Brand New “Podemos” Political Party Surges Ahead of Incumbents in Spain as Catalans Prepare Informal Independence Vote

Screen Shot 2014-11-03 at 2.54.05 PMI thought one of the principles of democracy is listening to people and allowing them to give their opinions. If people can’t express their opinions, then it’s not a democracy of great quality.

– Artur Mas, President of Catalonia

We all know that Spain has had very rough go as of late. From 50% youth unemployment, to American financial oligarchs Goldman Sachs and Blackstone entering the nation’s depressed real estate market, it seems Spaniards simply can’t get a break.

As is always the case, at some point all populations snap under the relentless weight of fraud and corruption and demand an end to the status quo. It appears that moment may be near for the Spanish population, as evidenced by the incredible rise of the brand new political party “Podemos,” which translates into “We Can.”

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from Liberty Blitzkrieg

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