National Guard Leaving Ferguson, N.C. School Voucher Program Struck Down, Getting Pain Pills to Become Bigger Pain: P.M. Links

  • You are now free to express your First Amendment rights.Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon has
    ordered the
    withdrawal of National Guard troops
    from Ferguson as protests
    have begun to subside.
  • Britain’s Ministry of Defense estimates there are
    more British Muslims
    fighting on behalf of the Islamic State
    (ISIL) in Syria and Iraq than serving in their own forces, though
    it’s difficult to determine exact numbers.
  • The whole “Fast and Furious” issue/scandal is not over, and
    we’re not just referring to the tragic, too-soon death of Paul
    Walker. A federal judge has
    ordered the Department of Justice to hand over some documents

    about the gunwalking scandal to Congress.
  • Colorado voters will decide in November whether to
    require labels on foods
    with genetically modified
  • A judge has
    overturned North Carolina’s school voucher program
    unconstitutional, forcing kids from poor families (but not rich
    ones, of course) to stay stuck in their terrible public
  • Vicodin and similar types of pain medications will be shifted
    from Schedule III to Schedule II in mid-October, making them

    harder for people to get from doctors
    and probably driving up
    their black market value, increasing the possibility of criminal
    behavior for addicts to get their hands on them. Thanks, war on

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