Consolidated Currency Calculations



The FED is not made up of unintelligent clueless policy makers who have no idea what they are effecting.   They know exactly where their pre-calculated monetary programs are taking us.  After all, understanding the ramification of their monetary machinations is not rocket science.  The faltering economic and financial signs are everywhere for anyone to see that is actually looking.

To use an often sited droll analogy, they are doing “God’s work”.  Directed by a far reaching and pervasive power base derived from the merger of Multi National Corporate – Int’l Banking – SupraState interests and objectives.  A global monopolistic Goliath of insatiable voracity, which has achieved monumental control and influence over the daily economic affairs of the common man.

Most certainly, the end game is to eradicate the presently standing world’s reserve currency. he final pillar to be toppled, so as to introduce a one world currency backed by an SDR based multinational monetary regime, which will serve to further consolidate the grip on the sovereignty of man.

Clearly, to achieve this aim they need to completely destabilize the Dollar, and mark my words that IS coming.  At the end of the day, this will be yet another consolidating currency event, and nothing more.

The only remaining question is whether it will be orchestrated methodically through peaceful negotiations among the major trading nation’s central banks of the world, or violently and abruptly until the last standing military alliances are victorious…………..same as it ever was.



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via Bruno de Landevoisin

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