UK Political Circus Continues: May Spices Things Up With Cabinet Reshuffle

Described as a PR exercise by Labour (somewhat obvious in this day and age of politics, and spin), Theresa May will conduct a cabinet reshuffle which should see around a quarter of ministers ‘moved on’ to make way for fresh blood and inject some life into the government, clearly suffering in the polls due to frustration over the Brexit process as well as key issues domestically such as NHS funding.  

There are clear safe ‘seats’ in the process; Chancellor Hammond will likely remain where he is, as will David Davis in his post as Brexit minister – indeed he is set to receive some help from the introduction of a ‘No-Deal’ minister (that is how it has been branded) who will be responsible for covering all bases should EU negotiations fall flat. The official will have all privilege bar the rank of secretary of state. Hard line Brexiteers will naturally be appeased. Foreign secretary Boris Johnson is also expected to hold onto his position, as is Amber Rudd as Home Sec. 

So who is out? 


deputy Damian Green was sacked before the Christmas period, and is tipped to be replaced by Jeremy Hunt who will vacate the Health department. Patrick McLoughlin is also expected to be replaced as Tory Chairman; he a minister stretching back to the Thatcher era when he won the Wolverhampton East seat in the 1983 general election.  He was Transport Sec in 2012, moving to chairman in 2016.

Other members of the Cabinet in the line of fire are Justine Greening as Education Sec and Greg Clark in charge of Business, but these are down to conjecture at this point.  

The Prime Minister is looking to promote some of younger members of the party, and those from the fresh intake of MPs from 2015, with a focus on promoting women as well as ethnic minorities in order to refresh and clear out some of the old guard.


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