CIA Admits Spying On Senate Computers

It’s not been a good day for the CIA. First, the State Department slams them for brutally treating terror suspects after the 9/11 attacks, noting that “no American is proud” of CIA tactics. And now, as The NY Times reports, an internal investigation has found that its officers improperly penetrated a computer network used by the Senate Intelligence Committee in preparing the report on the CIA’s detention and interrogation program. Of course, this is not the first time the CIA has hacked Senate networks but do not fear American citizenry, CIA Director has apologized for his staff “acting inappropriately” and is setting up an internal accountability board to review the matter.


The report is damning… (via AP)

The State Department has endorsed the broad conclusions of a harshly critical Senate report on the CIA’s interrogation and detention practices after the 9/11 attacks, a report that accuses the agency of brutally treating terror suspects and misleading Congress, according to a White House document.


“This report tells a story of which no American is proud,” says the four-page White House document, which contains the State Department’s preliminary proposed talking points in response to the classified Senate report, a summary of which is expected to be released in the coming weeks.


The Senate report concludes that CIA’s techniques on al-Qaida detainees captured after the 2001 attacks were far more brutal than previously understood. The tactics failed to produce life-saving intelligence, the report asserts, and the CIA misled Congress and the Justice Department about the interrogation program.

So it is no wonder the CIA decided it was above the law and hacked the Senate’s PCs… (via NY Times)

In a statement issued Thursday morning, a C.I.A. spokesman said that agency’s inspector general had concluded that C.I.A. officers had acted inappropriately by gaining access to the computers.


The statement said that John O. Brennan, the C.I.A. director, had apologized to the two senior members of the Senate Intelligence Committee and that he would set up an internal accountability board to review the matter. The board will be led by former Senator Evan Bayh, Democrat of Indiana.


The statement gave almost no specifics about the findings of the report, written by David Buckley, the agency’s inspector general.


Officials said there was a tense meeting earlier this week when Mr. Brennan briefed the two senators — Dianne Feinstein, Democrat of California and Saxby Chambliss, Republican of Georgia. The officials said Ms. Feinstein had confronted Mr. Brennan about past public statements on the issue, in which he defended the agency’s actions.

Of course Brennan denied it all when Feinstein first lost her temper over it…

When the C.I.A.’s monitoring of the committee became public in March Mr.
Brennan said, “When the facts come out on this, I think a lot of people
who are claiming that there has been this tremendous sort of spying and
monitoring and hacking will be proved wrong.”

Nope – you lied… and once again there is no accountability

*  *  *

It appears Ron Paul was right.

via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

"Three Lost Decades" – How The American Middle Class Is 20% Poorer Now Vs. 1984

Submitted by Mike Krieger of Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,

Like so many other things in popular American culture, this quaint notion of a “middle class” in the U.S. is at this point nothing more than a myth; a rapidly fading fantasy from a bygone era. As myself and many others have noted for quite some time, the decimation of the middle class began long ago. It really got started in the early 1970?s after Nixon defaulted on the gold standard and financialization began to take over the American economy. Median real wages haven’t increased since that time and the rest is history.

Although the evolutionary process toward oligarchy began long ago, its finishing touches have been applied in recent years. This has been easily achieved by the Federal Reserve and U.S. government’s response to the financial crisis, which was and continues to be characterized by an intentional funneling of all the nation’s wealth into the hands of their patrons; the 0.01%. As the chart below demonstrates clearly (and as I highlighted in the post: Where Does the Real Problem Reside? Two Charts Showing the 0.01% vs. the 1%), it is the tiny oligarch class that is reaping all of the benefits.

Screen Shot 2014-07-30 at 10.38.07 AM

The was further demonstrated in full color recently in a report by Oxfam International, which showed that 85 people have as much wealth as the poorest 3.5 billion on earth. There is nothing moral, decent or “free market” about such an outcome. It can only happen in a world characterized by militarism, exploitation, cronyism and fraud. We are living in a global feudalism.

