EPA: Cleaning Our Environment, Fouling Its Own Hallways with Feces

Environmental bureaucrats: they are just like us! If we like to
leave feces around the hallways of our offices, that is.

digging from

Government Executive
uncovers some Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) actions that could be said to pollute the
human, if not the natural, environment:

Management for [Environmental Protection Agency] Region 8 in
Denver, Colo., wrote an email earlier this year to all staff in the
area pleading with them to stop inappropriate bathroom behavior,
including defecating in the hallway.  

In the email, obtained by Government Executive,
Deputy Regional Administrator Howard Cantor mentioned “several
incidents” in the building, including clogging the toilets with
paper towels and “an individual placing feces in the hallway”
outside the restroom.

Confounded by what to make of this occurrence, EPA management
“consulted” with workplace violence “national expert” John
Nicoletti, who said that hallway feces is in fact a health and
safety risk. He added the behavior was “very dangerous” and the
individuals responsible would “probably escalate” their

EPA spokesman Richard Mylott provided the following

“EPA cannot comment on ongoing personnel matters. EPA’s actions
in response to recent workplace issues have been deliberate and
have focused on ensuring a safe work environment for our employees.
Our brief consultation with Dr. Nicoletti on this matter, a
resource who regularly provides our office with training and
expertise on workplace issues, reflects our commitment to securing
a safe workplace.”

from Hit & Run http://ift.tt/1lUIjPD

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