The Crypto Wars Are Not About Terrorism: New at Reason

The FBI may have been able to unlock San Bernardino shooter Syed Rizwan Farook’s iPhone without conscripting Apple as an unwilling hacker, but that has not slowed down the government’s broader war on encrypted technologies. It didn’t take long for another tragic terrorist attack, this one in Belgium, to provide fresh rhetorical ammunition to stubborn officials in their quixotic battle against techniques that keep up safe online. 

But make no mistake, writes Andrea Castillo: the War on Crypto is not primarily about “terrorism” or “fighting crime” or “public safety” at all. Rather, these emotional hot-buttons are merely a cover to justify expansions in government power that law enforcement officials have long coveted, as leaked emails from top intelligence lawyer Robert S. Litt show. Unfortunately for the rest of us, this naked desire for unattainable power trumps the very real dangers of purposefully crippling our online security. 

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