In case you needed any more proof of our current predicament, the Washington Post notes that:

Nostalgia is just about the only thing the middle class can still afford. That’s because median wealth is about 20 percent lower today, in inflation-adjusted dollars, than it was in 1984.


Yes, that’s three lost decades.


Now, as you might expect, the middle class has been hit particularly hard by the Great Recession and the not-so-great recovery. It’s all about stocks and houses. The middle class doesn’t have much of the former, but it does have a lot of the latter. And that’s bad news, because, even though the crash decimated both, real estate hasn’t come back nearly as much as equities have. So the top 1 percent, who hold more of their wealth in stocks, have made up more of the ground they lost. But, as the Russell Sage Foundation points out, the slow housing recovery means that, in 2013, median households were still 36 percent poorer than they were a decade earlier.


Though, to put that in depressing perspective, it’s still a heckuva lot better than households in the bottom 25 percent, whose wealth never grew during the good times, and then plunged 60 percent during the bad ones. That’s because, for both the middle and working classes, real wages have been stagnant the past 30 years, and housing equity has taken a nosedive.

So what if the stock market is up? Most Americans are too dead broke to own equities, and in fact, an increasing amount need debt and welfare just to survive. Meanwhile, Obama is hosting $32,000 a plate fundraisers all over California, while the median wage in America is only $27,000.

That’s just how the oligarchs like it.

Full article here.

via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

“Three Lost Decades” – How The American Middle Class Is 20% Poorer Now Vs. 1984

Submitted by Mike Krieger of Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,

Like so many other things in popular American culture, this quaint notion of a “middle class” in the U.S. is at this point nothing more than a myth; a rapidly fading fantasy from a bygone era. As myself and many others have noted for quite some time, the decimation of the middle class began long ago. It really got started in the early 1970?s after Nixon defaulted on the gold standard and financialization began to take over the American economy. Median real wages haven’t increased since that time and the rest is history.

Although the evolutionary process toward oligarchy began long ago, its finishing touches have been applied in recent years. This has been easily achieved by the Federal Reserve and U.S. government’s response to the financial crisis, which was and continues to be characterized by an intentional funneling of all the nation’s wealth into the hands of their patrons; the 0.01%. As the chart below demonstrates clearly (and as I highlighted in the post: Where Does the Real Problem Reside? Two Charts Showing the 0.01% vs. the 1%), it is the tiny oligarch class that is reaping all of the benefits.

Screen Shot 2014-07-30 at 10.38.07 AM

The was further demonstrated in full color recently in a report by Oxfam International, which showed that 85 people have as much wealth as the poorest 3.5 billion on earth. There is nothing moral, decent or “free market” about such an outcome. It can only happen in a world characterized by militarism, exploitation, cronyism and fraud. We are living in a global feudalism.

In case you needed any more proof of our current predicament, the Washington Post notes that:

Nostalgia is just about the only thing the middle class can still afford. That’s because median wealth is about 20 percent lower today, in inflation-adjusted dollars, than it was in 1984.


Yes, that’s three lost decades.


Now, as you might expect, the middle class has been hit particularly hard by the Great Recession and the not-so-great recovery. It’s all about stocks and houses. The middle class doesn’t have much of the former, but it does have a lot of the latter. And that’s bad news, because, even though the crash decimated both, real estate hasn’t come back nearly as much as equities have. So the top 1 percent, who hold more of their wealth in stocks, have made up more of the ground they lost. But, as the Russell Sage Foundation points out, the slow housing recovery means that, in 2013, median households were still 36 percent poorer than they were a decade earlier.


Though, to put that in depressing perspective, it’s still a heckuva lot better than households in the bottom 25 percent, whose wealth never grew during the good times, and then plunged 60 percent during the bad ones. That’s because, for both the middle and working classes, real wages have been stagnant the past 30 years, and housing equity has taken a nosedive.

