To Avoid Cop Rape Just Don't Just Break Any Laws, Says Oklahoma Police Captain

In less than two months,

three Oklahoma police officers have been arrested
for allegedly
sexually assaulting women while on duty. One of the officers, state
trooper Eric Roberts, was accused of raping women he pulled over
for traffic violations. In the wake of this, Tulsa news station
KJRH interviewed Oklahoma Highway Patrol Captain George Brown about
how women can ensure they won’t meet a similar fate.  

His response?

First and foremost: Do your part, and do what it takes to obey
the traffic laws and not get stopped.

See how simple it is folks?  Just don’t give cops the
opportunity to rape you! If you simply never come into contact with
any cops, then they can’t sexually assault (or beat, or kill) you,

Captain Brown told The Huffington Post that he
didn’t mean to imply that all Oklahoma state
troopers are rapists waiting to strike and was
merely offering general safety tips
for women
during traffic stops. Full
interview here
; KJRH distillation of it below. 

from Hit & Run

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