Glenn Greenwald Tells Truth About DNC: Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer Leading Collapsed Party of Shills

Glenn Greenwald appeared on Tucker Carlson Tonight on Wednesday for yet another truth bombing after The Intercept co-founder, attorney, and author penned an article on the deeply flawed DNC’s inability to cope with loss. As Greenwald and others have pointed out since the election, Democrats seem to have a major problem with introspection. I get it – admitting fault means being wrong, and for a party built upon emotionalism and condescending moralization instead of facts and common sense, being wrong strips the self-righteous DNC of the one argument they’ve built their entire platform on; we’re right because we say we are.

From Greenwald’s article:

A failed, collapsed party cannot form an effective resistance. Trump did not become president and the Republicans do not dominate virtually all levels of government because there is some sort of massive surge in enthusiasm for right-wing extremism. Quite the contrary: This all happened because the Democrats are perceived — with good reason — to be out of touch, artificial, talking points-spouting automatons who serve Wall Street, Silicon Valley, and the agenda of endless war, led by millionaires and funded by oligarchs to do the least amount possible for ordinary, powerless citizens while still keeping their votes.



via ZeroPointNow

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