The Five Cities Most At Risk For The Next Big Earthquake

Damages from the earthquake that hit the San Francisco area this weekend are estimated to be as high as $4 billion. For many cities around the world, particularly coastal cities situated on the geologically active Ring of Fire, an earthquake could be catastrophically destructive. Bloomberg looks at the five cities that are most vulnerable to earthquakes.



As Michael Snyder rather ominously warns, the quake last weekend is just the start of the shaking in California...


Don't get too excited about what happened on Sunday.  Scientists assure us that it is only a matter of time before "the Big One" hits California.

In fact, the 6.1 magnitude earthquake that hit northern California on Sunday was not even the largest earthquake along the Ring of Fire this weekend.  According to the U.S. Geological Survey, a 6.4 magnitude earthquake shook the area around Valparaiso, Chile on Saturday and a 6.9 magnitude earthquake struck Peru on Sunday.

As I mentioned above, we have moved into a time when seismic activity is steadily rising.  It has gotten to the point where even the mainstream media cannot ignore it anymore.  For example, just check out the following excerpt from a recent CBS News report…

The average rate of big earthquakes — those larger than magnitude 7 — has been 10 per year since 1979, the study reports. That rate rose to 12.5 per year starting in 1992, and then jumped to 16.7 per year starting in 2010 — a 65 percent increase compared to the rate since 1979. This increase accelerated in the first three months of 2014 to more than double the average since 1979, the researchers report.

Something is happening that scientists don't understand, and that is a little scary.

As I wrote about the other day, earthquake activity seems to particularly be increasing in the United States.  While the west has been relatively quiet, the number of earthquakes in the central and eastern portions of the nation has quintupled over the past 30 years…

According to the USGS, the frequency of earthquakes in the central and eastern U.S. has quintupled, to an average of 100 a year during the 2011-2013 period, up from only 20 per year during the 30-year period to 2000.


Most of these quakes were minor, but research published by the USGS earlier this year demonstrated that a relatively minor magnitude 5.0 quake caused by wastewater injection after conventional oil drilling triggered a much bigger, 5.7 magnitude quake in Prague, Okla.


“We know the hazard has increased for small and moderate size earthquakes. We don’t know as well how much the hazard has increased for large earthquakes. Our suspicion is it has but we are working on understanding this,” said William Ellsworth, a scientist with the USGS.

What in the world could be causing this to happen?

Oklahoma, which used to rarely ever have significant earthquakes, has experienced over 2,300 earthquakes so far in 2014.

That is absolutely staggering.

And of course volcanic activity has been rising all over the planet as well.  In 2013, the number of eruptions around the globe set a new all-time high, and right now persistent rumbling under Iceland's Bardarbunga volcano has much of Europe on alert

For more than a week the earth has been rumbling beneath Iceland’s looming Bardarbunga volcano. The almost continuous small earthquakes led the government to activate its National Crisis Coordination Centre this week and block off access to the largely uninhabited region around the Bardarbunga caldera.


Major airlines are making contingency plans for a potential eruption that could throw dust into the atmosphere and disrupt flight paths between North America and Europe.

Some scientists are saying that if that volcano erupts, it "could trigger Britain’s coldest winter ever".

Clearly something is happening.

All over the world seismic activity is on the rise.

That means that the shaking in California (and in much of the rest of the world) may soon get a whole lot worse.

So what do you think is causing all of this?

via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

ECB Hires Blackrock For ABS-Buying Advice; Crushes Idea Of Upcoming QE

Just in case futures buying algos forgot what the regurgitated “catalyst” that activated the overnight ramp was, the ECB was kind enough to remind everyone that the main event over the past 12 hours was the Deutsche Bank leak that while the ECB will not announce outright QE any time soon, thus denying the rumor spread in the past weak by the likes of Citi and JPM, the formerly preannounced and thus already priced-in (by the EURUSD which was about to take out 1.40 a few months ago) ABS purchase program, or as DB called it “private QE” is about to be unleashed. The ECB confirmed this earlier this morning when it announced that it had appointed BlackRock, the world’s biggest money manager, to advise on developing a program to buy asset-backed securities.

In other words, BlackRock wil strongly advise the ECB to purchase all those subprime auto loan and rental-securitized ABS securities that Blackrock currently holds. Keep an eye out for UofPhoenix CCC-rated student loan securitization OWICs.

