Liberty Links 7/15/17

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Must Reads

Pentagon Secretly Tested Chemical Weapons on US troops. Vets Demand to Know the Cost (I have no words to describe how despicable this is, McClatchy DC)

US and UK Acting Above the Law to Support the Saudi War in Yemen (Total lawlessness, Middle East Eye)

Begala: We Should ‘Debate Whether We Should Blow Up’ Russia (If this is “the resistance” count me out, The Daily Beast)

Trump Seen Replacing Yellen at Fed with NEC’s Cohn (Goldman Sachs positioning itself for the next bailout, Reuters)

The Return of Monopoly (Another great one by Matt Stoller, The New Republic)

Don’t Fall for Amazon’s ‘Prime Day’ (The Nation)

Mark Zuckerberg Hits the Road to Meet Regular Folks—With a Few Conditions (He definitely wants to be President, The Wall Street Journal)

Visa Trying to Bribe Merchants to Stop Taking Cash (Naked Capitalism)

Twitter Guy Wants You To Think He Was This Close To Bringing Down The Trump Regime (Fame chasing fraudsters are everywhere, Deadspin)

U.S. Politics

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from Liberty Blitzkrieg

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