Liberty Links 06/03/17

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Must Reads

Hell Is Empty And All the Hedge Fund Managers Are At The Bellagio (I hope one day I can write half as good as this person, The Concourse)

When the Left Turns on Its Own (Total insanity, The New York Times)

The Campus Mob Came for Me—and You, Professor, Could Be Next (More on the insanity above, The Wall Street Journal)

Chinese Workers “Disappeared” While Investigating Ivanka Trump Brands (Lovely, Zerohedge)

How to Lose $8k Worth of Bitcoin in 15 Minutes with Verizon and (Very disturbing, a similar thing happened to me, Medium)

Ross Ulbricht Loses His Appeal Over Conviction and Sentencing in Silk Road Case (This is so messed up, Reason)

U.S. Politics

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