So what if the stock market is up? Most Americans are too dead broke to own equities, and in fact, an increasing amount need debt and welfare just to survive. Meanwhile, Obama is hosting $32,000 a plate fundraisers all over California, while the median wage in America is only $27,000.

That’s just how the oligarchs like it.

Full article here.

via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

VID: Jet Pack Ruiners, Toy Gun Grabbers, Eco ATM Luddites (Nanny of the Month, 7-14)

In July, police promise confrontations
will happen
 if one town doesn’t ban the open carry of
guns… toy guns. And in Oakland, California going green and making
green just got a bit more difficult with a ban on “Eco ATMs” that
offer cash payouts for old electronics and which local city
officials say incentivize
cell phone theft
. But this month’s top dishonor goes to the
Newport Beach city council, which has prohibited new
businesses in the “water jet pack” industry
 from opening
along the shoreline.

Officials hope the six-month moratorium addresses concerns
related to “noise, injuries, wakes and a possible proliferation of
the water-propelled devices.”

While it’s true that not everyone can handle the power of
the jet pack
, some of us have been waiting on our jet packs for
a long time. So, step aside Newport Beach city council, because
some of us are
ready to fly.

Approximately 1:30

Nanny of the Month was created by Ted Balaker and is produced by
Balaker and Matt Edwards. Edited by Edwards. Written by Zach
Weissmueller. Opening graphics by Meredith Bragg.

To watch previous episodes, go here.

View this article.

from Hit & Run

Smart Women Don't Have Babies

Smart WomenOK, the headline is a bit exaggerated, but
research being published by London School of Economics political
scientist Satoshi Kanazawa in the November 2014 issue of Social
Science Research
finds in general that
the higher a woman’s IQ, the lower is her fertility
. Here’s the

Demographers debate why people have children in advanced
industrial societies where children are net economic costs. From an
evolutionary perspective, however, the important question is why
some individuals choose not to have children. Recent theoretical
developments in evolutionary psychology suggest that more
intelligent individuals may be more likely to prefer to remain
childless than less intelligent individuals. Analyses of the
National Child Development Study show that more intelligent men and
women express preference to remain childless early in their
reproductive careers, but only more intelligent women (not more
intelligent men) are more likely to remain childless by the end of
their reproductive careers. Controlling for education and earnings
does not at all attenuate the association between childhood general
intelligence and lifetime childlessness among women.
One-standard-deviation increase in childhood general intelligence
(15 IQ points) decreases women’s odds of parenthood by 21–25%.
Because women have a greater impact on the average intelligence of
future generations, the dysgenic fertility among women is predicted
to lead to a decline in the average intelligence of the population
in advanced industrial nations.

This research prompts me to speculate that the Flynn Effect
which finds that average
IQs have been rising
around the world during the past century
likely explains a good bit of the continuing global fall in total
fertility rates.

If you’d like to enjoy the column that prompted the most hate
email I have gotten so far, see: “Why
Are People Having Fewer Kids?: Perhaps It’s Because They Don’t Like
Them Very Much

Disclosure: My wife and I are childless. And yes,
notwithstanding the fact that she married me, she is very, very
smart. And as I have earlier disclosed: My wife and I try not to
flaunt our voluntarily childless lifestyle too much.

from Hit & Run

Smart Women Don’t Have Babies

Smart WomenOK, the headline is a bit exaggerated, but
research being published by London School of Economics political
scientist Satoshi Kanazawa in the November 2014 issue of Social
Science Research
finds in general that
the higher a woman’s IQ, the lower is her fertility
. Here’s the

Demographers debate why people have children in advanced
industrial societies where children are net economic costs. From an
evolutionary perspective, however, the important question is why
some individuals choose not to have children. Recent theoretical
developments in evolutionary psychology suggest that more
intelligent individuals may be more likely to prefer to remain
childless than less intelligent individuals. Analyses of the
National Child Development Study show that more intelligent men and
women express preference to remain childless early in their
reproductive careers, but only more intelligent women (not more
intelligent men) are more likely to remain childless by the end of
their reproductive careers. Controlling for education and earnings
does not at all attenuate the association between childhood general
intelligence and lifetime childlessness among women.
One-standard-deviation increase in childhood general intelligence
(15 IQ points) decreases women’s odds of parenthood by 21–25%.
Because women have a greater impact on the average intelligence of
future generations, the dysgenic fertility among women is predicted
to lead to a decline in the average intelligence of the population
in advanced industrial nations.