In yet other words, Europe’s largest public-sector hedge fund has just hired the world’s largest private-sector hedge fund to “fix things.”

One thing is certain to come out of this: nothing in Europe will actually be fixed, but at least Blackrock’s Christmas bonuses will be the highest ever.

From Bloomberg:    

BlackRock Solutions, a unit of the New York-based company, will provide advice on the design and implementation of a potential ABS-purchase plan, an ECB spokesman said in response to e-mailed questions. Safeguards against any conflict of interest are included in the agreement, the spokesman said.


ECB President Mario Draghi said in June that the central bank is intensifying preparations to purchase ABS as it strives to revive the faltering euro-area economy. While the effort could help revitalize a $1.9 trillion market that has contracted 34 percent since 2009, and at the same time inject liquidity into the financial system, officials have yet to agree on what such a program should look like.


BlackRock’s contract requires it to ensure effective separation between the project team working for the ECB and its staff involved in any other ABS-related activities, the spokesman said. External audits related to the management of conflicts of interest will be made available to the ECB. The company, headed by Chief Executive Officer Laurence D. Fink, had more than $4 trillion of assets under management last quarter.


The final decision on the design and implementation of any ABS-purchase program will be taken by the ECB’s Governing Council, and the execution will remain the responsibility of the central bank, the spokesman said.

And here is the ECB’s oracular equivalent of Jon Hilsenrath, DB’s team of Wall and Moec, explaining what is about to happen next week (ABS) and what isn’t about to happen any time soon (QE). From DB:

Private QE in September

  • We are bringing forward the timing of private QE (ABS purchasing) to 4 September. Recent weak data and Draghi’s latest comments on inflation expectations we think are enough to believe the ECB will supplement the TLTRO in the next few months. Our baseline is to expect this as soon as the next ECB meeting on 4 September, but this is a very close call. An announcement could wait, although the markets will be unhappy to be told that inflation expectations are potentially dis-anchoring if the ECB has no new policies to announce.
  • What we expect is not generic QE with government bond purchases, as other central banks have done. We believe the ECB will engage in private QE, that is, ABS purchasing as a complement to the TLTRO. If private QE does not emerge in September, we think it will follow shortly thereafter.

Our baseline had been to expect the ECB to initiate private QE in early 2015. Our view is that the ECB won’t want to take any chance with the capacity of the TLTRO to alone end this protracted period of low inflation. We thought the preliminary staff estimates for 2017 HICP inflation, to be published in December, could be the trigger for private QE or to at least give rise to a more vocal debate on QE.

Mario Draghi’s speech in Jackson Hole was significant, in our view. It opens the door to earlier action by the ECB. It is a close call, but we now think the ECB will announce private QE (ABS purchasing) on 4 September. There are several reasons for the faster move to private QE.

First, recent real economy data have been disappointing, e.g. Q2 GDP and August PMI. There are several distortions which might have weighed on GDP in Q2, overpowering the underlying momentum of the recovery. This includes weather and holiday effects. The geopolitical uncertainties of the Russia/Ukraine situation might have also have dragged. The geopolitical effects are lingering into H2. We recently reduced our forecast for euro area GDP growth in 2014 to 0.8% (from 1.1%) in 2015 to 1.3% (from 1.5%), but most of this revision was due to the weaker than expected Q2 2014. There remains vulnerability in growth expectations for H2 and into 2015, as hinted at recently by the Bundesbank in its monthly report.

Second, HICP inflation has continued to undershoot expectations. In fairness, the downside surprises this year come predominantly from food prices. Core inflation, though a little volatile, has effectively moved sideways this year around 0.8-0.9% yoy. The trouble is the Russia story is now spilling into the inflation debate. Russia’s ban on imports of certain European foods is set to increase supply and dampen prices further. The low point in the HICP inflation cycle has not been reached yet.

Third, although credit flows were better recently (and the credit impulse positive) and signs of some (limited) improvement in bank funding costs and margins are perceptible, the benefits of the TLTRO are lagging and might not have a strong enough bearing over current conditions to quickly stabilise growth and inflation expectations.

