Cable Spikes To 3-Week Highs On Latest BREXIT Poll

With still more than a month to go until the June 23 referendum on whether to keep Britain inside the European Union, the pound is strengthening amid evidence the “leave” campaign is losing ground in the Brexit debate. Cable has spiked this morning to near 3-week highs after an opinion poll by the Evening Standard newspaper and Ipsos Mori put the “remain” camp’s lead at 18 percentage points. What is most fascinating is that while phone polls show BREMAIN now in the lead, online polls signal BREXIT still leads – perhaps indicating age-related biases.

As AP reporets, Britain is set to vote overwhelmingly to remain in the European Union, according to a poll.

The Ipsos Mori survey for the Evening Standard put Remain on 55% against 37% for Leave.


The 18-point advantage for Remain is the largest since the referendum was called for June 23.


The pollsters said there were signs of moderately Eurosceptic Conservative voters swinging towards Remain, with 60% of Tories now saying they will opt to stay in the EU.


However, these voters were also the group most likely to say they could change their minds.

And the reaction – a buying panic in cable… Is vol about to explode as every poll is now a trading signal?


However, online polls still show BREXIT leading…


But phone polls still have BREMAIN leading…


Charts: Bloomberg

via Tyler Durden

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