This research prompts me to speculate that the Flynn Effect
which finds that average
IQs have been rising
around the world during the past century
likely explains a good bit of the continuing global fall in total
fertility rates.

If you’d like to enjoy the column that prompted the most hate
email I have gotten so far, see: “Why
Are People Having Fewer Kids?: Perhaps It’s Because They Don’t Like
Them Very Much

Disclosure: My wife and I are childless. And yes,
notwithstanding the fact that she married me, she is very, very
smart. And as I have earlier disclosed: My wife and I try not to
flaunt our voluntarily childless lifestyle too much.

from Hit & Run

Steve Chapman: Why Bad Policies Are Their Own Worst Enemy

New York TimesNewspaper editorials rarely make news—I’ve been
writing them for a long time, and, believe me, I know—but one did
the other day, when The New York Times came out
for legalization of marijuana. It was an agreeable development for
anyone who, like me, believes in letting people live their own
lives, even if they do it badly. But its significance is much
bigger than that.

The Times‘ new policy
highlights how much opinion on the issue has shifted on the legal
sale and use of cannabis. Some 58 percent of Americans now favor
it—compared to 34 percent in 2003. Two states, Washington and
Colorado, have done it. The issue will go to the voters in Oregon
and Alaska in November.

But this national shift is not heartening merely because it
promises to reverse a policy that has been an extravagant failure.
More important, it confirms that in the realm of government,
Americans have the capacity to recognize mistakes and stop making
them. Too many people know too much about pot to go on mindlessly
banning it, writes Steve Chapman.

Bad policies, it turns out, are their own worst enemy. This is
often hard to believe while those policies are in effect. The drug
war began in the 1960s and isn’t over yet. But experience is an
unsurpassed instructor, according to Chapman.

View this article.

from Hit & Run

CIA Admits Fault for Snooping on Senate Computers

Whoops! Our bad!Oh, hey, the CIA is willing to admit that it did
something wrong—at least when it does something wrong to senators
and their staff.
A fight had brewed
between the CIA and the Senate Intelligence
Committee, with Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) as the voice for
her side, over allegations that the CIA had snooped on computers
used by Senate aides to access classified information to prepare
that torture report
I blogged about
just a little while ago.

There was never a question as to whether the CIA had accessed
the computers. They said they had and argued it was justified
because they believed Senate aides were somehow hacking into or
accessing documents they weren’t supposed to have access to. The
Department of Justice previously
declined to get involved
as each side accused the other of
illegal behavior.

McClatchy DC reports
that an internal investigation puts the
fault on the CIA, that employees acted in violation with an
agreement with the Senate, and that Feinstein’s rant about it was
in the right:

CIA Director John Brennan briefed Feinstein and the committee’s
vice chairman, Saxby Chambliss, R-GA, on the CIA inspector
general’s findings and apologized to them during a meeting on
Capitol Hill on Tuesday, Boyd said.

“The director . . . apologized to them for such actions by CIA
officers as described in the OIG (Office of Inspector General
Report),” he said.

Brennan has decided to submit the findings for review by an
accountability board chaired by retired Democratic Sen. Evan Bayh
of Indiana, who served on the Senate Intelligence Committee, said

“This board will review the OIG report, conduct interviews as
needed, and provide the director with recommendations that,
depending on its findings, could include potential disciplinary
measures and/or steps to address systemic issues,” said Boyd.

