outlook.


On Sunday, The Sun had spoken to Mohammad’s father, Mahir Hadi, 38, who said “We can’t talk about it – I don’t know anything about it. The police know better than me.”


Users on Twitter have reported that Hadi, now with the alias Abu Yahya Al Kurdy, is currently with a group of Chechens near the Syrian town of Sarrin.

As the mail added, twitter users have reported Hadi, also known as Abu Yahya Al Kurdy, was near the northern Syrian town of Sarrin earlier this month, with a group of Chechens.

A Coventry local said he saw the teenager’s father in tears after discovering what he had done.

“He was so frightened that he would die out there and was furious…”

An imam at the madrassa said Hadi did attend but when he discovered his plans to travel to the strife-hit region he called West Midlands Police.

A spokesman for police said it was investigating his whereabouts.

The news about Hadi comes soon after two Britons and an Australian were seen in an ISIL recruitment video urging other British Islamists to join their ”holy war”.

It remains to be seen if ISIS adds “Bieberesque” singing to its arsenal of weapons banned by the Geneva convention.

via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

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