Special Forces in Iraq, Boehner to Sue Obama, Courts Rule on Phones, Aereo, and Gay Marriage: P.M. Links

  • The Syrian government conducted airstrikes
    in Iraq today, killing 57
    . Instead of backing away slowly and mumbling about
    leaving the stove on, the U.S. sent in
    special forces
  • “The Constitution makes it clear that a president’s job is to
    faithfully execute the laws. In my view, the president has not
    faithfully executed the laws,” said House Speaker John Boehner,
    confirming today that he
    intends to sue President Obama
     for overstepping his
    executive authority.
  • It’s been a busy day in a couple of courts. The Supreme Court
    ruled that police
    need a warrant
     to search a cell phone and that tech
    company Aereo’s television streaming business is illegal.
    A federal appeals court upheld gay marriage in
    , while another federal court struck down Indiana’s ban
    on gay marriage.
  • A Commerce Department report released today says that the U.S.
    shrank 2.9 percent
    in the first quarter of 2014. It’s just
    shrinkage from the cold weather, I swear.
  • The Chicago City Council voted to severely
    restrict potential locations for gun stores
    and will require
    every firearm transaction to be recorded on video.
  • The Cleveland Indians could get hit with $9
    billion lawsuit
     over their name and mascot if Robert Roche
    of the American Indian Education Center follows through with a
    threat he made today.

from Hit & Run http://ift.tt/1lUZQXH

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