Potential discipline! Of course, since the whole thing is over
now anyway, we probably shouldn’t expect too much. Somebody may
retire a few years earlier than expected for a six-figure
consulting job in the private sector!

from Hit & Run

Russia And India Begin Negotations To Use National Currencies In Settlements, Bypassing Dollar

Over the past 6 months, there has been much talk about the strategic proximity between Russia and China, made even more proximal following the “holy grail” gas deal announced in May which would not have happened on such an accelerated time frame had it not been for US escalation in Ukraine. But little has been said about that other just as crucial for the “new BRIC world order” relationship, that between Russia and India. That is about to change when yesterday the Russian central bank announced that having been increasingly shunned by the west, Russia discussed cooperation with Reserve Bank of India Executive Director Shrikant Padmanabhan. The punchline: India agreed to create a task group to work out a mechanism for using national currencies in settlements. And so another major bilateral arrangement is set up that completely bypasses the dollar.

From the Russian Central Bank:

First Deputy Chairman of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation KV Yudaeva and Executive Director of the Reserve Bank of India G. Padmanabhan at the twentieth meeting of the Subgroup on banking and financial issues of the Russian-Indian intergovernmental commission on trade-economic, scientific-technical and cultural cooperation discussed the current state and prospects of cooperation between banks.


The meeting was attended by representatives of central banks, ministries and agencies, credit organizations in Russia and India.


During the meeting dealt with the problems faced by the branches and subsidiaries of banks in the two countries and ways of addressing these problems.


As a priority area discussed the use of national currencies in mutual settlements. Given the urgency of the issue and the interest of commercial structures of the two countries, the meeting decided to establish a working group to develop a mechanism for the use of national currencies in mutual settlements. It will consist of representatives of banks and, if necessary, the ministries and departments of the two countries to coordinate its activities will be central banks of Russia and India.

What is curious is that now that China has sided firmly with Russia when it comes to geopolitical strategy (not least when it comes to recent development surrounding the downing of flight MH-17, recall “China Blasts “One-Sided Western Rush To Judge Russia” Over MH17“), and thus Russia behind China when it comes to claims by the world’s most populous nation in its territorial dispute with Japan, Japan too is scrambling to secure a major ally in Asia, and it too is trying desperately to get on India’s good side.

Bloomberg reports that “Japan’s Sasebo naval base this month saw unusual variety in vessel traffic that’s typically dominated by Japanese and U.S. warships. An Indian frigate and destroyer docked en route to joint exercises in the western Pacific.”

The INS Shivalik and INS Ranvijay’s appearance at the port near Nagasaki showed Japan’s interest in developing ties with the South Asian nation as Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s government faces deepening tensions with China. Japan for the third time joined the U.S. and India in the annual “Malabar” drills that usually are held in the Bay of Bengal.


With Abe loosening limits on his nation’s military, the exercises that conclude today showcase Japan’s expanding naval profile as China pushes maritime claims in disputed areas of the East and South China Seas. For newly installed Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Japan’s attention adds to that of China itself, in an opportunity to expand his own country’s sway.


Japan’s involvement in Malabar underscores its interest in helping secure its trade routes to Europe and the Middle East. The Indian Ocean is “arguably the world’s most important trading crossroads,” according to the Henry L. Stimson Center, a foreign policy research group in Washington. It carries about 80 percent of the world’s seaborne oil, mostly headed to China and Japan.



“The Japanese are facing huge political problems in China,” said Kondapalli in a phone interview. “So Japanese companies are now looking to shift to other countries. They’re looking at India.”

So on one hand Japan is rushing to extend a key olive branch of the “insolvent western alliance” to India; on the other Russia is preparing to transact bilterally with India in a way that bypasses the dollar.

Which means that just as Germany has become the fulcrum and most strategic veriable in Europe (more on this shortly) whose future allegiance to Russia or the US may determine the fate of Europe, so suddenly India is now the great Asian wildcard.

Let the courting begin.

via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden