Michelle Goes On The Attack: “Candidate Actually Bragged About Sexually Assaulting Women”

First Lady Michelle Obama is back on the trail for Hillary Clinton today and delivered a speech to voters in New Hampshire that could put her high in the running for a 2017 Academy Award.  In what will no-doubt gain critical acclaim as one of the most “emotionally stirring” Hollywood epics political speeches of the season, Obama offered numerous criticisms of Trump, complete with impromptu tears, on how his words have “shaken her to her core in a way she couldn’t have predicted.”  Among other things, Obama had the following to say:

We saw this candidate actually bragging about sexually assaulting women…and I have to tell you that i can’t stop thinking about this.  It has shaken me to my core in a way that I couldn’t have predicted.”


“A Trump win would validate the humiliation of women.”


“This is not normal, this is not politics as usual.  This is disgraceful, it is intolerable.


We simply cannot endure this or expose our children to this any longer.  Now is the time for us all of us to stand up and say, ‘enough is enough.’ This has got to stop right now.”


“If we let Trump win, we are telling our kids bigotry and bullying are perfectly acceptable.”

Here are a couple of the riveting clips of the First Lady’s “emotionally stirring” speech which will undoubtedly be replayed on a continuous loop on MSNBC from now until election day. 




And here is a live feed of the full speech from New Hampshire.


Perhaps Michelle is longing for more Bush?


via http://ift.tt/2e8MlHO Tyler Durden

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