Fourth, the crucially, market-based inflation expectations have declined in the last couple of weeks. The SPF survey-based indicator showed the first increase in the 5-year ahead inflation expectations balance for about 2 years, despite drops in nearer term expectations. But the rise was tiny (1.86% from 1.84%).
The current crop of ECB Executive Board members seems keen to take a steer on medium-term expectations from market breakeven rates. These have weakened in the last couple of weeks. Draghi referred to this in unprepared comments in his speech at Jackson Hole on Friday. He said B/Es point to “significant declines at all horizons”. The 5Y5Y inflation swap he singled out as falling 15bp to below 2%. This is the third time the 5Y5Y has fallen below 2% since the start of the credit crisis. Draghi said “this is the metric that we usually use for defining medium-term inflation”.

Draghi said the Governing Council “will acknowledge” these developments with inflation expectations and within its mandate “will” use all available instruments needed to ensure price stability over the medium term. There is a definitiveness to the message. Having questioned the stability of inflation expectations, it would be very difficult for the ECB to credibly claim on 4 September that inflation expectations “remain firmly anchored”, at least not without announcing a new policy to better anchor those expectations.

On balance, we think the data and Draghi’s comment puts pressure on the ECB to accelerate the next phase of monetary easing. We believe the ECB will accelerate the announcement of a private QE (ABS purchasing) to 4 September. Draghi has some history of deviating off-script at a conference and subsequently convincing the Council to act. For example, his “whatever it takes” precursor to OMT in mid 2012.

The risk is the Council plays for more time, arguing that Q2 GDP was distorted, inflation is close to its trough, that once inflation starts rising after the trough it could help stabilise inflation expectations, that the TLTRO benefits are still to be seen, the EUR exchange rate is declining, etc. But one way or another, it feels to us like ABS purchasing begins before December.

Our view is the ECB announces a “private” QE, that is, not sovereign bond purchasing and not a mixed package of private and public purchases. We don’t expect sovereign bond purchasing to be ruled out, but it faces political, legal and technical questions in a way that private QE does not. Government bond purchases will remain in reserve for a more outright deflationary episode.

How effective is ABS purchasing? The objective will be to incentivise banks to lend. The incentive depends on exactly which ABS the ECB purchases and in what scale. The TLTRO is implemented in a way to not directly incentivise mortgage lending, but in July Draghi intimated that the set of assets the ECB would consider for ABS purchasing includes RMBS. This raises the set of existing ABS by 10 fold to about E500bn. Draghi talks about incentivising a new market for ABS, implying the ECB focus may be more on primary (new ABS) rather than secondary (existing ABS). Still, the ECB can play the portfolio reallocation channel for QE by purchasing existing ABS.

The ECB has talked of a twin track effort on ABS — regulatory easing as well as a commitment to ABS purchasing, if it proves necessary. At last month’s press conference, Draghi implied that the purchasing decision is not conditional on achieving regulatory easing. Proposals have been published for an easing of the Solvency II capital charges on ABS, but no action has been taken yet. Beyond changing the capital charges to incentivise banks to lend and create ABS, the best way for the ECB to do so is by buying the mezzanine tranches of ABS. It is not obvious that the ECB has the risk appetite for this.

If the ECB does not have an appetite for mezzanine, the route to the success of ABS purchasing will be via the expansion of the ECB balance sheet and the impact of this on the EUR exchange rate. Our FX strategists reckon that of the roughly 4% decline of the euro trade-weighted index since March roughly a quarter of this was the negative deposit rate and the remainder implies an expectation of roughly E300bn of ECB balance sheet expansion. ABS purchasing will have to go beyond this to keep the EUR on a downward trajectory. Maybe this is what the ECB has most in mind. As Draghi said on Friday, outright ABS purchases “would meaningfully contribute to diversifying the channels for us to generate liquidity”.

To summarise, recent data and Draghi’s latest comments we think are enough to believe the ECB will supplement the TLTRO in the next few months. Our baseline is to expect this as soon as the next ECB meeting on 4 September, but this is a very close call. An announcement could wait — but the markets will be unhappy to be told that inflation expectations are potentially dis-anchoring and the ECB announces no new policies to address this. But what we expect is not generic QE with government bond purchases, as other central banks have done. We believe the ECB will engage in private QE, that is ABS purchasing as a complement to TLTRO. If private QE does not emerge in September, we think it will follow shortly thereafter.

via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

Watch: P.J. O’Rourke on Millennials vs. Boomers

“Just this whole process of going through the baby boom’s
history, I began to realize what a nicer society—kinder, more
decent society—that we live in today than the society when I was a
kid,” says P.J.
, best-selling author of Holidays in
Parliament of Whores, and many other

