Iceland Protesters Gather In Front Of Parliament Demanding PM Resignation: Live Webcast

Thousands of people are gathering in Reykjavik’s Austurvöllur square in front of the parliament building to vent their anger over the previously discussed revelations involving Prime Minister Sigmundur Davíð Gunnlaugsson and the Panama Papers. As a reminder, various local politicians have already asked for his resignation which he has refused to grant. Additionally, as Iceland Monitor writes, the PM’s words in an interview today that “It’s not like everyone is going to attend the protest,” seems to have sparked further fury.

Many shops and restaurants have put up signs that they will be closed for the duration of the protest. 

Police chief at the Reykjavik Metropolitan Police, Ásgeir Þór Ásgeirsson expects large crowds and says that the preparations are ” standard”. “We hope that the public will cooperate with us and show enough respect towards the police as not to throw things at us or to somehow make us the target of the protest.”

One early protester was arrested for throwing skyr at the house of Parliament this afternoon.

The protest started at 5 pm local time: it can be watched in real time below.

via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

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