The Unlikely Story That A Panty Theft Sparked The Dallas Shooter’s Downfall

Exactly how Micah Johnson came to be the man who murdered five police officers in Dallas remains unsolved. Johnson, a mid-twenties man (much like Bin Laden's son), apparently had taken his love for the ladies a little too far when he was serving in the Army Reserves. The killer who "stated that he wanted to kill white people, especially white officers", as we posted, had an apparent fetish for women's panties. 

As The Daily Beast reports, Johnson was kicked out of the Army for stealing panties, returned home as a soldier who fell from grace, was exposed to Eric Garner's July murder and Michael Brown's August murder, all while trying to negotiate a deal with his lawyer regarding his panty heist. 

Johnson’s military lawyer, Bradford Glendening, says that a female corporal mentioned Victoria’s Secret underthings when she filed a sexual harassment complaint against his client. The lawyer further reports that the corporal was worried enough to seek an order of protection against Johnson and to recommend that he receive mental health treatment.


Down in Texas, Micah Johnson waited for his lawyer to work out some kind of deal with the Army. Family friend Myrtle Booker noted that along with becoming withdrawn, Johnson had developed an increased interest in firearms, as might befit a onetime panty stealer who found himself lacking.

Johnson's bad luck began shortly after the President visited Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan on a surprise visit to Johnson's group and others in 2014.

Imagine knowing that you are about to be discharged for stealing panties and now you have to help set up for a surprise pep-speech from the President.  Furthermore, imagine being in the group, with other proud soldiers surrounding you, and hearing the President say:

…I’m also here representing 300 million Americans who want to say thank you as well. (Applause.) I know sometimes when you're over here, away from home, away from family, you may not truly absorb how much the folks back home are thinking about you. So I just want you to know when it comes to supporting you and your families, the American people stand united. We support you. We are proud of you. We stand in awe of your service.

Johnson, likely very worried about what would come of his panty theft, learned in August of 2014 after arriving back in the US, that his Mesquite home, where he went to highschool and graduated in 2009, was broken into and two guns were stolen.

At this point it has become clear that the story-line being spun to the public is one focused on the details.  The people of Dallas and the rest of the world are to believe:

  • an Army Reserve recruit stole panties,
  • saw two high profile murders play out on American media,
  • felt bad in the juxtaposition of Presidential praise in the midst of a possible discharge,
  • had two guns stolen from him,
  • then turned into a Dallas sniper much like Lee Harvey Oswald.

As we highlighted just hours ago, Johnson has links to Leftist Revolutionary Groups and the Nation of Islam. As we've shown, Johnson's ties have been consciously made and clearly part of a deeper slide into a world where unapologetic calls for the murder of fireman and cops are regular propaganda.  On the African American Defense League (AADL) Facebook back, founder Dr. Mauricelm-Lei Millere wrote:

The white­man wants your blood! How many of us has he killed and enslaved? Trillions!…We need the action that makes them pay atten­tion. An eye for an eye phi­los­o­phy! Arm your­self in Fer­gu­son, Mis­souri and across Amer­ica! A life for a life!" He con­tin­ued, "Also, we must go to their com­fort­able neigh­bor­hoods and raid those stores. It is time to LOOT & BURN those stores…

At this point we're beginning to wonder if "Johnson's Panties" will be the "Benghazi Youtube Video" or the "Syrian Chemical Attacks Video" of American constitutional repression efforts. Remember, for all the talk we've heard about gun control lately, there seems to be a lack of discussion surround Attorney General Eric Holder's gun smuggling operation with the Mexican drug cartels that killed a US border agent. Those are details we need though. 

Will the average American believe the narrative of a botched panty heist sparking a downfall that dragged Johnson through sensationalized US media coverage of murder, to a home invasion, all the while feeling ashamed about his own disgrace as the US President heaps praise upon his group?

* * *

Draw your own conclusions.

via Tyler Durden

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