O’Rourke sat down with Reason’s Nick Gillespie at Freedom Fest
2014 in Las Vegas to discuss his new book, The
Baby Boom: How it Got That Way and It Wasn’t My Fault and I’ll
Never Do it Again

The interview also includes a tour of O’Rourke’s long and varied
career in journalism, from his humble beginnings writing for an
underground alt-weekly to his time as editor of National
 and his incredible work as a
foreign correspondent for Rolling Stone to his
current position as columnist at the Daily

A prominent libertarian, O’Rourke also discusses the
difficulties in selling a political philosophy devoted to taking
power away from politicians. “If libertarianism were
easy to explain and if it weren’t so easy to exaggerate the effects
of libertarianism—people walking around with ‘Legalize Heroin!’
buttons and so on—I think it would’ve been done already,” says
O’Rourke. “But the problem is, of course, is that libertarianism
isn’t political. It’s anti-political, really. It wants to take
things out of the political arena.”

Watch the entire interview above, or click below for version
with full transcript, more links, and downloadable versions.

About 35 minutes. Edited by Zach Weissmueller. Interview by Nick
Gillespie. Shot by Meredith Bragg, Jim Epstein, and Weissmueller.
Music by Antiqcool.

View this article.

from Hit & Run

The Case Against Active Shooter Drills

James Alan Fox, a criminologist at Northeastern University, is
one of the country’s leading authorities on mass murder—and a
voice of caution
when Americans react in poorly considered ways
to statistically rare crimes. In an
for USA Today, he makes the case against the

sometimes gruesomely realistic
lockdown drills that have taken
hold in many schools:

At Riverdale High, by contrast, they try to keep security threats secret.Drills to prepare students in
the event of fire or other natural catastrophes are commonplace.
Yet the aggressive nature of shooting drills staged in many schools
makes them qualitatively different and exceptionally more
traumatizing to children. The
psychological harm
that may come from these simulations is not
warranted in light of the low probability that such an event will
actually occur….

Commercial airlines train their flight crews to handle disaster
situations—such as the unlikely “water
“—but passengers are only asked to watch a brief
demonstration of grabbing hold of oxygen masks, without having
actually to practice this maneuver. Cruise ships require that
guests don life jackets and learn the location of their muster stations, but
no one has to step foot inside a lifeboat or suffer the experience
of being lowered into the water. In case of a catastrophe in the
air or at sea, the passengers will be directed where to go and
advised what to do.

This same reasonable posture should apply for schools: prepare the
staff but spare the students. As with the usual pre-flight or
pre-cruise protocols, a few simple instructions on escape strategy
may be sensible. However, over-preparing students needlessly risks
intensifying their fears and anxiety.

And for those whose fear of school shootings overwhelms all
sense of proportion, Fox adds this:

Airlines and cruise lines don’t inspire dangerous ideas
by reciting emergency drills. By contrast, there are a few students
for whom the notion of wreaking havoc on their schoolmates may seem
like an exhilarating idea. Obsessing over the unlikely possibility
of a school shooting can unfortunately serve to inspire potential
copycats and inadvertently increase the chance of

As some schools add
fake blood and guns shooting blanks
 to their drills, there
comes a point where what schools are doing looks less like disaster
preparedness and more like a ritual reenactment. I’ll let the
anthropologists debate what sort of cultural need such security
LARPing might be fulfilling; it certainly goes well beyond what’s
needed for public safety.

from Hit & Run

Tacoma PD Joins the Ranks of Police Agencies Concealing Use of Cellphone Trackers

StingrayWhat’s increasingly fascinating
about law enforcement agencies’ adoption of stingray
devices—widgets that spoof cellphone towers to get mobile devices
in the area to ping them and reveal their locations—is not the
availability of advancing technology for locating people, but the
lengths to which cops will go to conceal its use. Technology in all
areas advances; telephones led to the invention of wiretaps and pen
registers. Subject to properly vetted search warrants, that might
just mean it’s a new area to which to apply search and seizure
protections. But when agencies, like the Tacoma, Washington, police
department, conceal the use of stingrays (more generically known as

International Mobile Subscriber Identity locators
) from city
council members, defense attorneys, news media, and even judges,
something shady is happening.

This isn’t an isolated incident. Last year the LAPD, seemingly
always eager to behave in the most morally challenged way, was
presenting stingrays to judges as old-school, less-intrusive pen
. In 2011, the Justice Department cautioned federal
agents that
applications to use pen registers had to be approved by
after federal judges pushed back on the common use
of stingrays under that cover.

