Goldman Sachs and the Deep State Have Taken Over the Trump Administration

The writing is on the wall and the message is not good. Trump will likely expand the war in Syria and increase tensions with Russia. The American empire is likely to implode under Trump’s watch, as he once again betrays many of the people who voted for him.

Hillary or Trump, we’d be getting the same thing. We had no real choice, and empires don’t reform. Prepare for impact.

– From yesterday’s post: The Imperial War Machine Marches Forward Under Donald Trump

The takeover of the Trump administration by Goldman Sachs has been obvious for months now. The takeover by the deep state has taken a bit longer, hence the non-stop Russia hysteria, which was clearly intended to back him into a corner. If Trump takes military action against Syria, we’ll know for certain the deep state coup is complete.

Fortunately, some Trump supporters are starting to wake up, with former lead investigative reporter for Breitbart, Lee Stranahan, being one of them. Lee recently recored an extremely important video message, and I ask all of you to listen to it in full and share. He knocks the ball out of the park, and while I was never a Trump supporter because I felt he would act precisely like he’s acting, I applaud Trump voters willing to admit betrayal.

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from Liberty Blitzkrieg

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