Reason on Reddit: Ask Matt Welch and Nick Gillespie Anything Tomorrow at Noon During Their Epic AMA


Admit it, you are curious about Nick Gillespie’s
favorite flavor of Pop Tart
. You want Matt Welch to dish about
his recent
interviews with Rand and Ron Paul
. You’re wondering if Somalia
really is a libertarian paradise. And you probably need some advice
about a new leather jacket you are thinking about purchasing.

Didn’t get a chance to ask those burning questions during
Ask a Libertarian
sessions? Now’s your moment.

Tomorrow at 12 noon, head over to Reddit for an epic
Reason AMA
. Editors in Chief Nick Gillespie and Matt
Welch will be there to answer all the questions the Internet can
throw at them for a couple of hours. And by “the Internet” we

The link will go live a few minutes before noon, so post early
to increase your chances of getting an answer. 

Reason’s annual Webathon is underway! Your
(tax-deductible!) gift will
Reason magazine,, and Reason TV bring the case for “Free Minds and Free
Markets” to bigger and bigger audiences. For giving levels and
associated swag, go
here now

from Hit & Run

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