Recently, the American Civil Liberties Union
uncovered emails among Florida police
revealing that such
concealment is not just common practice, but policy followed on the
advice of federal agencies. Here’s part of one very telling

As you are aware for some time now, the US Marshalls
and I believe FDLE have had equipment which enables law enforcement
to ping a suspects cell phone and pin point his/her exact location
in an effort to apprehend suspects involved in serious crimes. In
the past, and at the request of the U.S. Marshalls [sic], the
investigative means utilized to locate the suspect have not been
revealed so that we may continue to utilize this technology without
the knowledge of the criminal element. In reports or depositions we
simply refer to the assistance as “received information from a
confidential source regarding the location of the suspect.” To date
this has not been challenged, since it is not an integral part of
the actual crime that occurred.

So this excerpt from a very interesting
News-Tribune article
about the laborious efforts
journalists went through to discover that the Tacoma Police
Department is using stingrays, and the reactions engendered, sounds
awfully familiar:

Judge Culpepper [the presiding judge of Pierce County Superior
Court] said police must show probable cause to get a pen register
order, but as far as he knows, Tacoma police have never said they
planned to use a Stingray to collect a suspect’s information.

If police delete information gathered from innocents, Culpeper
said, “maybe there’s no harm.” But “If they are storing it, what
are they storing it for? And who says they can store it in the
first place?”…

Culpepper said he plans to ask more questions of the Police
Department when investigators next ask him for a pen register order
or a warrant:

“I think I’ll probably ask what kind of device are you going to
use?” he said.

In refusing the newspaper’s request for an interview about the
police department’s use of the devices, Police Chief Don Ramsdell
“cited a nondisclosure agreement it has with the FBI.”

So law enforcement agencies from coast to coast, from local to
federal, are concealing the use of devices that indiscriminately
turn every active cellphone within range into tracking beacons as a
matter of policy. Not just the public that pays their salaries and
suffers their scrutiny, but even the judges who are supposed to
review and approve search warrants are deliberately kept out of the

The police problem in this country certainly includes armored
bad attitudes
, but it doesn’t stop there.

from Hit & Run

College is an Irony-Free Zone: “So you want to date a T.A.” Edition

the great site
Inside Higher Ed
comes word of a campus controversy at
Canada’s Western University in Ontario. As part of its “Frosh
Special Issue 2014,” the student publication The Gazette published
an article titled
“So you want to date a teaching assistant?”
It features such
advice as:

1. Do your research. Facebook stalk and get to know
your TA. Drop in on his or her tutorials, and if you’re not in
that class — make it happen. Switch in if necessary.
Expert tip: Be good at the subject and showcase your smarts….

3. Get involved with the course. Ask your own smart
questions, answer others’ dumb questions, and make yourself known
in the class. Better yet, stand out as a pupil of interest. These
are mature and knowledgeable teaching assistants — they are likely
not looking for some ditz who will make a great one-night
Disclaimer: Some of them are, so if you strike gold, stop reading
and do as you please….

6. Know when to give up. At the end of the day, TAs
are there to guide you through the curriculum – so there’s a good
chance you have to be okay with that and only that. They may not be
giving you head, but at least they’re giving you brain. Don’t
be too disappointed though – after all, there’s always next

More, including a growing comment thread that will make you swear
off Canada forever, here.

The article, reports Inside Higher Ed, has set off a

The union that represents T.A.s at Western posted
a response
 saying that the piece had essentially been “a
guide on how to sexually harass another human being.” The
provost wrote a letter to the editor
 in which she said:
“Not only does the spirit of the article run contrary to Western’s
efforts to have a workplace and learning environment that is free
from sexual harassment, it is disrespectful of the essential
contribution graduate teaching assistants make to Western’s
academic mission.”

More here.


#triggerwarning #microaggression: The article may not be that
funny, but only the dumbest readers in the world could react the
way the T.A. union and campus administrators are doing. Which
ironically makes the story funnier. If colleges and professors
(well, T.A.s) have so a low opinion of the reading skills of their
students, it’s no wonder they treat them like mental invalids who
need to be protected from any source of irony, complexity, or

Need to boost your blood pressure or heart rate? Watch Reason
TV’s “Trigger Warnings, Campus Speech, and the Right to Not be

from Hit & Run

Why Artifice Rules The World: We Have No Choice

Submitted by Charles Hugh-Smith of OfTwoMinds blog,

There's only one small problem with relying on artifice: we haven't actually fixed what's broken in the real world.

