CNN to Host Second Town Hall With Gary Johnson and William Weld This Wednesday

CNN announced this morning that the cable network will hold another town hall discussion on Aug. 3 at 9 p.m. ET with the Libertarian Party White House ticket of former Govs. Gary Johnson and William Weld. “Johnson and Weld will address the current state of the 2016 race and the platform of the Libertarian Party in addition to fielding questions from voters,” the press release reads.

More than 900,000 households tuned into the Libertarians’ previous CNN town hall on June 23, in a highly anticipated performance that I and many other observers judged as “awkward.” Since then, the duo has been making pretty much nonstop media rounds, including at the two major-party conventions. It’s a far cry from four years ago, when Johnson was almost never included in national presidential polls, and was reduced to organizing protests begging for media coverage outside of…CNN.

Nick Gillespie and I interviewed Johnson at both the Republican National Convention and Democratic National Convention, and Gillespie interviewed Weld at the RNC. And at FreedomFest just before convention season, Gillespie interviewed both:

from Hit & Run

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