Dems Squirm On Sunday Morning Talk Shows As WikiLeaks And O’Keefe Promise More Surprises

Clinton strategist Joel Benenson was squirming in his seat for just about every second of the following interview with George Stephanopoulos this morning on ABC.  We suspect Benenson didn’t expect to be pushed quite so hard by a long-time Clinton loyalist like Stephanopoulos.  Of course, the interview came just a ABC released a poll this morning showing a 12-point national advantage for Hillary which is perhaps why Stephanopoulos feels a little more comfortable actually doing his job in an impartial way.

The interview starts out with a review of O’Keefe’s Project Veritas video exposing efforts of the DNC to incite violence at Trump rallies which prompts the following question from Stephanopoulos…

Stephanopoulos:  “This is pretty shocking stuff.  Now I know there have been questions about these O’Keefe videos in the past.  Yet, both of those operatives who were in those videos have now resigned and they did receive money from the DNC, they were subcontractors.  Isn’t this exactly the kind of behavior you all have been talking about?”

…and then the squirming begins.


Of course, Benenson resorted to the typical democrat talking points calling into question the authenticity of the Project Veritas videos, despite the resignation of the democrat operatives involved in the scandals, and the WikiLeaks emails.  The interview drew an immediate response from WikiLeaks which promptly promised a Benenson surprise:


This latest WikiLeaks warning comes after already issuing the following warnings to Tim Kaine and Donna Brazile.


Meanwhile, O’keefe has also promised to drop a new movie on Monday morning which he claims directly implicates both Hillary and Donna Brazile.


But, so far, Chris Wallace seems to have scored the best one-liner of the morning after Hillary campaign manager, Robby Mook, denied the authenticity of the WikiLeaks emails:

Mook:  “I can’t even verify any of the information that you have there.  We simply don’t have enough time as a campaign to sort through all the documents.


Wallace:  “I promise you, if these were not true, you would tell us.”


As we doubt that Benenson and Mook are avid readers of ours, we assume they missed the following email in which Bob Creamer reaches out directly to Luis Miranda, the Communications Director for the Democratic National Committee, to setup one of their “Trump Rapid Response” calls which directly confirms several comments made in the Project Veritas video and directly exposes the DNC’s involvement in efforts to incite violence at Trump rallies.

Creamer 1


And here is the video so you can easily confirm for yourself.


Should be a very interesting final sprint to November 8th.

via Tyler Durden

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