As I noted yesterday, we now game dysfunctional systems rather than actually repair them. Rather than fix the dysfunctional system of higher education, for example (as I proposed in my book The Nearly Free University and The Emerging Economy), students and their parents go to extraordinary lengths to game the Ivy league university admissions system.
Rather than actually address the structural causes of unemployment, we lower interest rates to zero and reckon the resulting financial bubble will fix unemployment (and everything else).

To avoid having to deal with unemployment as an issue, the unemployment rate is heavily gamed by counting marginal jobs (working 1 hour a week–you're employed!) and removing tens of millions of unemployed people from the work-force.


The primary tool of increasing prosperity is the expansion of asset bubbles that supposedly boost the wealth effect, an internalized belief that one is wealthier. This internal belief is presumed to encourage more borrowing and spending which is then presumed to lift all boats in the economy.
This is of course all artifice: the elaborately choreographed applications to the Ivy League, the massaged statistics designed to manage our perceptions of reality rather than address reality itself, and the selling offree money for financiers as a policy that magically helps everyone, even those far from the money spigots of the Federal Reserve.
How did we arrive at a systemic dependence on contrivance and artifice to manage problems? We have no choice. Why do we have no choice?
Because any attempt to actually fix dysfunctional systems necessarily steps on the toes of deeply entrenched vested interests that profit from the dysfunctional Status Quo— interests who will devote every resource in their command to water down, co-opt, divert or defeat any reforms that lessen their share of the national income or their political power.
As a result, true reform of hopelessly dysfunctional systems is politically impossible. Since politicians are elected to give everyone more of what they want, politicos have no choice to but to game the dysfunctional systems via perception management and statistical sleight of hand to make them appear to give everyone more of what they want. Meanwhile, the politicos collect personal fortunes from the Elites and insiders benefiting from the dysfunctional Status Quo.
Artifice and perception management appear to be win-win: everybody seems to win if they see dysfunction as not just "the way the world works," but as a positive approach that benefits everyone in some fashion.
There's only one small problem with relying on artifice: we haven't actually fixed what's broken in the real world, and those dysfunctions continue to fester beneath the glossy surface of gamed statistics and happy stories we tell ourselves about how well everything is working.
At some point–the actual date is unpredictable, but 2021-2025 is as good a guess as any–the dysfunctional systems will break down and no amount of artifice, bogus statistics or perception management will mask the rot.

Once reality crashes through the thick constructs of artifice, faith in the Status Quo will be lost. At that fragile juncture of destiny, the opportunity to fix what is broken will finally emerge.

via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

Feeling Worthless? The 10 Majors Most Likely To Lead To Underemployment

When it comes to worthless majors, it is no secret that “liberal arts” are at the top of the heap. This is the conclusion of not just the real world: a recent survey of 68,000 workers by salary information firm PayScale confirmed as much when asking the humanities majors themselves, and where employees with degrees in fields like English, general studies, and graphic design were among the most likely to report feeling “underemployed” at their current jobs.

Also, that the list was topped of by Criminal Justice majors probably speaks more about the current captured state of US crony capitalism than anything else.  But what is surprising is that graduates with more “practical” degrees in fields like business administration, ranking second in terms of pay dissatisfaction, also said their jobs didn’t put their education, training or experience to work as much as they should. In other words, Wall Streeters thought they were underpaid. Actually did we say “surprising”… scratch that.

Some more from the WaPo:

Why the poor showing for business majors? PayScale notes that in many cases, a simple bachelor’s degree in business might not get you very far – a more advanced degree like an MBA might be necessary “in order to set up recipients for jobs in their fields.”


At the other end of the spectrum, STEM fields produced graduates with the least likelihood of underemployment. Engineering degrees accounted for six of the ten least underemployed majors. Law, physics, geology and mathematics made up the remaining four.


What causes workers to feel underemployed? Most survey respondents cited poor pay as a leading factor. PayScale also notes that “nine of the 10 most underemployed majors are female-dominated,” making underemployment a factor in the gender wage gap. Conversely, many of the least underemployed majors are dominated by men, according to a 2013 Georgetown survey.

