Doubt Brings ShondaLand-style Drama to CBS: New at Reason

'Doubt,' CBSNow that Shonda Rimes’ production company ShondaLand has completely engulfed and devoured ABC, the rest of television has been waiting to see who would be the next hapless, helpless mouse in the python’s ruthless jaws. Now we know: ShondaLand will soon be sucking the video marrow from the crushed bones of CBS as the ghosts of Walter Cronkite and Jed Clampett shriek from their basement refuge.

Sure, technically speaking, CBS’ new legal drama Doubt is not a ShondaLand production. But series co-creators Joan Rater and Tony Phelan, between them, have logged 14 years on the ShondaLand juggernaut Grey’s Anatomy, and star Katherine Heigl is its prodigal daughter, returned to TV after frittering away her Grey’s stardom in the whorish, un-Shondaized world of film. So go ahead, CBS, keep shouting that it’s not Shonda until the only thing we can see of you is your toes frantically wiggling as they slide down the python’s gullet. Television critic Glenn Garvin tunes in.

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