In total, about 43 percent of respondents to the PayScale survey reported feeling underemployed. It was unclear if the other 57% were just unemployed to begin with.

via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

WHO Worker Ebola Infections Mount: Sierra Leone Lab Shut, Senegal Doctor Flown To Hamburg

There is reason to be concerned “about whether the proposed resources would be adequate,” warns a Harvard professor as the World Health Organization ‘battle strategy’ draft calls for more than $430 million to bring the worst Ebola outbreak on record under control. This morning we hear of yet another health worker infected – and being flown home to Hamburg for treatment from Sengal and the WHO has shut a lab in Sierra Leone after health workers became infected. A glimpse at the following 3 charts should have the entire world throwing money at at them…


As Bloomberg reports,

More than $430 million will be needed to bring the worst Ebola outbreak on record under control, according to a draft document laying out the World Health Organization’s battle strategy.

The plan sets a goal of reversing the trend in new cases within two months, and stopping all transmission in six to nine months. It requires funding by governments, development banks, the private sector and in-kind contributions, according to the document obtained by Bloomberg News.



There is reason to be concerned “about whether the proposed resources would be adequate,” said Barry Bloom, a public health professor at Harvard University who also questioned whether the funds would be made available fast enough, and whether the organization’s latest plan “would ensure the expertise from WHO that is needed.”


The WHO plans to publish the plan by the end of this week at the earliest and details may change, said Fadela Chaib, a spokeswoman for the Geneva-based agency. United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon this month appointed health crisis expert David Nabarro to coordinate the UN response.

Previous outbreaks pale in significance…


and it is getting worse very fast…

Charts: Bloomberg, WHO, and Ecologically Oriented

* * *

And it gets worse – WHO shuts Sierra Leone Lab…

The World Health Organization (WHO) said on Tuesday it had shut a laboratory in Sierra Leone after a health worker there was infected with Ebola, a move that may hamper efforts to boost the global response to the worst ever outbreak of the disease


The WHO said it had withdrawn staff from the laboratory testing for Ebola at Kailahun — one of only two in Sierra Leone — after a Senegalese epidemiologist was infected with Ebola.


“It’s a temporary measure to take care of the welfare of our remaining workers,” WHO spokesperson Christy Feig said, without specifying how long the measure would last. “After our assessment, they will return.”

And another WHO health worker is sick (and being flown home to Hamburg)

An employee of the World Health Organization (WHO) who contracted Ebola in Sierra Leone will be flown to the German city of Hamburg for treatment, a spokesman for the city said.


Rico Schmidt, spokesman for the Hamburg Health Senate, said the patient would arrive later on Wednesday and be treated at Hamburg university clinic’s tropical medicine institute. The WHO in Geneva said the patient was a Senegalese epidemiologist.


One of the deadliest diseases known to man, Ebola is transmitted by contact with body fluids and the current outbreak has killed at least 120 healthcare workers.

  *  *

We leave it to the WHO to conclude:

It’s not “a
question of incompetence or complacency,” according to Morrison, who
said the WHO should be able to raise the money needed. “It’s the fact we’re catching up with the unknown, and it’s way ahead of us.”

via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

California Senate Bans Warrantless Police Drones – Hooray!

police droneEarlier this month the California State
Assembly voted to require
police to obtain warrants to use drones
for surveillance except
in exigent circumstances. Now the State Senate has handily passed
the legislation with a 25 to 8 vote. The bill would
require the police to obtain a search warrant
based on probable
cause before using a drone for surveillance.

When the Assembly passed the bill, some astute Reason
commenters wondered if police do not have to obtain a warrant for
helicopter surveillance, why should they be required to get one for
drone surveillance? In the 1989 case Florida
v. Riley
, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that since airplanes and
helicopters often fly over private property that citizens do not
have a reasonable expectation of privacy that their activities will
not be observed. Consequently, the police were permitted use a
evidence obtained without a search warrant from helicopter
observation of a greenhouse in which they suspected marijuana was
being grown.

Despite this disappointing Supreme Court decision, citizens,
nevertheless, could generally count on the fact that police would
not be resorting to extensive aerial surveillance due to the cost
and trouble in arranging for helicopter flights. That would no
longer be the case with development of inexpensive drones.

What the California legislation does is establish that citizens
do, in effect, have a reasonable expectation that they will be free
of pervasive police drone surveillance. Hooray! Every state should
pass such bans as speedily as possible.

from Hit & Run